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What happened to setSkill array?

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setSkill array?


{_x setskill 1} foreach _myarray



Ah i see. Yeah, it was far more specific in ArmA, wasn't it? Never used it though. :P

Edited by ])rStrangelove

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"setSkill array" was supposed to be a command in Arma1 (not implemented) that allowed you to define the skill level for different things like spotting, shooting, leading skill, IIRC. So you could have e.g. AI that acts smart but shoots like crap.

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That was precicely what I intended to use it for, pluss commanding abilities. All without affecting the spotting abilities etc. I thought we were going to see it in Arma2 since it never came with Arma1, being 'future' all the time.

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Anyone had a chance to see if setSkill array command is there and works this time around? The Biki is a bit confusing, saw it in one list but gone in another?


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it's there.

I tested it a little bit and I think it's working:

- placed an infantry group and set the commanding-skill of the leader to 0. In a firefight the leader didn't assigned any targets to his men (with default commanding-skill he assigned about 3-5 targets in the same firefight)

- placed a unit and a few enemys in different distances (free line-of-sight) and set the spotdistance-skill of the unit to 0: units up to a distance of ~170m were spotted; after changing the spotdistance to 1 units up to ~220m were spotted and the knowsabout-level jumped up

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Thanks Master85, sounds very promising!


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