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DAC2 test config

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Here is a test config of DAC2 for some kind soul to test out please :) Although I don't have ArmA2 I did make a config that has the new class names for testing purposes.

If you use it in ArmA2, you must use unit config 10 as that's where I put the new classes. e.g. use an activation code like this:

["z1",[1,0,0,600,600],[3,4,10,5],[3,4,10,5],[3,4,10,5],[2,4,6],[0,10,0,0]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs"

(new unit config highlighted in bold)

Danka :)

If the test is successful (which you should be able to tell by looking at the map), I'll happily make a config that has all the ArmA2 classes in it, at the moment it's just the CDF units.

Edited by DMarkwick

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Just a word of warning. Any port of DAC to A2 is not allowed from what I know!

Only Silola will release a version for A2.

Completely private works is a different matter.

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Just a word of warning. Any port of DAC to A2 is not allowed from what I know!

Only Silola will release a version for A2.

Completely private works is a different matter.

Well, thanks for the warning, but it's not a port :) just a config change, which is perfectly allowed :)

If it works with just a config change, then all's good :)

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yep agreed :)

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Well, thanks for the warning, but it's not a port just a config change, which is perfectly allowed

If it works with just a config change, then all's good :)

Hey mate, long time :)

It does not work, with or without config change :eek:

We'll have to waitUntil {silola getVariable "state" == "DAC_CONVERSION"};


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Hey mate, long time :)

It does not work, with or without config change :eek:

We'll have to waitUntil {silola getVariable "state" == "DAC_CONVERSION"};



But anyway, I look forward to it.

BTW, do you have any plans to port any of the sixth_sense stuff over? I'm particularly interested in the blood, which was an excellent addition for me :)

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But anyway, I look forward to it.

BTW, do you have any plans to port any of the sixth_sense stuff over? I'm particularly interested in the blood, which was an excellent addition for me :)

Hehe thanks for your interest :)

I've made an official announcement here; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1296220#post1296220

Let's see what we can do about the blood. At least won't be needing any scripted tracers this time it seems ;)

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At least won't be needing any scripted tracers this time it seems ;)

Not so sure about that.. I kinda like the glowing/lightening the ground part of your tracer, so maybe you could figure out bis tracer to lighten up the ground also... hehe :)

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Not so sure about that.. I kinda like the glowing/lightening the ground part of your tracer, so maybe you could figure out bis tracer to lighten up the ground also... hehe :)

The "lightening the ground" part was basically done by attaching a light object to the bullet, so that should also be possible in A2. In fact, if my memory serves me correctly, the idea with the light was suggested by me. :D

*beats chest proudly*

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Well what I meant with no scripted tracers is exactly that I think we wont need scripts :D

Model/Texture/Material adjustments is IMO the only thing that might need adjusting (unless I missed something, and the tracers aren't configurable like my scripted ones were :P).

The lightsource would require it though, but maybe it can be achieved differently.

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I've made an official announcement here; http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1296220#post1296220

Sorry to hear about that mate, as you (might) know I hold your addons in particularly high regard :)

Let's see what we can do about the blood.

Well, you might remember I was the one shouting loudest for the blood addon, and when it arrived I was very, VERY happy :) it's more than just gore to me, it has a purpose & use that I still find useful.

One thing I did do, was to change the blood texture for purely aesthetic purposes:



Which I did NOT release publicly BTW :D

(BTW, did you fix the unit-not-bleeding problem? I should probably join your group but I don't do much actual online play)

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Well the withdrawel of the 6thSense.eu brand is just to split my Coop Community from my actual mod work. Ppl are trying to get support for my addons at our community forums, and things like that, just a bit clumsy that way.

The works will not disappear, they are just under different tags, or used up in other Mods.

I quit playing for nearly a year, due to busy on development, setting up dev-heaven and other things. With ArmA2 I am trying to play some nearly every day, and hopefully im able to continue to do so :) Feel free to join up. It's not required to play every day or week! :)

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Feel free to join up. It's not required to play every day or week! :)

OK will do. I joined DevHeaven yesterday (after stumbling onto it ten minutes before :D) and I expect to have ArmA2 by the beginning of next month, so I'll see you there :)

Cheers :beer:

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