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Give that AI a medal!

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Hi all

I still have not got the game. I will not succumb to Morphicon disease! :( I will wait patiently for the 505 version.

Anyway back to the subject of the post:

Does anyone have any incidents to report of the AI deserving a mention in dispatches or dare we say it a medal.

Give us your After Action Reviews (AAR) where you think the AI did really brave things.

[EDIT] If people want to comment on the AI capabilities use the other thread


This one is for AAR's. [/Edit]

It will help fill my time for the next 2 Weeks 5 days; will not succumb to Morphicon disease! :(

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker
Added pointer for AI capabilities thread to reduce offtopic posts

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Haha. You're a better man than I. I had to taste the forbidden fruit.

This will be a generic AAR to not give away any spoilers.

Trying to regroup with the main force, the team was traversing an area that was at the fringe of the AO. Spurious contacts were reported, but nothing more, so the team proceeded, fast, and close to cover (tree to tree). Contact with a 5 man team was made, they had initiative, and suppressed us. Sykes went down immediately. I tried to get their heads down, spraying auto into their concealment, 8-Ball did the same, and Scarlet ran ~50m forward to a cover position. It doesn't sound like much, but he was in the rear, and you'd have to see the volume of fire Miles and I collected, was rather impressive. Scarlet then opened up and called us forward (surprising and good). His proximity and position was good, taking down at least one enemy, and causing two to retreat - another impressive point, these guys went back the way they came and still returned fire. Miles moved up, fired, and was hit. In short order, I did the same. Scarlet and Robo were the only ones standing and functional. Robo held fast by miles and continued to fight, Scarlet went back to med Sykes. Robo went down soon after, and Scarlet was alone. He either broke away from helping Sykes, or... whatever, didn't completly finish, because he ran toward the front, and there were still 4 red 'stars' of the downed teammates. A short firefight later and he was getting 8-Ball up. 8-Ball moved forward a bit and held. Sykes, me, Robo, in that order got healed. We moved forward immediatly as 8-ball continued on with someone to back him up. Scarlet and Robo were 200m to our rear when I got the order to take down an MG unit. I had to travel ~300m to get sight, and he was waiting, looking in my direction. 2-3 bursts later and I'm down and under fire. It took about 2 min for him to get there, but Scarlet approached, as soon as he came under fire, he engaged, changed position several times, and finally got the sucker. Healed me, and the rest is just unmolested travel to the regroup point.

Scarlet deserves something, not sure what, but holy cow - that guy was lucky, aggressive, prioritized.. More. Not saying the others wern't, they had fire and manuover drill down pretty well. But the medic stood out. This was after several tries, Veteran difficulty. The AI is not to be taken lightly.

Edited by Scrub

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Was the A.i's in the mission setup to veteran skill or was the ingame settings/options setup to Veteran? Haven't buyed it yet but Im waiting for my preorder coming to me sometime this june :D

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Hi Scrub

Great AAR, sounded like you had some military experience. So the AI Retreats when threat is up that is good to know too.

I wonder if we are going to find each member of Razor has a different personality. Scarlet reminds of some one I new.

Anyway more AAR's needed, keep em comming people.

Kind regards Walker

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All i can say get a highend graphic card or it will look like shit or run like shit...

How is that an AAR? (And a 3850 is hardly a high end card these days. Works well enough, going to crossfire another for $80)

On relevance:

Commando84, I just hit 'veteran' mode for the campaign, nothing fancy. Just wanted to compare Arma 1 to Arma 2 in this arena and get ingame FAST. :p

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Hi all

I still have not got the game. I will not succumb to Morphicon disease! :( I will wait patiently for the 505 version.

Anyway back to the subject of the post:

Does anyone have any incidents to report of the AI deserving a mention in dispatches or dare we say it a medal.

Give us your After Action Reviews (AAR) where you think the AI did really brave things.

It will help fill my time for the next 2 Weeks 5 days; will not succumb to Morphicon disease! :(

Kind Regards walker

Haha, exactly the same here. I will grind my teeth together and wait for 505.

In the meantime, I wear purity rings and listen to The Jonas brothers:yay:

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I'd just like to know if the AI are still semi-retarded or do they have any self awareness... enough to know when they are being shot at or smart enough to know on their own to find cover instead of dropping in the middle of the road and doing circles. Getting the AI to react even remotely realistically before took way too much scripting. If two ai are walking down the road and I snipe one and the other just keeps walking... well that's not what I'm hoping to see.

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How is that an AAR? (And a 3850 is hardly a high end card these days. Works well enough, going to crossfire another for $80)

On relevance:

Commando84, I just hit 'veteran' mode for the campaign, nothing fancy. Just wanted to compare Arma 1 to Arma 2 in this arena and get ingame FAST. :p

thought arma doesnt support crossfire? i guess i have too high expections how a game should look like. but discussions like that arent allowed i guess on this forum, received an infraction for advising walker to get a highend card lol.

to your question: ArmA has two faces, in one situation the AI behaves quite good and in other situations (AI attacking tank with rifles) they are stupid as smörebröd.

Edited by ThePainkiller

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I'd just like to know if the AI are still semi-retarded or do they have any self awareness... enough to know when they are being shot at or smart enough to know on their own to find cover instead of dropping in the middle of the road and doing circles. Getting the AI to react even remotely realistically before took way too much scripting. If two ai are walking down the road and I snipe one and the other just keeps walking... well that's not what I'm hoping to see.

In smaller missions such as the SP ones included I see very little to none of that sort of moronic behaviour. Matter fact, I've seen a lot of enemies deciding to haul a$$ when under threat which is cool. Larger missions seem to have more issues with AI but overall much better than anything I've played in this genre. Always could be better though, eh...?

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Larger missions seem to have more issues with AI

Could you elaborate, please?

Anyways, cool thread. :)

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In smaller missions such as the SP ones included I see very little to none of that sort of moronic behaviour. Matter fact, I've seen a lot of enemies deciding to haul a$$ when under threat which is cool. Larger missions seem to have more issues with AI but overall much better than anything I've played in this genre. Always could be better though, eh...?

Good to hear and sorry to take this thread in a slightly different direction.

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Could you elaborate, please?

Anyways, cool thread. :)

Well I wish I could answer you in more concrete terms but the fact is it's really hard to quanitfy. If I didn't have the game, trust me, I would be just like you trying to get an absolute picture of the AI in my head.

So I just loaded up Warfare to really just keep an eye on the other friendly squads, and they're were doing better than I had previously thought. After they captured the first airfield, a bunch of hooligans showed up in pickups with Mg's on top. Watching the friendly squads, some broke to the woods on the hill for cover while others seemed to really hug the dividing wall and wait. It was actually damn impressive! I have to say agin that the AI driving in Warfare looks pretty bad at this point though.

I'll keep testing and let you know after I feel confident in stating that larger AI forces act any different. Another point is I finally got my FPS up to mid 40's, so that may have had an effect as last time I tried Warfare they were in the high teens to low 20's.

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