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Digital purchase (download)?

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Last time I bought ArmA off sprocketidea.com, worked pretty smoothly. So I'm wondering if ArmA2 will be availible for digital purchase aswell, and on what sites this time?

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It has just appeared on Steam for release in the US on the 26th, and I guess for some strange reason, on the 30th for UK releases though the hardcopy UK release is the 19th. Does anyone else find these dates amusing?

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Last time I bought ArmA off sprocketidea.com, worked pretty smoothly. So I'm wondering if ArmA2 will be availible for digital purchase aswell, and on what sites this time?

I purchased ArmA 2 off of Peter Games as a digital download. They wouldn't send me the CD key until I emailed their customer support about it.

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Last time I bought ArmA off sprocketidea.com, worked pretty smoothly. So I'm wondering if ArmA2 will be availible for digital purchase aswell, and on what sites this time?

Metaboli/Peter Games for German version now.

Sprocket for EU version mid June.

Steam for EU/US version end of June.

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I purchased ArmA 2 off of Peter Games as a digital download. They wouldn't send me the CD key until I emailed their customer support about it.

Quite expensive. I saw it cheaper on DVD. 29€

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Same goes for steam, I can pre-order it for 47,99€ and it will be unlocked on 30.6.2009. OR, i can pre-order it from an e-shop, for 35,99€ and get it on 17.6. . I would really like to know what exactly is the advantage of buying it from Steam. So far I can see only disadvantages, its more expensive, you will get it 2 weeks later and you will not get box/manual/DVD.

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I'm purchasing it as a hard copy from amazon.co.uk, normal price and release date 19th :)

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Same goes for steam, I can pre-order it for 47,99€ and it will be unlocked on 30.6.2009. OR, i can pre-order it from an e-shop, for 35,99€ and get it on 17.6. . I would really like to know what exactly is the advantage of buying it from Steam. So far I can see only disadvantages, its more expensive, you will get it 2 weeks later and you will not get box/manual/DVD.

no need to use the disc. that's about it.

game costs €37 in stores in Sweden. Steam price €48. Not difficult to figure out which version I'm buying

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Well, yea I know you will not get the disc, but, why is it more expensive? I mean, They dont have to print manual, they dont have to copy all those DVDs, they dont have to pack and send it, they just let you download a few GBs of date, its not worth those 12€ for sure. I dont really care about it because I already preordered my copy from e-shop, I am just curious why does it cost so much.

EDIT: Another thing is the Activate product on steam function, which just lets you activate your game on steam using your CDKey(I dont know if it works for arma 2, but it should), which makes purchasing through Steam completely useless, because you get the box and the ability to download the game anywhere for less money

Edited by Laky

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It has just appeared on Steam for release in the US on the 26th, and I guess for some strange reason, on the 30th for UK releases though the hardcopy UK release is the 19th. Does anyone else find these dates amusing?


Im in the UK and pre-ordered off STEAM, my cancel though as a near 2 week wait AFTER it hits retail seems a little silly.

Nobody seems to know why either :confused:

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