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ArmA 2 German Release Thread

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Oh i already played a bit as i had mine on Thursday already and even unpatched i had lots of good fun with it but i didnt play the campaign so far so maybe thats why im still happy.

The beta patch is out and i just wanna play, somehow i didnt find a feedback thread for it yet, or am i just blind?

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Bad performance in the forest. Did you ever drive into Chernogorsk ? I have average FPS between 35-45, but driving into Chernogorsk or other cities the frames drop neraly to zero. When you respawn within city limits you have to wait for some secs in order to recover the graphics....

Setting model and (to a lesser extent) terrain detail to low can vastly improve performance in towns.

With model and terrain detail on very high I get about 15 fps average in Chernogorsk. With both on low I get 30-40 fps. Try it. :)

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The beta patch is out and i just wanna play, somehow i didnt find a feedback thread for it yet, or am i just blind?

Hmm good point, for now this existing thread can suffice, I'll add 1.01 into the title, if there's enough room ;) Of course when there's more versions out we can go back to the routine of a pinned feedback thread per patch :)

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Setting model and (to a lesser extent) terrain detail to low can vastly improve performance in towns.

With model and terrain detail on very high I get about 15 fps average in Chernogorsk. With both on low I get 30-40 fps. Try it. :)

Sure, you can set everything to low, decrease the viewdistance to 500m and the fillrate to 50%. But as a matter of fact decreasing the settings has an impact on the entire scenery, not only within cities.

In my opinion an actual game should be playable on an actual systems....independantly where you are on the map.

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Finally! received my order from amazon.de today.

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Sure, you can set everything to low, decrease the viewdistance to 500m and the fillrate to 50%. But as a matter of fact decreasing the settings has an impact on the entire scenery, not only within cities.

Hyperbole much?

I explained this in the impressions thread yesterday:

My settings

Comparison screenshots

With 2500m view distance and almost everything on very high I can play the game extremely well. I think that's perfectly okay performance for my system. So I have to set model details to low. Boo hoo. The only really visible distance is "less grass" and I can live with that until they optimize performance. Also proper Antialiasing would be a nice touch, because a fillrate above 100% kills too much performance.

In my opinion an actual game should be playable on an actual systems....independantly where you are on the map.

There's no reason a current game shouldn't be made so that future hardware can squeeze a little bit more from it. Having a $500 gfx card and a $1000 CPU doesn't "entitle" you to be able to set everything on ultra high.

Edited by MadDogX

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There's no reason a current game shouldn't be made so that future hardware can squeeze a little bit more from it. Having a $500 gfx card and a $1000 CPU doesn't "entitle" you to be able to set everything on ultra high.

Well said, I wish many of the nay-sayers on the forums would wise up to that.

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Sorry, I haven't seen you previous thread. Thanks a lot for the links. I will give it a try today as you also tested a GTX285 and my card is more or less close to it.

As for the hardware; I said playable, not perfect. Fully agree that the performace range should always open up for coming hardware, but I was very optimistic that a new graphic enginge and multicore support will boost ArmA 2, compared with ArmA 1.

I was more than disapointed to see the meanwhile obsolete engine, polished with cheap effects in order to present great looking screenshots. But even more I'm upset that obviously the all game performance suffers a lot .....:(


P.S.: .....no I do not regret anything :D

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Can anyone say if after the release of the 505 version or a certain patch the German version will be in German and in English?

Or inverted, will the 505 game have a German translation apart from being in English?


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Was said a few times here and comes from the Devs:

All versions should be unified after the 505 Versions is released by the next patch so german versions will have english and the other way around.

Was like that in ArmA and will not differ in ArmA2 i think.

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Was said a few times here and comes from the Devs:

All versions should be unified after the 505 Versions is released by the next patch so german versions will have english and the other way around.

Was like that in ArmA and will not differ in ArmA2 i think.

Sounds good!

Didn't want to look through more than 30 pages, thanks!

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