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Ludovico Technique

Working With Warface 1.1.8a

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Lo folks, I'm wanting to modify Warface 118a and I'm wondering how doable this is. I want to mod Warface because it's the best version of Warfare I've played with the ACE mod, so it seems a better starting point than the basic Warfare mission.

What I'm wanting to do is as follows, and I'm wondering if you folks could kindly let me know how doable, or not, it might be and what would be involved:

1. Put option back in for choosing the start time for the mission. As an aside on this maybe also put the artillery back in, dunno about this though it might be harder than it sounds.

2. Move the mission to the Afghan village map.

3. Replace the RACS troops with ACE Iraqi Army troops.

4. Replace the Opfor with ACE Insurgents. This means removing almost all their vehicles and so on.

5. Scale down the weaponry available to the Bluefor, possibly swap their units to being some British troops I've got.

Ultimately what I want is a version of Warface that is to be played as a co-operative game. The Blueforce will have limited numbers and equipment due to the cost of their units and a lot of things will simply not be available to them. The Opfor will have a lot more troops but more of a zerg approach. The intent is create a sort of sense of an infantry platoon fighting an insurgent force that is perhaps company size or bigger. It doesn't need to be a fair fight, as it's hoped to be more about a fun game than a fair and competitive one.

My experience of playing Warface on the Afghan map you see is that it starts as a brilliantly intense infantry and light vehicle battle, then becomes a game of hot tank on tank action with the occasional Cobra and Black Shark popping up to contribute from time to time. I want it to stay as an infantry fight, and I figure why not make it insurgent infantry too.

I'm hoping this all shouldn't be terribly hard to do, because really I'm trying to strategically remove elements from the game, not add them.

Any thoughts on how I might go about doing these things and how difficult it would be? All help much appreciated.

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Lo folks, I'm wanting to modify Warface 118a and I'm wondering how doable this is. I want to mod Warface because it's the best version of Warfare I've played with the ACE mod, so it seems a better starting point than the basic Warfare mission.

What I'm wanting to do is as follows, and I'm wondering if you folks could kindly let me know how doable, or not, it might be and what would be involved:

Alright, here we go: :)

1. Put option back in for choosing the start time for the mission. As an aside on this maybe also put the artillery back in, dunno about this though it might be harder than it sounds.

Starting time was never in as far as I'm aware, not in the basic Warfare 1.1 that is. Shouldn't be hard to put in, just expand the options in Description.ext (valuesParam1 and textsParam1, or valuesParam2 and textsParam2) then use skipTime in InitMission.sqf to get to the desired starting time.

Artillery is easy, in InitMission.sqf change enableArtillery = false to enableArtillery = true (line 34).

2. Move the mission to the Afghan village map.

There is an Afghan Village version of an older version (WACO v1.1.7), check the Warfare Cooperative (WACO, the precursor to Warface) thread in this forum.

3. Replace the RACS troops with ACE Iraqi Army troops.

Replace the RACS troops in Common\Config\Config_Barracks.sqs with ACE Iraqi Army types. The names/types of the RACS troops start with G. If you replace only the entries of the _u array, the changes will propagate to the rest of the mission scripting automatically. You can change the vehicles used by RACS and team composition in Server\Config\Config_Resistance.sqs.

4. Replace the Opfor with ACE Insurgents. This means removing almost all their vehicles and so on.

You will need to change Common\Config\Config_Barracks.sqs, Common\Config\Config_LightFactory.sqs, Common\Config\Config_HeavyFactory.sqs, Common\Config\Config_AircraftFactory.sqs and Common\Config\Config_Airport.sqs to change all the OPFOR unit types. You also need to adapt Common\Config\Config_AITeams.sqs to have the OPFOR teams use the correct units, especially vehicles. Again, in the Config files, only change the _u arrays, leave the _v arrays intact and the units will be used throughout the mission.

Also, you need to change mission.sqm itself to change the OPFOR starting units to insurgents.

5. Scale down the weaponry available to the Bluefor, possibly swap their units to being some British troops I've got.

All weapons and ammo for the gear menu are defined in Common\Config\Config_Loadouts.sqs. Change the units in the same files as for OPFOR.

Ultimately what I want is a version of Warface that is to be played as a co-operative game. The Blueforce will have limited numbers and equipment due to the cost of their units and a lot of things will simply not be available to them. The Opfor will have a lot more troops but more of a zerg approach. The intent is create a sort of sense of an infantry platoon fighting an insurgent force that is perhaps company size or bigger. It doesn't need to be a fair fight, as it's hoped to be more about a fun game than a fair and competitive one.

Sounds nice. You should also check out the missions Seize Zones AFGHAN'85 and AFGHAN'08 by stiff, they strongly resemble what you want (but for single player). You can find them in the User Missions forum.

My experience of playing Warface on the Afghan map you see is that it starts as a brilliantly intense infantry and light vehicle battle, then becomes a game of hot tank on tank action with the occasional Cobra and Black Shark popping up to contribute from time to time. I want it to stay as an infantry fight, and I figure why not make it insurgent infantry too.

I'm hoping this all shouldn't be terribly hard to do, because really I'm trying to strategically remove elements from the game, not add them.

Any thoughts on how I might go about doing these things and how difficult it would be? All help much appreciated.

What you can do as well is make all tanks and aircraft extremely expensive, and reduce the number of AI teams that use them.


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When I am running this version on the Dedi Server I see these errors repeatably can you tell me what is causing them? I only have your mission and ACE Addon.

Server: Object 3:5 not found (message updateDamageObject)

Server: Object 3:8 not found (message updateDamageVehicleAI)

Server: Object 3:9 not found (message updateDamageObject)

Server: Object 3:10 not found (message updateDamageObject)

Server: Object 3:11 not found (message updateDamageObject)

on and on and on

Eventually Server will crash ARMA

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Hi there Ludovico Technique,

I'm relatively new to the boards here, but I found myself in a position similar to yours when a friend and I wanted to run a Warface 1.8 night mission.

If you go into 'InitMission.sqf' and look about 30 lines down, you'll see:

nightMission = false;

Change that property to true, and your mission will begin at 18:30 hours. You'll have about 1hr to get your base set up and capture a couple of cities before it's time for NVGs. You still won't be able to pick the specific time, but you can save a night mission version of your favorite edited map.

If you're going to do this, though, I'd recommend editing 'Config_Loadouts.sqs' and throwing some night vision goggles in the default loadout. Nothing sucks more than groping around in the dark looking for your dead squadmate's goggles. While under fire.

For Artillery, the line to enable it can be found 3 lines down from the night mission setting:

enableArtillery = false;

Hope this helps a bit.

Edited by Bandito
forgot Artillery option

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To add NVGs to the default/starter weapon kit, crack open \Common\Config\Config_Loadouts.sqs and go about halfway down. Look for:

westDefaultWeapons =

westDefaultAmmo =

Just before the ;EAST LOADOUTS section. At the end of the Weapons line, you should see WestSecondaryWeapons Select BINOCULARTYPE,

after that, just add WestSecondaryWeapons Select NVGOGGLESTYPE, (before the bracket)

scroll down to the end of the file and do the same for East, and you're set.


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Cheers folks, you're heroes of the revolution. I'm miles off being able to craft missions on a par with anything like this, so all the help I can get is massively appreciated. I feel a bit like a gibbon trying to tune a racing car. :D

Regarding the version of Warface in the Afghan map, I've given it a spin but I was hoping to get 1.118a to work there, as we'd used the earlier one and had a couple of bugs, for instance the player-vacating a spot causing the AI to go passive error.

Is there a way to fix the Afghan version of warface using the improvements from the 1.118a version, maybe chop and swap files over?

Edited to add, I'm a massive nubcake, could somebody please explain the process for adding time and possibly weather selection to the start of the mission in a bit of detail? I'm currently searching to find it elsewhere but unfortunately searching for 'time' 'mission' 'select' and other such words is a bit like looking for specific bits of hay in a haystack, being as those terms come up in reference to all manner of topics.

Edited by Ludovico Technique

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They say if you put a monkey behind a typewriter and you wait long enough, he will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare ;-) Just kidding with you. I've been working with Warfare for over a year and I still feek like a monkey sometimes.

Updating the Afghan mission shouldn't be too hard to do. I know that the author has tweaked some files apart from the mission.sqm, to account for the smaller distances in the Afghan Village. Also, he put in insurgents and Iraqis. If you used a diff tool (like WinMerge) to compare the Afghan village version with the normal WACO version you would be able to see the differences. I'll try to help out later.


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Cool, just found that the guy who ported WACO to Afghan village left a nice text file that describes what he did. Here it is:

List of changes made to WACO 1.1.7 ACE. (Bhaz)





- Changed west units from woodland to desert camo

- East units changed to Republican Guard

- Resistance changed to various Insurg. units


- M1A1 and M1A2 -> Desert models




- Param1, seperation distances changed from:

3000+, 2000-4000, 1500-3000 - 1000-2000


2000+, 1500-3000, 1000-2000, 800-1800


- Switched west group leaders to desert camo

- Switched east group leaders to Iraq RG


- Distance values to match param1

So, get Warface 1.1.8a, put in the mission.sqm from WACO 1.1.7 Afghan village, and do changes listed above and you should be set.


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Cool, just found that the guy who ported WACO to Afghan village left a nice text file that describes what he did. Here it is:

List of changes made to WACO 1.1.7 ACE. (Bhaz)





- Changed west units from woodland to desert camo

- East units changed to Republican Guard

- Resistance changed to various Insurg. units


- M1A1 and M1A2 -> Desert models




- Param1, seperation distances changed from:

3000+, 2000-4000, 1500-3000 - 1000-2000


2000+, 1500-3000, 1000-2000, 800-1800


- Switched west group leaders to desert camo

- Switched east group leaders to Iraq RG


- Distance values to match param1

So, get Warface 1.1.8a, put in the mission.sqm from WACO 1.1.7 Afghan village, and do changes listed above and you should be set.


Awesome cheers matey :D

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I was wondering what all would I have to do to make the distance options in Vanilla Warfare 1.2?

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