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XGS Che Guevara

ArmA2 Gameplay For XB360

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Hi, welcome to the forums! :)

Now EVERYONE (including me) will beat you to death if ya don't look out in the future. :) Look at the list of stickys, see the Xbox thread? Yea, use it to discuss the potential Xbox360 version, or.. follow the press thread (where all new news information gets posted by the community as they spot it), now this video has been talked about already and this is old news. This website might help you keep up to date if you haven't been following it as closely as we have.

www.armaholic.com and simply click the Arma2 Tab.

..or simply visit the extended link here:


Edited by Victor

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Back to Codemaster's site with you, shew, shew!

You are infected now ! :D (no more pure A2 PC) :p

p.s. there is a X360 thread on stickies......

Edited by Viiiper
added ps

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You guys were a little hard on the youngest. lol you know more and more little boys from OFPDR will be coming to us lets be a little nicer and help them understand what this game is and what BOHEMAI has done to make a game like this.

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You guys do know that there is a cursor in the video, right? This viral delusion needs to stop.

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the 360 buttons are to change camera view if u look closely for playback of game footage I swear I havent seen that in a PC game before *Sarcasm*

Its PC just someone using a Controller why dunno

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Xbox360 sucks anyways.

Consider yourself warned.

Closing, there is an existing sticky xbox thread everyone can use.

Looks like there is no other way than giving an infraction each time another Xbox thread has been opened.

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