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Looking for intelligent casual gamers

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Hey there!

I'm looking for casual players to join my friends and me in our (usually spontaneous) ArmA coop escapades. We guys are from England, Czech Republic and Germany and would be rather happy to get more like-minded squad members for a coop or two. We play in "realistic" settings (no crosshair, no scoreboard). Due to our small numbers we usually go for straight-forward yet challenging single-task coop missions such as this.

The only requirement is your own copy of ArmA with the latest version of A.C.E. installed.

There's no obligations and no official "joining the group" procedure. Just add me in ICQ or write me a personal message in this forum if you are interested.

PS: Erhm, to clarify: I posted this in "Multiplayer" as it's not really a "squad" recruitment. We accept any smart team players for a quick coop game regardless of their current affiliations. If a mod thinks this is better off in the ArmA - SQUADS AND FANPAGES section, then sorry for the fuss!

PPS: I created a group for casual ArmA players. Feel free to join and post your games and mission events for pick-up-groups or select individual players.

Edited by The.D

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Sounds like a nice initiative and something i would be interested in now and then. My preference is mature teamwork plus fun, and i have some friend(s) on the same level that surely will join when and if there is room.

I will be available from tomorrow afternoon to when we decide to stop or i get a heartfailure. :D Will contact you tomorrow and take it from there.



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Haha, that's exactly the reply I was hoping for! :-)

Cheers, Alex - I'm looking forward to a challenging coop!

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I would love to join with you, but I'm a liability for now. I can barely complete missions on Regular.

It just takes me way too long to get my gun on target, by then I'm usually shot to death.

Practice practice!

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Sign up here. :-)

draeath, don't worry about playing "skills". This isn't Battlefield or Counter Strike. What counts is a mature mind, prudential procedure and, above all, teamplay. You are very welcome to join us for a game.

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Likewise guys, you are all very welcome to come play some great CoOp missions at TacticalGamer.com

Everyone wlecome. Check my thread in the Fan pages section for more info.



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I'm interested, I only know English and I'm kind of young but if you'll take me I'm all in.

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"Maturity" is really more a matter one's personal mental development than mere physical age. I don't think I have to give any examples.

So, yeah, you are very welcome indeed, usmc123!

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Feel free to drop by LOL anytime as it sounds like your cup of tea ;)

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"Maturity" is really more a matter one's personal mental development than mere physical age. I don't think I have to give any examples.

So, yeah, you are very welcome indeed, usmc123!

Thanks, so what's the deal? How will games be arranged?

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If you are up for a game look in the "Mission planning and team roster" section if any games are being planned. If you want to make your own server and want to "advertise" it post a short description in there yourself.

You can also check out Alex' "I want to play!" thread and see if a game gets organized. We are only 19 members at this time but with more and more people joining there should always be a core group or available squad members, even in different time zones.

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