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Making an AI unit... suck.

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Copy paste this in the init line of the soldier you want to miss everything he is shooting at :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

this addeventhandler ["fired","deletevehicle (nearestObject [(_this select 0),(_this select 4)])"]

And such soldier will never hit anything despite it is desesperately trying (each bullets being deleted as soon as they are created wink_o.gif )

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For Movie Sequences, so they would be less likely to defeat the "favored ones" if you know what I am saying. wink_o.gif

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Hi AgentJonathan

I'm pretty new to this but, I suspect you'd place something like an invisible H near the soldiers and get the enemy to fire at that.

better yet, get 3 or 4 invisible H's near your troops then write a little script like this:

enemy1 dotarget h1
enemy2 dotarget h2
enemy3 dotarget h3
enemy4 dotarget h4
enemy1 dofire h1
enemy2 dofire h2
enemy3 dofire h3
enemy4 dofire h4

you could allways mis it up a bit, lengthen the script and make different enemys shoot different targets so they're not just stood firing at the same piece of earth all the time.

Hope this helps.


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