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Cheers bis    i still luv ya..

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damn whats all this talk about boycotting the addons and the bitching about bis and oxygen release etc.

From the time of the demo, i was watching the calender for the release date of the full game, and when it arrived i was hoooked.

I bought the game around a year ago and can safely say that out of all the games that i played i keep coming back to ofp, not many games have the capability of drawing people back to them. I can spend a half hour or 5 hours playing missions, campaigns etc.

I hear of the new addon releases or campaigns and its like waiting for the best game being rereleased ( my only gripe is i would like to see more campaigns made)

The folks in ofp forums are amongst the best forum members ive come across in all my gaming time online, people, who have all got one thing in common that i think we tend to forget "OFP"

As with bugs i tend not to really notice the less obvious ones such as a grendade not exploding at the right time, so fu**ing what as long as it blows and does its job i dont give a shit whether its a whole second out from the real thing.

And also a word to the modellers etc, again of all the games ive played, ive never ever seen such an amount of dedication and work put into the game by individuals i know in here and on irc channels. (it even got me so interested that i downloaded gmax to play about and start learning (not well tho)).

I already thanked bis for a great game and i will thank them again. CHEERS FOLKS this game rocks and i doubt there will be anything like it for some time yet.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ Mar. 04 2002,12:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The folks in ofp forums are amongst the best forum members ive come across in all my gaming time online<span id='postcolor'>


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Yeah, you said it dude biggrin.gif

Most of the time, when a game comes out one or two patches come out to fix bugs. No addons are created most of the time. The people from BIS make loads of patches and addons, so they are the best. I wish more softwarehouses would make a lot of addons to their good games. That makes the game last longer. For now i have finished Deus Ex for the 6th time. Now i think it is enough. But their are no addons so i will probably not play it much more. When Deus Ex 2 comes out i wil play that one. But the first will be forgotten. Only my Avatar reminds of something that was great. But OFP will get a shitload of addons and nice things and it gets better all the time.

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I have been playing first person shooters for years and OFP is the best by far . the best thing about it is I get killed nearly everytime I sit down for a session. This game is no pushover, It forces you to think and think quickly. To all the knockers if you can make a better game Do It and we will all switch To It. wink.gif

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OFP is no shooter, it is a tactical simulation thing. When u want a shooter, i would recommend Deus Ex. It is the best first Person shooter available. It has a lot of RPG elements in it, and i finished it 6 times, and everytime was different. The AI is great, and there are tons of NPC's to interact with. You can do almost anything in the game, from buying cigarettes and soda to hacking in a computer. You can even hack a cashmachine to steal money.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Gorgi Knootewoot @ Mar. 04 2002,13:23)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">OFP is no shooter, it is a tactical simulation thing. When u want a shooter, i would recommend Deus Ex. It is the best first Person shooter available. It has a lot of RPG elements in it, and i finished it 6 times, and everytime was different. The AI is great, and there are tons of NPC's to interact with. You can do almost anything in the game, from buying cigarettes and soda to hacking in a computer. You can even hack a cashmachine to steal money.<span id='postcolor'>

System Shock 1 is still better biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ Mar. 04 2002,12:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The folks in ofp forums are amongst the best forum members ive come across in all my gaming time online<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (R. Gerschwarzenge @ Mar. 04 2002,12:46)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">System Shock 1 & 2 are one of the best games ever.<span id='postcolor'>

Not true. The best game ever is OFP. tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ Mar. 04 2002,11:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The folks in ofp forums are amongst the best forum members ive come across in all my gaming time online<span id='postcolor'>

**Shucks** satisfied.gif I do make this place allot more exciting.

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I didn't play System Shock but I must agree with Knootewoot Deus Ex is really great, sneak is the keyword wink.gif

Hey Knootewoot, do you know Guybrush? j/k

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IMHO BIS made a major PR goof in stating they were going to release the tools to the general public at a certain time and then going back on their word one or two days from that time. I understand why people were upset, heck I too was looking forwards to messing around with Oxygen during my spring break...however, people have been showing way too much hostility to the creators of what I think is the best damn game I've ever played.

A lot of us in these forums have been bawling and crying about it like spoiled brats who didn't get that shinny new toy. Jeez...first of all...there's that Russian team working on their unnoficial editors, which should be completed soon and from what i've seen show lots of promise, and second....BIS themselves have said they will eventually give us all their goodies, so have some patience & stop whinning. If you REALLY want the tools NOW, get organized, start a website, build some models to show off in some other 3d tool.

I know if I was on BIS's staff and I read some of the crap being spewed on these forums, I would have no motivation in trying to improve this game/support it's comunity...and from the amount of patches that have been released since v1.0, it is very clear BIS is committed to OFP and us, the players. So, before I write a post long enough to require a title page, I want to say thank you once again to BIS, and to all those who are boycotting any new addons and predicting that the lack of editing tools at this instant will bring around the demise of OFP, I just want to say, don't go away angry, just go the F*&ck away.

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Great post Tovarish and I agree with you 100% on each and every comment but do you think you could resize that sig? confused.gif

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Just to add my opinion biggrin.gif When playing system shock 2 for the first time when you've been up late and you see a cute little monkey you go "hey look its a cute little monkey". Then when it starts with the crazy electric crap you think your going insane and you turn off your computer to get a goods nights sleep and see a doctor before coming back to play.

Now thats a good game! biggrin.gif

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Quote (Hilandor @ Mar. 04 2002,11:44)

The folks in ofp forums are amongst the best forum members ive come across in all my gaming time online

Yup!!!!! I agree, I learned alot from these forums and had some good laugh after reading hilarious army jokes!

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Well put Hilandor. I couldn't agree more. No game has the playability or staff dedication that OFP does. The folks at BIS are the best out there. Why?, becasue they give a crap, thats why.

When we report bugs, they are kind enough to fix them. They don't have to but they do anyway.

I dare anyone here to name a company as dedicated to one game as BIS is.

To all those whiners out there: Quit your Bitching! (Constructive Criticism is fine though biggrin.gif )


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Thankyou BIS/Codemasters/etc...

Awsome game, I'm still new so I just ignore all the mod hype since I'm still trying to complete the campaign. Whenever I do finish with a good score/rank then I'll look into mods,etc... but the way I play each mission(over and over) it'll probably be a while...

Thanx again!

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Mohamz @ Mar. 05 2002,00:49)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I didn't play System Shock but I must agree with Knootewoot Deus Ex is really great, sneak is the keyword  wink.gif

Hey Knootewoot, do you know Guybrush? j/k<span id='postcolor'>

Guybrush? Isn't that that wanna be pirate from Monkey Island?

I like System shock also, but Deus Ex is the best game ever tounge.gif

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How does Guybrush fit in Operation Flashpoint or Deus Ex confused.gif

Does he live on one of the southern east islands? Can you find him in the bar mission on the end of the original campaign? tounge.gif

But Hilandor, you are right! Operation Flashpoint is the best game ever so far and the support from BIS is without concurrence.

My only wish is also, I had a few more campaigns sad.gif

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Every time you launch OFP it´s like coming home, right. You have been playing other games for a while, Deus Ex, Monkey Island, jet sims, McRae, adventures.. but every time you go back into the world of OFP it feels like it´s been there all the time, waiting for you to come back. Or something like that.

I still wish to see lots of movement because those huge islands seem somewhat static without trees waving in the wind, animals (or just birds in the air) and such. But if those islands were crowded, forget about playing it on anything than supercomputers.

Until then, I will always enjoy OFP as it is, and the latest news about regarding patches and development tools (to a few MOD teams, that is) is very promising - and I will stay with OFP for as long as I like it. If you know someone not into gaming at all, try putting them in front of your computer and let them drive any vehicle around on Everon or Malden, even better if you have added civilian traffic and people. Take them to a mountaintop to see the sun go down in the ocean or let them see a sunrise.

Most of the times they´ll love it biggrin.gif and it clearly shows OFP is not just about war, you can make incredible things with the game engine.

Remember Falcon 4.0? This is the same thing, the community picks up again after a while, making the game better.

This is just my opinion, though, don´t mind an idiot like me.


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Anyway who would resist to not download one of a new free addon like, a Mh-6 or Uh-1, no one would boycott that

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God bless BIS for making such an awesome game and continuing to support it the way that they do. smile.gif

I have never seen any company release so many patches to improve upon the quality of the game and frequently check their boards to see what problems their customers are having.

Really a first rate software development company!

Now my complaints... smile.gif

Can you guys put in a join in progress option for multiplayer? Can you guys stop the bouncing tanks? How about a way to lean around corners for soldiers? Can you put a distance power meter on grenades like in games such as Sierra's Swat 3 and Redstorm's Urban Operations? Okay, that's all I want. Thanks! biggrin.gif (you guys are still great, even if I don't get my wishes granted). biggrin.gif

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