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UH-60 Cargolifter & UH-60 Medevachttp://img175.ima

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**UPDATE** 09.06.2008

UH-60 "Blackhawk" Medevac & Cargolifter Version 1.1 released on armaholic.com

Addon created by Myke.

Models and base textures by BIS.

mando_hitch script by Mandoble.

Features Medevac:

- Healing capabilities

- Animated Cargodoors (automatic)

- removed seats and added stretcher

- Adjusted texture (added red cross)

- Map icon for easy identifying

- Command bar icon

Features Cargolifter:

- Lifting capabilities (mando hitch 1.5)

- Removed seats in cargo space (max lifting performance)

- Adjusted texture

- Map icon for easy identifying

- Command bar icon

The mando hitch is set to make Cargolifter capable to lift everything except armored and air. For further informations about to change mando_hitch settings or how to add other choppers to the airlift script, please refer to mando_hitch_readme.txt.


UH-60 Medevac: GLT_UH60_MEDEVAC



UH-60 Cargolifter: GLT_UH60_CARGO



Version 1.1


- added Grey Version to both variants

- added Desert Version to both variants

Version 1.01


- removed Extended Eventhandler depencies

- new HUD icons cross & circle

Version 1.0


- Initial release

Version 0.1


- Alpha release

Known bugs


If Cargo types that are declared as Heavy Cargo (mando_hitch_types_heavy) inherits from class that is declared as general cargo (mando_hitch_types), also choppers which aren't declared as heavy Transports (mando_hitch_heavies) can hitch those cargo.

So if in exemple you declare "LandVehicles" as cargo and "Tank" as heavy cargo, a M1Abrams can be hitched by all Cargo Choppers.

Will be fixed when we introduce the CH-47 Heavy Cargolifter.



UH-60 Model and Texture: Bohemia Interactive

mando_hitch 1.5 with kind permission of Mandoble. Awesome work as usual, mate.

Thanks to:

Maddmatt, Synide, Q, dengibtsschon and T_D from the BI Forums for theyr help.

To Armaholic Forum: LINK





Download mirrors:

armaholic.com (Version 1.1)

ePrison.de (Version 1.1)

NOTE to Mod or admin: something went wrong while copy/past. Can topic title please be edited and "http://img175.ima" be removed?

Much appreciated

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glad to see some good and useful scripts incorporated to an addon

downloading, thanks

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hey Myke , do you dare to make a seahawk version with mando helitorpedo scripts incorporated so it can hunt sea targets and submarines ? just asking ..

btw , great work with those choppers

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well, i've just started with addonmaking. This one took me a few days to complete where an more experienced addonmake would have done it in a few hours.

I will take a look at it but can't promise anything. Also depends on what Claninternal is asked for. biggrin_o.gif

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what objects can the cargo lifter carry? cars, trucks? Can it lift up barrels and such too?

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Actually it is set to carry all sorts of Landvehicle, Ships, Ammoboxes and Static weapons.

But it is possible to change the settings to mission needs.

We will check if we can extend it to Containers and/or barrels.

Might be an idea for an addition: Weapon Container.

Actually we're working on a CH-47 as heavy cargo lifter so we split it that UH-60 can carry Cars, Trucks, Ammoboxes and Static Weapons but no armored vehicles. This will be the part for the CH-47.

We've just started with editing the CH-47, where we got kind permission of AfrographX to use his model and adapt it to our needs. It still needs a lot of work so don't count too soon with it.

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I'm just started to learn model adaption (wouldn't call it modelling right now as it is more likey copy/past, move and rotate) and texturing.

Just finished a grey and desert Version and i'm uploading it while i type this here.

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