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wounded animation scripts and other scripts help!

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Im looking for an animation file or a scrpt or somthing for a bunch of wounded civilians who have just had an a-bomb dropped on their town, so im looking for people staggering around with their hands over theirs eyes blinded.

also when ever I drop an a nuke the smoke clears after a few seconds is there a script that could continuous produce smoke or fire?

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Quote[/b] ]Im looking for an animation file or a scrpt or somthing for a bunch of wounded civilians who have just had an a-bomb dropped on their town, so im looking for people staggering around with their hands over theirs eyes blinded.

You won't find all that but here are bloody beaten civilians:

OFP.Info Link

Quote[/b] ]also when ever I drop an a nuke the smoke clears after a few seconds is there a script that could continuous produce smoke or fire?

No, but you could write one.

*PS. This really belongs in "Mission Editing/Scripting"

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LIB mod had some "shell shock, wounded, blinded" anims, better check it out wink_o.gif

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Try looking through the editors depot on OFPEC.com for FX scripts.

There is a Helo dust script I use for all my helicopters, that might be adaptable to producing prolonged dust.


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