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Nice list. I hope its not all though.

What about:

1: AC-130 Spectre Gunship.

2: Hmmwv's with TOW's and Mk-19s.

3: F-18 Super Hornet.

4: Russian Fighters.

5: <s>Russian Transport Planes.</s> scratch that

6: older style BMP's.

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Hope the Tunguska can fire its missiles at stand off ranges. Like if a cobra is trying to sit far away and put a hellfire into it, it should be able to attack the cobra far far away. So we need to sneak up on it with infantry or make a high pass with a jet to take it out. smile_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]Nice list. I hope its not all though.

What about:

1: AC-130 Spectre Gunship.

2: Hmmwv's with TOW's and Mk-19s.

3: F-18 Super Hornet.

4: Russian Fighters.

5: Russian Transport Planes. scratch that

6: older style BMP's.

AC130 spectre could easily be done with working turrets on planes. If they included a predator, I guess they solved it to make camera turret working...

But F18 ? Anything faster than a regular chopper is pretty useless except for eye candy on such a small terrain IMHO.

Russian Transport Planes : I'd take any transport plane (An12?) over a F18, as russians don't have anything for paradrops yet...

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whats wrong with a little variety? We got the f-35 or J35 , its a fighter / bomber so the russians could get a nice classic fighter like mig-29 or some Su-30 or something smile_o.gif

The us got the c130 and the russians could hopefully get a antonov variant. Imo there was some pic of a propeller aircraft, hope that is for the goverment of Chernarus or rebels smile_o.gif

But i dunno maybe the russians just plays the same role as Us forces, just sneaking around the island and not coming in full force?

I do think Russians have other methods than "Send the tanks!" tounge2.gifpistols.gif

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I'd like to see the CH-53 and CH-46, just to complete the marines faction. and maybe something to populate the wasps' flight deck other than UH-1s and V-22s. I'd also like to see the local forces (independent) equipped with old style hueys with M240s.

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I do think Russians have other methods than "Send the tanks!"  tounge2.gif  pistols.gif

Yes, they send infantry when its to dangerous for the tanks.

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What about the Bradley?

The Marines don't use the Bradley, they use the LAV 25. and since the marines will be the "west" faction in ArmA 2 i don't think a bradley would quite fit in.

but that doesn't mean addons can't be made.

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What about the Bradley?

The Bradley being an Army APC. I would not think so, But what a about the MEV (AAV7 replacement) thought its not to enter service until the start of 2011 so I think that's too far ahead.

@Russian Armor: Will the Russians only be using new Armor units or a mix between past-to-present units, they still do use alot of the the older equipment, look at the conflict in Georgia.

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Quote[/b] ]i dont know if tanks driving under water in arma2 ?

Remember the Addon for Operation Flashpoint ORCS T-80 pack, they had scripts that allowed their T-80U to go under water about 10 feet or so.

I don't think this ability will be added in ArmA II because it just doesn't serve a point in situation like the one ArmA II is going to present, plus you might end up getting AI abuse of the script if you put it in.

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The large number of vehicles will be made a moot point for me if I start the game up and I see a tank doing a seven point turn to evade danger. Please, please, please, lets have tanks cautiously moving around the battlefield - and especially, reversing away from danger - not doing a seven point turn.

Here's hoping...


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