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Thinking of Buying OFP

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Hey guys.

I've been wanting to play a good tactical game and I hear OFP may be the answer.

However, I've read a lot of the forums for it, and it seems to me that everyone is into coop/missions. This really doesn't interest me 


With this in mind, would OFP be a good game for me? or is the pvp side of this game dead?

Thanks  smile_o.gif

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Yeah, this is more of a Co-op game, and as Oyman said, OFP is somewhat dead, get ArmA instead.

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Hey guys.

I've been wanting to play a good tactical game and I hear OFP may be the answer.

However, I've read a lot of the forums for it, and it seems to me that everyone is into coop/missions. This really doesn't interest me 


With this in mind, would OFP be a good game for me? or is the pvp side of this game dead?

Thanks  smile_o.gif

Get ArmA and come here. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]as Oyman said, OFP is somewhat dead, get ArmA instead

What for ? Waste your money ? Buy Ofp, enhance it with mods and save your money for ArmA 2.

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Hey guys.

I've been wanting to play a good tactical game and I hear OFP may be the answer.

However, I've read a lot of the forums for it, and it seems to me that everyone is into coop/missions. This really doesn't interest me 


With this in mind, would OFP be a good game for me? or is the pvp side of this game dead?

Thanks  smile_o.gif

You really need to play OFP campaign through.

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I recommend that you buy the OFP GOTY Edition and play through the campaigns.

Start from the Cold War Crisis (CWC) campaign. It is the best campaign I have played in OFP/ArmA.

That will then become your reference point when you play ArmA 1 / ArmA 2 official campaigns. I already know that the official campaign of ArmA 1 totally sucks compared to the CWC campaign of OFP.

In the GOTY you have also the Resistance and Red Hammer campaigns. Of these I think the better one is Resistance, but it isn't as good as CWC.

Buying OFP GOTY is justified alone by playing through those 3 single-player campaigns, especially CWC.

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Yeah CWC is still just so damn good. Only game I've played through many times.

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Get Arma instead. Sorry guys, but I just think that Arma with its new patches would be better liked by newcomers in this day and age. After all, OFP is a seven year old game.

You say you like tactical pvp, have you tried battlefield 2 Project reality mod?

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Quote[/b] ]However, I've read a lot of the forums for it, and it seems to me that everyone is into coop/missions. This really doesn't interest me

COOP MP's are fun, but online play is not limited to just COOP missions. There are many servers hosting CBF(mini-battlefied), CTF(capture the flag), CTI(capture the island), TDM(team death match), DM(death match) maps. Most of these don't really interest me as I also mainly prefer coop, CTI's are fun, but to involved with buying assets and all. They can be fun given a entire afternoon to play though smile_o.gif

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