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Weapon editing basics

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I want to edit all weapons to fire at a higher muzzle velocity but know nothing about editing. I want step by step instructions on how to do it.

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You'll need to unpbo the weapons.pbo, decrypt the config.bin into a config.cpp (the editable version) using Kegetys' UNRAP Tool. Then, look for the 'class CfgAmmo' section.

Next, you'll be wanting to look for the 'typicalSpeed = XXX;' command, and you'll want to edit it under all classes (take into account the calibre etc). Then resave, and repbo the folder into a new weapons.pbo (put it in a mod folder, so yuo don't overwrite the default).

Edit: Patience is a virtue, and just because you don't get a response to a question you asked 2 hours previously, more to the point one you could have easily researched the answer to on your own using the Biki, doesn't necessitate a reply to your own thread...

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What if you wanted to change the velocity of only one weapon? Is there a way to do it without copying the whole folder?

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Then, look for the 'class CfgAmmo' section.

Next, you'll be wanting to look for the 'typicalSpeed = XXX;' command, and you'll want to edit it under all classes (take into account the calibre etc).

Actually muzzle velocity is set in cfgMagazines with "initSpeed" parameter. TypicalSpeed is related to bullet damage (speed at which bullet deals exactly the damage set in "hit").

@topic starter: learn to unPbo stuff, rip open weapon/sound addons, and see how the stuff is done. You don't have to create a whole new weapons.pbo just to change a couple of parameters. I'd recommend looking at NWD ballistics mod where he does exactly what you're after (alter muzzle velocities).

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Dont forget the BIS provided Sample files, contain a LOT of config and model samples/info (including MODEL.CFG, that you WON'T get from dePBO'ing many addons).

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I wonder why noone has edited muzzle velocity, it is the same with an airgun for a 5.56 ie 4 times less.

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No answers. By the way NWD ballistics is garbage.

Actually, you've had TWO Answers, the first was mine, which was incorrect, and the other was from Q1184 who corrected me. You need to look in the cfgmagazines section of the config.cpp and look for the 'InitSpeed=XXX;' command and edit the XX to whatever you want.

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First you bumped your own thread because no one answered within 2 hours, then someone with a hell lot of experience in creating weapons told you what to change in the config and now you tell him to shut up. huh.gif


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