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31st Normandy mod -WW2

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ENTER the new moveable Pak 38. Say goodbye to the days of the stationary artillery & AT guns.

-Not only can it move, it can be towed as well.



-Pak 38 crew consists of driver & gunner(commander)

-Pak 38 custom 5cm weapons sound


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I've been following your mod and enjoy every new update. I'm very big on WW2. I was just curious when I saw that the Pak 38 could be towed... Do you mean acually towed behind a vehicle? How so? Anyways, awsome. Are you planning on Making the GMC CCKW, or the Dodge WC51 Weapon carrier? Well, keep up the great work!



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Great looking mod guys. Can't wait to give it a spin and the speed it's going at is impressive smile_o.gif

@Tomahawk - You can download a host of great sound mods for Arma. I recommend trying the HiFi Sound Mod to start with. Just check the mod sections in the forums smile_o.gif

im aware of the sound mods and of the hifi warfare, im currently using it. my point was you can't download sound mods for this mod or atleast not for the beta release. and those sound mods are for the modern weapons made by BI and those WWII guys weren't using SAWs and M4s am i rite?

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The weapons sounds for the tanks have changed, they are all custom. It's not like this mod will be using the default T72 main gun for firing axis tanks and the M1 A for the allied. Also the mg34 which is one of my favorite weapons now has a very distinct haunting very loud sound to it. As I go along and see fit I'm changing the sounds to the weapons.

I DONT LIKE WHIMPY SOUNDS! no grenades that go poof here. LOL

As you know ArmA's AI aren't much for automatic weapons fire which there was a lot of it during WW2. I'm changing the way the AI lay down fire. Which will be at a LOT higher frequency and longer duration then ArmA's current AI.

As for the vehicle list making the first cut on Oct. 15th, it's pretty solid at this point. Several more vehicles...about 20 more will be released in the next set.

This stuff takes a lot of time, and the learning curve is high.

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The Panzer 3F I had on my desktop a few weeks back is now rolling around the country side.


-Custom 3F engine sound

-Custom 3.7cm main weapon sound

-Custom gunners reticle

-Custom map icon

-Custom AI pics for vehicle positions

I must say these tanks are a blast to drive around.

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As you know ArmA's AI aren't much for automatic weapons fire which there was a lot of it during WW2.  I'm changing the way the AI lay down fire.  Which will be at a LOT higher frequency and longer duration then ArmA's current AI.

It'd be even better if you could make it reflect the doctrines

of the various combatant nations; the Germans letting their

MGs do all the shooting, the Yanks blasting away at anything

that moves and the British something in between the two.

Vanilla ArmA is a lousy simulation in that sort of regard.

I have to say that that PaK has a truly bizarre paint

scheme. Is that based on a real one? Remember that A/Tk

guns depended for their survival on carefully chosen (or dug

in) positions and good camouflage. A/Tk gunners were very

like snipers in that regard. That gun looks like it'd stick out

like a bulldog's tender parts in anything except a hard-

scrabble desert.

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Hi.. whistle.gif

Thx Rip31st and all who has helped to make this awesome looking ww2 mod.. notworthy.gif

I,m so looking forward to play missions and campaigns made for this ww2 mod.. pistols.gif

over and out

Flyfinn  wow_o.gif

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As you know ArmA's AI aren't much for automatic weapons fire which there was a lot of it during WW2.  I'm changing the way the AI lay down fire.  Which will be at a LOT higher frequency and longer duration then ArmA's current AI.

It'd be even better if you could make it reflect the doctrines

of the various combatant nations; the Germans letting their

MGs do all the shooting, the Yanks blasting away at anything

that moves and the British something in between the two.

Vanilla ArmA is a lousy simulation in that sort of regard.

I have to say that that PaK has a truly bizarre paint

scheme. Is that based on a real one? Remember that A/Tk

guns depended for their survival on carefully chosen (or dug

in) positions and good camouflage. A/Tk gunners were very

like snipers in that regard. That gun looks like it'd stick out

like a bulldog's tender parts in anything except a hard-

scrabble desert.

That could be very possible to setup the AI like that.

Here's the pic of a pak38 I got the ideas for the colors from: There are several different paint jobs I have seen with them.


The thought comes to mind that there can and will be various paint jobs on many of the vehicles. We have a 109 with three paint jobs going atm. So if you don't see your color scheme you like at first, don't fret. But do post links to the stuff you've found that you like and those will fall under condideration.

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Somewhere in these two pics there is a Pak 38 hidden. Well its not really hidden, its sitting out in the open. I'm not really trying to defend it as AI has different abilities to detect equipment then humans do, but it's pretty difficult to point out where the Pak is unless you already knew where it was. Especially if you were on a patrol and didn't notice it until it was too late.



Most camoflauge schemes aren't meant to hide things. They are used to break up the color pattern of recognizeable objects. However you just gave me an idea that might be very effective for this mod. In warfare it's possible to place objects such as walls, sandbags dynamically. I think that vegetation, to a certain extent could also be a handy tool to help out in cases where you think it might.

So for example you take this Pak and you don't exactly like where it's placed and your short on time. You could in theory place vegetation around it to help conceal it.

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I've been following your mod and enjoy every new update. I'm very big on WW2. I was just curious when I saw that the Pak 38 could be towed... Do you mean acually towed behind a vehicle? How so? Anyways, awsome. Are you planning on Making the GMC CCKW, or the Dodge WC51 Weapon carrier? Well, keep up the great work!



As far as I know the GMC truck is in work. IT should make the mod on the 15th, but I'm not 100% sure. The WC51 as far as I know is not on the list yet.

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Great news Rip, Is there anywhere I can find the list of vehicles in your mod?



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I believe the axis vehicles are listed in this thread. I promised I would eventually post a list of allied vehicles. I will put out a list of whats coming out with the beta on oct 15th and whats coming up after that.

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Excellent, love the quick replys wink_o.gif. I can't wait for the beta October 15, 2008, as long as i'm still alive once my mom discovers my spanish grade.  pistols.gif  

P.S. Will the textures on the Sherman tank remain the same for the beta as they are in the screen shot?

Thanks again,


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heres something to look foward to in the long run, ive started work on my tiger again. exterior mesh is finshed (9500) triangles

interior model is in progress. make sure its lower than 5000 triangles.

not sure if this will be ready to play by 15th, so it might be a standalone addon for arma.

ignore, the man sitting in the tank, its just a place holder.




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LOL Can I just say something here about my art work -again. My art work is a non-issue. Meaning, I don't do art! crazy_o.gif


The textures on the sherman have been slightly modified since that shot was taken. The idea of course behind the mod is, well, community based. Meaning if you don't like it. Well you have to remember it's free for one. BUT on the flip side of the token, the glory of a mod by the people and for the people is you get to help out by either making suggestions, giving tips, or if you are artistically inclined, make some textures. I will be brutually honest with myself and everyone. Those texture suck. lol.

So it is what it is...for the time being, until either one of two things occur. I get better at art. OR someone makes some new textures I will be more then happy to apply to it.

Here's my latest attempt. If you notice where the weapons cursor is, I applied bump mapping to give the texture of the hull a little definition. That's about the extent of my artistic capability.

Don't fret though, I do have some professional artists that are working on the mod. When they get time as their real life takes up much of it. They can work on these items. OR anyone can if they wish.


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...You could in theory place vegetation around it to help conceal it.

Which was indeed SOP - judging from "in action" photographs.

It was also usual to dig in A/Tk guns. <a href="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v692/whisky01/Feuerstellung.jpg" target="_blank">Here's a contemporary

German diagram of a firing position for the PaK 38</a>

The game views are hardly a realistic simulation of visual

perception. In any case I'm more interested here in whether

the texturing is a plausibly authentic model of a German

artillery piece.

The thing which doesn't look authentically German about

your PaK paint job is that it has no green in it. German colour

schemes were generally variants of dark sand, brown and

dark green. That "striped shades of brown" one looks very

unusual. I'm not claiming that it is totally impossible that one

was daubed like that somewhere, but it is certainly untypical.

I would mention also that the one you posted a picture of

has a more typical German colour scheme.

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Here is a shot with updated textures from pauld.


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Pantera that is shown oh your screenies is actually free 3d max model that can be found on web. I can't see any reference to original creators.


hope you'll set it aright wink_o.gif

Yeah we can't have that can we.  Thanks for the heads up.   Where can the original model be found?

NM found it all over the place. I found it on several websites as a royalty free model. Still whoever supposedly painted it...beginning to wonder if they did paint it "dejawolf" deserves credit where credit is due...for now.

I guess there is nothing that says we can't use this model because it's royalty free. I see in that same thread someone else "bdfy" ported this model to arma.

I just wish people would be honest about what they bring to this mod. It's not the first time this has happened.

I got the panther model as a 3ds file. I sank probably over 24 hours of my time into getting it to the point where it is now.

It's out of the mod for now until I can figure out who it belongs to and figure out how it got here.

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RIP31ST your message box was full, i cannot send you links with MLODS and some textures for weapons, static mg and things from my weapons addons

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ok Vilas. There is room now! biggrin_o.gif

Don't worry about the panther. I will make a new one.

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I didn't mean to offend you Rip, lol. After all, It's a Sherman right? And thats All that matters, better to have a Sherman than not at all! Besides, my artistic abilities to texture sucks, too, so no problem. biggrin_o.gif


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It's all good my friend. I just want to play some WW2 in Arma. Sometimes I look at the models I've created and I puke lol. Other times I look at them and imagine the fun I will be having commanding a panzer division against some poor sole defending a town somewhere.

For me atleast it's about my friends. They enjoy the WW2 stuff, so I'm giving them something to do that they like.

Trust me I receive the same critisism for the appearance of some of the models from them as I do here.

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