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Playing warfare, moving through Corazol in a M113.


I teleport back to Hunapu (original starting position in the map).


I am no longer in control of my charachter, a mate is, his squad image and all is on the charachter.


I was in Slot 2 in the server list (1-1-B).


He said it was empty.


We both shared the player... and I would type and it would appear as him...



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His nickname and all? What was your connection to the server like? Any desync? How much lag?

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It happens alot to me in coop. I have never seen it happen in warfare.

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No the famous headbug was an instance when you got in a vehicle unsuccessfully where you weren't in the vehicle but your player thought you were. The fix that Evolution did was basically to swap you in and then out of your last used vehicle and that fixed it.

This bug is the "two humans controlling one character" bug that I've experienced a few times but a long time ago. I guess it still happens.

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It's about an MP mission/event so belongs in Multiplayer smile_o.gif

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yeh, it was really weird, only ever seen it in OFP, never ArmA. whistle.gif

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Oh Noes... Its Back!

This used to happen the early versions of Arma. crazy_o.gif

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