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Official Perfect Guide

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I am looking forward toward it off course HOWEVER what should defenitly be INCLUDED in ARMA2 is more detailed training. The way it now is, ITS JUST NOT FUN ANYMORE. You keep trying and trying, eventually quiting to unlock all of your equipment, and thus never even opening the total game.

What ARMA2 needs for this huge problem is mission-walkthrough-book were it clearly states the equipment, the soldiers, the positions, the commands, etc. needed to achieve missionsucces.

In ghost recon this came in the golden box edition in a 200pages book titled: Official Perfect Guide. THIS is EXACTLY what ARMA(2) is in desperate need of!!!

This or vastly improved trainingmodule in game. I dont see the last of this options happening ... yet.


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Got to totally disagree with you here mate. Arma/Arma2 are military simulators in a gaming environment. If we had 'walkthroughs' of all the missions then these games would be exactly like Crysis, Doom 3 and a myriad of other games of the same genre.

Quote: "The best laid plans go to shit at the first contact'

This is why Arma is so different from other games. You have to plan for foreseeable obstacles and the unforeseen ones. This is where proper tactical awareness and planning comes into play. Obviously the above is restricted by the game itself but if I knew what was going to happen next I would plan accordingly and then the realism is gone. For me atleast.

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Maybe do some "search" wink_o.gif

Hints & Tips

ArmA: Tips and Strategies

dslyecxi's Shack Tactical ArmA Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Guide

Keep in mind ArmA isn't that kind of easy close combat shooter with transparent walls like GR. Maybe BIS is going to develop more training missions. On the other side there is an editor and you can setup quick training mission by yourself and of course how you like.

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While I do think that the documentation should be further improved, especially concerning mission editing, I do not agree with you about the "walkthrough" idea.

The campaign missions of Armed Assault are certainly easy-enough so that you won't need any walkthrough for them.

If the ArmA2 will have a campaign of the same level, then it will be no problem. I hope this will not be the case.

The other single player missions might be a problem, but with a little bit of perceverance you will prevail!

Often in the missions you are not in a hurry, take your time to look around and stay away from the enemy until you have a good understanding of the area and how you can use it to your advantage. After all, the Artificial Intelligence is quite stupid compared to you. Exploit that and don't play so that the AI soldiers get to use their strengths.

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Maybe do some "search" wink_o.gif

Hints & Tips

ArmA: Tips and Strategies

dslyecxi's Shack Tactical ArmA Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Guide

Keep in mind ArmA isn't that kind of easy close combat shooter with transparent walls like GR. Maybe BIS is going to develop more training missions. On the other side there is an editor and you can setup quick training mission by yourself and of course how you like.

This 'GETALLGEAR' cheat does not seem to work (in version 1.14).

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So basiclly you want BIS to include a strat guide to the game? You know, figureing out how to beat a game is where all the fun is... your not "playing" the game if you just read a book and do what it tells you to compleat the game.

Perhaps its just from playing the games since OFP came out... but OFP/ArmA were probly two of the most strait forward games ever IMO and I really fail to see where a strat guide is requiered, at least from the developers themselfs. As NoRailgunner pointed out, there are plenty of community made guides that you can use should you need them.

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here is a nice tip for you that i found to be very helpful in ofp and ArmA. Sometimes the direction you are facing when you start a mission (if the mission does not involve traveling to the location) is not necessary the best or even the proper way to go about a mission sometimes circling the mission area and coming from a different direction can be extremely rewarding.

experimenting with these kinds odds and different approaches is part of what made OFP and ArmA appealing for most people here, and even a walkthrough would be pointless as there are usually no one right solution to the problem.

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Hi, i think that what the ArmA2 will need is to give a Command Ref

with the game's DVD, without know the game's Commands the only

thing that we can do is to mount stupid firefights in the editor that

are fun just by 15mins and then you just give up with that and move

to another game or another thing.

As i understand it, it's a bad comercial policy to don't offer a paper

printed Commands Refference guide with the game's DVD from a

begining, and also a bad policy in relation with the customers that

may want to do theyr own SP & MP missions but that they don't know

how because of the absence of this Refference material with theyr

game copy; so they're forced to await for a 3Rd person to compile

all the Refference material possible and then release it at theyr own.

Instead have something on paper that you can read (in english)

on your hands to go forward or backwards in the manual to know

how the editor works. Basicaly; give a printed Commands Refference

guide in english with every game copy. Let's C ya

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Something like Mr Murray's editing guide out of the box would be nice.

I had absolutely no manual whatsoever from the sprocket download, not even in pdf.

Pdf is bare minimum, printed is a lot better (remember microprose manuals...)

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