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farmland works in progress

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No problem Salvatore smile_o.gif

CERVANTES: can i, maybe, (BETA) test your mod? to see how the differences are in my current zombie mod.

EDIT: sorry, i corrected it smile_o.gif just a typo.

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Oh you mispelled my name band.gif

Nevermind, I never thought that my name was original tounge2.gif

Also, how many peoples are working on it ? I (and a lot of ppls) have a lot of time in my hand these days so what about some beta-testing ? whistle.gif


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a mod size has 121 mo in rar  tounge2.gif  20 addons has released

and for the moment i need fix a core script of zombies because i add a old flashpoint script gbltargets a script working but a zombies d'ont change a target on the nearest target.

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You got it. If there was any progress worth mentioning to the community, they would post the progress. Asking if there's any progress when the maker hasn't any to show or desires to show at the moment, only serves to clutter the forum with useless postings and thus get on the moderator's nerves--which I can agree with, afterall when you are watching the thread of an addon that interests you very much and see a new post the first thought it "woo, maybe some new previews or info!" only to see yet another "any new? huh? huh? huh? any new news? huh huh?". tounge2.gif

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hi all i have progress yes i have add a best core script for a zombies targeting all target type.

its a ofp core script with a gbltarget list but i have one problem with a vehicle target a zombies destroy a vehicle on one shot and for the moment i have no solution for fix this.

i use

?_target distance _zombie <= 5:_target setdammage (getdammage _target + 0.1);

a problem a 0.1 has a less damage for one vehicle but a vehicle has destroyed and smoke after a first shot of zombies

i want fix this for create a realistic damage on the vehicle if you have one tips for help me this tips has welcome ^^.

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good news i have fixed a core script a zombies attack now corectly a human and all vehicle target type i works now one tutorial mission one single player mission and reworks a mp mission.

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yes a script d'ont working corectly because a selection name has d'ont implemented and d'ont working i have disable a script for the moment.

when i found a solution i add this with a possibility for disable a sound fx or play with this.

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Great looking mod notworthy.gif and i cant wait for it to come out, but one question. Is HUNK ganno be included in the mod?I saw some things on Youtube with HUNK in em, and they look great, and I think they would be great in the mod.

Can't wait for this to come out smile_o.gif I'm ready to pistols.gif  some zombies


Is there any chance we could get an update on this mod?

Sorry If I am being rude, but this is a great addon, and the other zombie mods look lik like crap compared t how good this is biggrin_o.gif

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hi all i d'ont have stop my project wink_o.gif i have finich at 100% my shotgun addons.

3 cartridges type has add a chevrotine a standart and brenneke cartridge.

a chevrotine and standart cartridge use a very real bullets effects see this on the movie


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