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Firefox aiming for a download record

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I do not like the address bar at all anymore, I had the list of sites I always visited on the address bar now it shows every page I have been on in there its like internet explorer I hope there will be module or download that allows the Address bar back to the original its a pain to put all my favorite websites' homepages in my bookmarks

That annoyed me at first to, but if you re-visit your favourites a few times (more than the other pages that come up in the address bar) they go right back to the top. See my previous post.

Would have been nice if all that ported over from the last version automatically though.

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Ctrl+H, people?

Over 8 million seems to be the FF result then, we'll see what Guinness people report back. Currently the number is coming to 9.1 million downloads, roughly 27-28 hours after release if I got the maths right.

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Don't like Opera, there's no way for me to scroll tabs with my right hand (and no moving my right hand all the way over to the tab key is not an option), with Firefox I can use Right CTRL+Page up/down smile_o.gif

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Yeah Opera is nice but gets bogged down by things like pdfs, flash and gif animations work slower, etc etc. It's nice, but far from perfect.

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One could argue the same for all browsers.

I honestly don't see what the excitement is all about, Firefox will become another netscape imho

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A browser with 14,328,317 downloads won't simply vanish just like that wink_o.gif.

If there's a browser that should disappear it's the Internet Exploder...

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A browser with 14,328,317 downloads won't simply vanish just like that wink_o.gif.

If there's a browser that should disappear it's the Internet Exploder...

Netscape was also hugely popular back in the day. I wonder what the percentage of usage is for the various browsers available is.

I think I shall do some digging as I am curious biggrin_o.gif


So here we go

Browser Worldwide Statistics

Refering to my early comment, netscape was hugely popular back in the day (20%) market share in 2000 which is more than Firefox has ever achieved. So arguably firefox is still on the rise, but I stand by my belief that it will go the way of netscape.

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Netscape was the browser I used back in the day when I first got internet at home (1997) because the ISP provided it on a disk with their set up instructions smile_o.gif

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I think we started with Netscape, too and I urged my dad all the time to download games... man, thats some time ago by now biggrin_o.gif

*constructive part*

I like FF3, has got some nice improvements and it feels a bit faster smile_o.gif

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Firefox is maybe the most over-hyped software I've ever seen and used.

For example its "security" is a myth, it was laughable how people got carried away with that kind of marketing when in fact it had lots of buffer overflow bugs (critical to security). I am open to see and hear how well this new version does, but earlier versions haven't impressed at all.

Thankfully there are other choices.

Of course, to each their own.

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Firefox is maybe the most over-hyped software I've ever seen and used.

For example its "security" is a myth, it was laughable how people got carried away with that kind of marketing when in fact it had lots of buffer overflow bugs (critical to security). I am open to see and hear how well this new version does, but earlier versions haven't impressed at all.

Thankfully there are other choices.

Of course, to each their own.

Noscript addon on firefox > all

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Guest Ti0n3r

Screw the hype. I began using firefox in 2005 or so, simply because my IE crashed on startup. And now I see no reason to go back.

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Firefox is maybe the most over-hyped software I've ever seen and used.

For example its "security" is a myth, it was laughable how people got carried away with that kind of marketing when in fact it had lots of buffer overflow bugs (critical to security). I am open to see and hear how well this new version does, but earlier versions haven't impressed at all.

Thankfully there are other choices.

Of course, to each their own.

Noscript addon on firefox > all

Oh, that solves it then...   wink_o.gif

Screw the hype. I began using firefox in 2005 or so, simply because my IE crashed on startup. And now I see no reason to go back.

It's funny how things are, I can't remember Internet Explorer crashing even once. Maybe some other people had it crash but the comparison between IE and Firefox on my computer is very much against Firefox.

I got really fed up with Firefox as it crashed randomly and it didn't matter which website I was visiting at the time of crash. And I think that even if the website has sloppy coding, or intentionally tries to crash the browser, the browser should not crash (it's important for the security). And what's with the "install this 3rd party addon to get rid of the crashes!" mentality? It makes it sound like it needs band-aid (or duct tape, which one you prefer) here and there to actually work like originally intended.

As I said, I am open to hear how this new version of Firefox does. I am certainly not against having the Firefox project around. Competition is good to have!

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I really like Firefox. It opens and browses faster, and is easier to use, than IE for me. I only ever have trouble with Firefox when trying to update Windows on the Microsoft website.

When I downloaded Firefox 3 it felt odd but I prefer it over its predecesor now, especially the pause/resume feature on its download manager.

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There are indeed some compability problems with FF and some websites but I accept that for faster browsing and the problems are vanishing more and more.

When I start FF I see the window immediately. IE always needs hours to start. And this continues through nearly every part.

Now I recommend everyone switching to FF.

The standart user has now idea about security and if neither IE nor FF is save, why shouldn't people enjoy a better way of browsing wink_o.gif

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I only ever have trouble with Firefox when trying to update Windows on the Microsoft website.

suprising that biggrin_o.gif

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I only ever have trouble with Firefox when trying to update Windows on the Microsoft website.

FF doesn't support ActiveX (the biggest security flaw of IE) and since all the windowsupdate page runs on it, it just doesn't work.

Or as long as you don't use IE Tab (switch to IE core by a simple button click).

When I downloaded Firefox 3 it felt odd but I prefer it over its predecesor now, especially the pause/resume feature on its download manager.

I still find the combination of Free Download Manager and FlashGot the better option wink_o.gif

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