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Mando Hitch

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You were already able to move cannons with previous version, but you were no able to drop them (well, when you drop them they stay on their last hitched position, cannons are not affected by gravity). With 1.4 static weapons and static objects are affected by "artificial" gravity, so they will fall in a natural way to the ground with a constant acceleration of 9.8ms^2.

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You were already able to move cannons with previous version, but you were no able to drop them (well, when you drop them they stay on their last hitched position, cannons are not affected by gravity). With 1.4 static weapons and static objects are affected by "artificial" gravity, so they will fall in a natural way to the ground with a constant acceleration of 9.8ms^2.

That's just fantastic!

Would You mind if I use that script or it's parts in next CF? smile_o.gif

Best regards,


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Would You mind if I use that script or it's parts in next CF? smile_o.gif

Use it at will.

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Hey Mandoble, this is a bit late but i only came across this while playing a warfare mission with this integrated in it.

It seems that the cargo carried by a helicopter is affected by whatever it's carried directly over - often, if a transporting helicopter flies directly over a tall object, the cargo can literally jump heights - sometimes resulting in it appearing above the helicopter, hitting a part of it (like the tail) and destroying it. Attempting to fly east/westerly over the buildings of corazol with anything bigger than a humvee is usually a death sentence. I tested this outside of warfare with the same result.

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Increase the range between chopper and cargo to avoid these collissions.

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<span style='color:red'>New v1.5 available:</span>

* Now you can toggle mando hitch hud ON/OFF from action menu.

* Now you can set hud scale and X and Y offsets, so you can place it anywhere in the screen.

* Hud now display cargo type also in text.

* Destroyed vehicles can be hitched too.

* You can define heavy choppers and heavy cargo. Heavy cargo classes can be hitched only by heavy transport classes.

* HUD colours adjusted to be more readable in any condition.

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Thank you.

Perfect timing. I was just about to add v1.4 to a few Heli's in a mission I'm editing/upgrading, and then start her up. This just saved me the angst of starting a mission over because I have the need to update something in the mission. This would've been a must as a start over candidate.

I look forward to trying out the new functions/additions.


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On both?  huh.gif

Doesn't it seem like this is better suited for a PM instead of posting the same thing here and the OFPEC thread.

What about Mando Guns, Mando Missles, etc.? How many times have you heard a M109A6 et al. referred to as a "gun".

It's not that you are incorrect, but it's just semantics in a game.

 pistols.gif  whistle.gif


Semantics aside, gotta add this.

First and foremost......  Thank you

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Increase the range between chopper and cargo to avoid these collissions.

Last time i tried i used this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[_unit, _cargo, 17]execVm "Client\mando_lift\mando_hitch.sqf";

I have only tested it once, but an MI17 did colide with a transported T72.

What would be a secure value?

Aprovecho la ocasión para felicitarte por los magníficos scripts que haces.

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I haven't read the whole thread...but it seems that its all based around transport with helos...has anyone thought to do a wrecker?Dunno how many times I had an apc or tank flip over on me in mission only to abandon it.If I had a way to flip it upright....ie a wrecker towline.......................

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Hmm interesting one! You could try lifting a flipped vehicle to see if Mando Hitch automatically rights it smile_o.gif

[TAO] Kremator

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yeah - it will right a flipped vehicle. unfortunately, it's crew (if it's AI) won't re board it.

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Perhaps a scripting solution. If vehicle = flipped then hitch and respawn that vehicle. You can tell I'm not a programmer but something like that would do (*hint* Mandoble)

[TAO] Kremator

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As far as I can remember GDT Heinbloed did an addon that works server side to unflip vehicles. I have forgotten to test it yet but you should look after it. wink_o.gif

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Hey Mando,

Is this hitch script allready converted to ARMA2? I was wondering cause ic an't find any hitch script for ARMA 2 around here. And yours alway's works better :)

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I was converted and lost (my HD got broken), same happened with latest version of heliroute. I'll try to find some time to reconvert these two again.

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So I'm trying to get this to work under OA with the CH-47 Chinook, specifically to lift disabled helicopters back to the airfield or a FARP. For some reason, no matter what I try, it will not work.

My description:


// Armed Assault Description File

// Created with ArmA Edit - Version 1.3.4000


showCompass = 1;

showGPS = 1;

showWatch = 1;

maxScore = 10000;

avgScore = 5000;

minScore = 3000;

respawn = "BASE";

respawnDelay = 15;

// === Music ================================================>

class CfgMusic

{tracks[]= {barracksrip,};

class barracksrip


name = "barracksrip";

sound[] = {\music\barracksrip.ogg, db+1, 1.0};



class RscTitles


#include "mando_hitch\mando_hitch_titles.h"


My init:


// Function file for Armed Assault

// Created by: H. Rearden


mando_hitch_no_check_for_drop = true;

mando_hitch_types = ["Air", "ReammoBox"];

mando_hitch_types_heavy = ["Air"];

mando_hitch_heavies = ["CH_47F_EP1"];



if (isserver) then {execVM "airbase.sqf";execVM"fob.sqf";execVM"takibfort.sqf";execVM"farp.sqf";};

execVM "briefing.sqf";

And yes, I have the folder in my mission root folder... but still no joy. What am I doing wrong?

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