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40 Commando Royal Marines

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40 Commando Royal Marines are accepting new members [RM] have now been around over 6 years and while many clans have come and gone we still remain one of the longest running clans in the UK & Aus.

Some advantages and considerations for joining [RM] are listed below:

Members must be either UK or Australian only

Members must be 18 years or above

Members must succesfully complete a selection mission

100mbit connection dedicated server

Most of our members are mid 20's +

We run our missions like they are for real and not a game.

We dont allow rambos

We only do coops.

Apart from our history, below is an outline on how we do things that might help those considering joining 40 Commando Royal Marines.

[RM] has been set up for those who wish to join a well structured and organised brigade. It is well suited to those who enjoy being part of a close knit Company, taking part in various types of missions on a regular scheduled basis.

Training exercises are scheduled on a regular basis to allow members to push for promotion.

If you are interested in joining please contact any of the below contacts on msn or via email to chat further.

[RM]C-Sgt 3Lions[40BCoy] - [email protected]

[RM]Sgt Wolf[40BCoy] - [email protected]

[RM]C-Sgt GSTQ[40ACoy] - [email protected]

[RM]Sgt Snipe[40ACoy] - [email protected]

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We run our missions like they are for real and not a game.

Hi sorry, just a quickie.

As the leader of RM could you advise as to what military experience you have in order to allow this?

I'm just wondering as my military experience would suggest that in order to run a mission like it was real life, you'd need to sit in a hole full of cold water for 2 days, being mortared, before being told that your helicopter pickup has been swapped for a 4t truck.

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Yeah thats axactly what happens..... icon_rolleyes.gif

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Yeah thats axactly what happens..... icon_rolleyes.gif

Never served then I take it biggrin_o.gif

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Do you have a website? The link in your sig seems to point

to a fragment of a site containing only American-oriented


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I have to get the link forwarded yet...the current site is

40 Commando Royal Marines

New one still in the works.

This thread is to promote RM on ArmA not a apendage measuring contest.

RM has members who currently serve and have served, one of which has recenly lost mates while serving with the Anglians in Helmand so we'd prefer to respect their memory and all those of the Armed Forces currently serving by not trivialising what they do in conversations about a game.

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This forum is for advertising clans, squads and fanpages.

Discussions about the activities of these sites are forbidden by the guidelines for this forums.

Take your ranting, flaming etc. to the sites forums. This ain't the place for this.

All unrelated posts have been removed.


Consider yourself warned for flaming.

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New website activated.

40 Commando Royal Marines ArmA Brigade

History of our brigade included.

Lost some data in the transfer so is still a little work in progress but gives you enough info if you want to know what we are about.

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Doubt it........ps thanks for including me in ur addon lmfao...got a kick out of that!

Latest quick Video of RM in action...more to come...gives any wanting to join a idea of how we do things.

Thread on our website containing the footage

You Tube URL - In Mission Video

Any wishing to join can contact the following on MSN.

[RM]C-Sgt 3Lions[40BCoy] - [email protected]

[RM]Sgt Wolf[40BCoy] - [email protected]

[RM]C-Sgt GSTQ[40ACoy] - [email protected]

[RM]Sgt Snipe[40ACoy] - [email protected]

Edited by 3Lions

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Short vid created by one of our members....mainly showing the types of map, addons and kit we use....

Jackals are peachy... thanks UKF ....lmao


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Did you have permission to port our (UKF)'s warriors from OFP?

I think not.

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nicely made video, I like the interweave with the reporting, but I'm perplexed about the Warriors - you didn't feel the need to ask permission I take it?

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3 Lions

Your video contains footage of the UKF Warrior imported into ArmA.

From Dialoging with the UKF Mod team it is very clear no one has sought permission to do this, let alone use it as promotional material for your own benefit.

I have removed the link to the video, and I do not expect to see it appear anywhere else.

I would strongly suggest you speak to the UKF Mod team if for nothing else basic courtesy.

You may not be publishing said add-on but you are nevertheless editing/modifying it (without permission), and using it for public gain by way of the advertisement.

Any other links or material you or your group produces or publishes here on the BIS forums that contain add-ons or the like which you have not had permission for to do so will result in warning levels and this thread locked for an indefinite period.

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Edited by Yono

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Hey Yono....we where looking into some missions but I put some wargame coop v coop with no respawn to the powers that be @ GOL and they just didnt seem interested. So we sort of dropped it and stuck to our own dedi server...might jump on for a run again though in the future....

Shame cause I thought you guys would be keen for the next step in realism seeing as you guys seemed up for realism as much as we did......

TBH i cant remember who it was that eventually said no but I sent them through a rules of engagement and they said they had discussed it with the rest of ur clan and no one was keen on the idea.....was a bit surprised but hey, its not up to us.....hopefully someone @ GOL might reconsider in the future.

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Isn't being part of UKF a conflict of interest here ?

I thought that as some UKF addons were customised for [RM] using them in a video wouldnt be a problem.

We tried speaking to UKF many years ago on their OFP forum but soon as anyone disagreed with any UKF ideas they were banned. Thought everything was patched up between UKF & [RM] last year but it seems they are still holding a grudge from the bitter comments in their threads @bis.

Yesteryear ‘hear say’ is simply not going to cut it, this community is very aware of the need to ask for permission, the most basic reason for this is common courtesy. If you folk cannot communicate (which is immensely simple in this digital age) with the UKF team then one would have to assume that you do not want to.

I am not going to reply to any further queries regarding the matter. If you insist on questioning or debating what is a very clear cut matter of improper use, the thread will be locked permanently, and warning levels will be handed out.

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I hope this now puts the issue to rest, such situations should be resolved in private, the BIS forums are not here for people to air their dirty laundry. Any further public comments about the issue will be deleted and the poster reprimanded, if the poster is a member of the squad this thread is for then the thread may well be closed permanently.

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Cheers for removing unecessary comments. We respect the right of BIS, and BIS only, to allow or remove things from their forums.

End of discussion as far as we are concerned.

Edited by 3Lions

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Another Video on a non mission night of a couple of us having a contact on Haveldte.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVh7Rv58x88&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVh7Rv58x88&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

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