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Individual soldiers?

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I was wondering if there's any chance to have an army of soldiers that are not all the same height and build and don't have the same face. I think that the system Elder Scrolls IV oblivion has for faces and characters would be very welcome here and would provide with a bit more diversity.

here's a video displaying the character creation in oblivion:


Also while at it, the build of a person usually dictates the posture of the person, which in term means different walking and running per build, it would also help to reduce the clone army if joints had a penalty of sorts when being animated in game.

It's a bit hard to explain bit it most probably won't be implemented ingame, but I'd just like to throw this idea out.

There would still be a single skeleton and animations but the difference would be that the skeleton would adjust for the height and build of the soldier and then the joints would also move slightly differently for that soldier in term making him more indvidual.

Just a thought

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Its a good idea, and suggested before too if i remember correctly.

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Well that wouldn't be that hard to do since arma models work by distortion.

Maybe someone could change the height/width ratio somehow, to make a character look a bit chubby but I am afraid it will look weird.

Maybe that would distort the weapons.. I don't know.

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I only can say, yes this is a very cool feature!

Not all Soldiers have the same size and are as this as others.

More variety would be nice.

Best Regards, Christian

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This was done in Rogue Spear (sequel to Rainbow Six 1) on the PC, back when there were only a handful of tactical shooters. You could adjust the length and width of various parts of the body.

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Hi guys..

In my opinion,the face customization(oblivions utility) is crucial,especially in MP,and not only the length of arms-legs.

Always the ability to recognize your fellow co-players face in a clans mission or official clan Vs clan game ,is a serious matter of discussion.


If there is ANY way to build-in the game this utility..

many-many people(including me of course..) would be happier...

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I would hope for this to be a must. If they are serious about a more "RPG" element--or have they dropped that route? I guess we will find out from GC08.

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