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Addons vs Scripts

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Is it totaly impossible to make a addon and

put the desierd scripts in the addon it self..

As it is now most cool new addons needs

external script to be working in full...

IE F18s, all the cool scripts of missiles from

mando etc etc...

I have absolutley NO clue how to use these things...

Therfore i feel a bit left out...

Is this game supposed to be a scripting game

or a 1st Person War simulator...

Could it be possible for all you superb addoncreators

to put all the nesseserry scripts inside the addon??

So noobs like me can toy with them aswell.....


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Is it totaly impossible to make a addon and

put the desierd scripts in the addon it self..

As it is now most cool new addons needs

external script to be working in full...

IE F18s, all the cool scripts of missiles from

mando etc etc...

I have absolutley NO clue how to use these things...

Therfore i feel a bit left out...

Is this game supposed to be a scripting game

or a 1st Person War simulator...

Could it be possible for all you superb addoncreators

to put all the nesseserry scripts inside the addon??

So noobs like me can toy with them aswell.....


It is indeed possible to put scripts inside addons, and I'm pretty sure most addon makers do that where applicable. In some cases certain scripts need to be invoked or configured externally, but you don't really need to be a scripter to do that. The bulk of it will be in the addon.

Good addon-internal scripting is almost invisible to the player, so perhaps you're not fully aware of it?

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Not sure how you managed to miss it: Mando Missiles 2.3 : now available as either a -script suite- OR addon.

Same thing with the flare scripts from the F18 : clicky

It's really only a matter of time before some clever devil ports over the rest of the systems as well - as far as it's possible, that is!

Mods like ECS or CoC CEX are basically just big script suites put into addon format, with some added flavour (sounds, graphics, models, animations) that are only possible in addons. So yes : it's possible, and yes, it happens all the time. smile_o.gif

The good thing with scripts though, is that no-one else needs to have them for them to work wink_o.gif Which is why scripts are generally a good way to go when you're making missions that you want as many people as possible to be able to play.



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There are a lot of 'addons' which consist of only scripts, and which are only really usable if you create a mission and use those scripts in your mission.

They are often not 'plug-and-play' type of addons.

Also notice this. Some people are against creating an addon for scripts: it creates one more dependancy which players need to find and download and install and load... instead of if it was just inserted into the mission PBO itself, then you only need to get the mission PBO and voila, It Just Worksâ„¢ Which one you choose.

[rant]I personally don't like it every time I see a multiplayer mission which requires tons of addons from various sources. I think it is essential for a multiplayer mission's success, to either 1) rely on a bigger mod which is one simple download, or 2) not require addons at all. You can ask single players to download 35 different addons from 35 different locations, but please don't do it for multi players. [/rant]

But in the case when you already have the addon X which has some 3D model, then it makes sense to include scripts inside that addon because you anyways need to download and install it.

BUT notice! If there is fighter jet addon A and missile script compilation B, and you would like to see them combined into one addon. Then it is the responsibility of the creator of the A to include the B into the addon. The creator of B is not at fault here. The creator of B provides scripts for people, for mission makers and for addon makers, "here, see what I made, use it in your mission or in your addon! i'm out for beer." that's as far as it goes from the B side usually.

It is usually nothing complicated to use special features of addons which are started from a script. It usually takes only a short read of a readme file to find out how to use an addon's special feature. Also in the case of using a script not included in an addon is usually not complicated.

Don't be afraid of the mission editor, I didn't hear of even one case in which someone was bitten by it (to death).

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Correct that with many missions do require scripting and the scripts would be inside the mission pbo

Alot of addons require scripts and are within the addon pbo

For future script changes it may be recommended to include the scripts within its own seperate addon, that way to upgrade the scripts for an addon or mission would only require changing that pbo but hardly anyone does this way of addonmaking

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That's in fact the principle behind addon dependency : don't reinvent the wheel ! Use instead someone else work.

Many addons use the scripts and functions of XEH so that all of them can coexist. I hope to see new standardised addons, all using the same scripts pack, allowing maximum compatibility, like JAM was for OFP.


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