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Sound Mod Questions

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Hi all,

After completing the AACF sound mod , I have gone back and changed , revised and been experimenting with different sounds yet again. The new sound pack will be loosely based on the original one which will be released with the "Other mod" I'm associated with ..... Which mod ?? cant say at this stage tounge2.gif  , but it will make it to the community soon  

I am trying to assign different bullet "crack" sounds to indivdual weapons , near and far. Is this at all possible? Also I am trying to assign 6 - 9 different variant bullet flyby sounds.

I just kinda started meddling with configs and I understand bits and pieces but some things still elude me... Can anyone help me with this? ... please keep it simple so I can follow

Thanks guys


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Quote[/b] ]different variant bullet flyby sounds
- maybe negative/

cos default we're have only 1 soundFly[] = {}.... mayby i'm wrong//


Quote[/b] ]bullet "crack" sounds to indivdual weapons
- maybe possible/

but connect supersonicCrack to bullet does not give effect// cos m4,m16,m249 using some bullets class // it can is necessary try to connect to magazine???

always sorry my engliz)

by myself i dot't find original way create really different sound depending on distance// as 1_person_sound/near_sound/far_sound?huh.gif??

somebody can help me?))

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As far as I'm aware the sonic cracks are done via bullet type not weapon type ie; 5.56, 7.62 etc.. I pm'd Pollo who created the great Fromz sound mod regarding a similar subject. If my memory serves me right, he said it WAS possible to create more than one sample per weapon fire sound. so I guess you could do the same for sonic cracks and such..

Although, I'd double check by maybe getting in touch with Pollo or maybe Chammy, I know both are super busy, but they are great guys whom have both helped me before.

I'm in the process of completing a sound mod although my skill lies in sound editing not config writing, maybe we could collaborate?

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You guys really should get together and write up a tutorial instead and, you know, post it someplace (like www.ofpec.com whistle.gif ). That would remove the need for a lot of posts like these, you know wink_o.gif

Just a friendly neighbourhood suggestion. :P



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Wolfrug notworthy.gif !

Good point mate, well I'm gonna have a word with afew key players on this forum and maybe get a 'start to finish' tutorial, I'm thinking it should start with guides on;

Creating config file needed

Converting and editing of sounds

Creating a .pbo file of finished works

Creating addon folder and editing shortcut

Does that sound ok ?, think its a good start to begin with but I'll need someone else to contribute the config guide, I'm using a modified version of the Frommz mods config file for my own sound mod, everything else I'm cool with doing it will just take alittle time. I know the other 'sound mod' guys are very busy too, always updating and perfecting their releases so we'll just have to see. If anyones reads this and is interested in sharing info please feel welcome to PM me.


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Although, I'd double check by maybe getting in touch with Pollo

I'm in the process of completing a sound mod although my skill lies in sound editing not config writing, maybe we could collaborate?

Thanks for that , I too am in contact with Pollo, he recently emailed me to help with the sounds of the vehicles I done for the AACF sound mod. I will have a chat with him re this. Sure thing I may be able to help out if I can just send me a pm or email. It would be awesome to all combine our resources and make a mega sound mod combining all the best sounds together in 1 mod pack for the community. I would gladly donate my work toward this.


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Yes Mark is right, I believe you can make multipul ones depending on the assignment of the sound to each caliber or bullet size and from what weapon.

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I am trying to assign different bullet "crack" sounds to indivdual weapons , near and far. Is this at all possible?

Hi Srn't.

 Bullet cracks are simple to implement for different ammo calibres, for example for 5.56x45 rounds in class CfgAmmo {}; define:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class B_556x45_Ball : BulletBase {

supersonicCrackNear[] = {

"\Sounds\Weapons\Data\Sound\supersonic_crack_close", 1.814000, 1


supersonicCrackFar[] = {

"\Sounds\Weapons\Data\Sound\supersonic_crack_far", 3.618000, 1



Probably don't need to worry too much about what weapon a specific round is fired from. I would expect differences will be small given the round is the same, albeit the muzzle velocity will vary with the barrel length, etc.

Quote[/b] ] Also I am trying to assign 6 - 9 different variant bullet flyby sounds.


Thanks guys


I assume you want to assign multiple different bullet fly sounds per ammo type, as I see from your mod that you already assign specific bullet fly sounds per ammo type?

A couple of other items that add great atmosphere to combat that might be useful - I've implemented different fuel explosion sounds (called when vehicles are hit) which provides nice variation in battles (also defined in class CfgAmmo {}; ):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class FuelExplosion: Default {

soundHitArmor1[]={"\Sounds\ImpactFX\Data\Sound\tank_explosion_v1.wss", db+30, 1};

soundHitArmor2[]={"\Sounds\ImpactFX\Data\Sound\tank_explosion_v2.wss", db+30, 1};

soundHitArmor3[]={"\Sounds\ImpactFX\Data\Sound\tank_explosion_v3.wss", db+30, 1};

soundHitArmor4[]={"\Sounds\ImpactFX\Data\Sound\tank_explosion_v4.wss", db+30, 1};

soundHitArmor5[]={"\Sounds\ImpactFX\Data\Sound\tank_explosion_v5.wss", db+30, 1};

soundHitArmor6[]={"\Sounds\ImpactFX\Data\Sound\tank_explosion_v6.wss", db+30, 1};

hitArmor[]={soundHitArmor1, 0.166667, soundHitArmor2, 0.166667, soundHitArmor3, 0.166667, soundHitArmor4, 0.166667, soundHitArmor5, 0.166667, soundHitArmor6, 0.166667};


and Fromz implemented some nice variations for building bullet hit sounds under:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class BulletBase: BulletCore {

soundHitBuilding1[] = {"\Sounds\Weapons\Data\Sound\bullet_ricochet_02", 0.017783, 1};

soundHitBuilding2[] = {"\Sounds\Weapons\Data\Sound\bullet_ricochet_04", 0.017783, 1};

soundHitBuilding3[] = {...};


soundHitBuilding16[] = {"\CSM_Sounds\ImpactFX\Data\Sound\ric9.wss", "db-50", 1};

       hitBuilding[] = {

"soundHitBuilding1", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding2", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding3", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding4", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding5", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding6", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding7", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding8", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding9", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding10", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding11", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding12", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding13", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding14", 0.062500, "soundHitBuilding15", 0.0.062500, "soundHitBuilding16", 0.0.062500



You're welcome to try the (private) mod I've put together if you want to know what the effects are like before coding them into your own. You can use any of the config or custom sounds I've edited or mixed, with respect to the many excellent mod sources I've used of course!

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id be interested in that protegimus since i make my own sounds for private soundmods as well, but i always borrow the cfgs from other soundmods. id love to learn more if thats okay with you?


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Nice work mate good examples and its nice to see some sharing going on !

Also, if your not interested in producing work for the community, just for yourself you could always un-pbo the sound.pbo and edit the config file, i suggest backing up the orginal and keeping it somewhere safe, this is how I learnt what little I know, by stumbling along...lol

Keep adding the BOOM in BOOMSTICK people! nener.gif

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Nice work mate good examples and its nice to see some sharing going on !

Also, if your not interested in producing work for the community, just for yourself you could always un-pbo the sound.pbo and edit the config file, i suggest backing up the orginal and keeping it somewhere safe, this is how I learnt what little I know, by stumbling along...lol

I'm more than happy to contribute something to the community - as mentioned above I also think a collaboration would bring the ultimate sound mod to ArmA.

Areas where I can help are config and testing and maybe a few original sounds.

Not sure about editing original game files - it's much safer to use an addon as it won't break file signatures or complicate future patch application.

Definitely ok to un-pbo and use as a reference though.

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Quote[/b] ]SGT_SAVAGE
Quote[/b] ]different variant bullet flyby sounds

Possible, There to ways to make it real, I can MSN to you smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]bullet "crack" sounds to indivdual weapons

Surely possible, Like the Protegimus wrote.

The AACF vehicle sounds you made are perfect, But I haven't use a lot, Just one or two with rework. And I haven't give anyone the resources.The ffamm 1.48beta version used many new vehicle sounds.

I help Mark XIII script his mod, and I have tested his beta version, sounds good too.

Quote[/b] ]Chammy

My name is FromZ, It's means from Zhongguo (Zhongguo = China), I heard you don't make sense of my name in the Sahrani Radio interview.  biggrin_o.gif

Your Version2 sounds great! I saw the video, a little suggestion: A less of the weapon sounds are deep suppressed and downcast.You can make them batter. Keep great works on!

And for all the single sound mod maker:

Maybe we can share the spirits, and work together!

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