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SoD Max

No oxygen from bis unless u meet thier vision

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">IF they do then you will have a reason to be upset but dont even bother to try and presume you know what they will do.<span id='postcolor'>

I'm sure, they will wink.gif

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Editor was released without any real terms and conditions..<span id='postcolor'>

Its a good news wink.gif

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Wow reading through this post really brings out the worst in almost everyone. I can say its pretty sickening seeing all of the slagging off of BIS, calling them nazis, commies etc. It is totally uncalled for.

Flashpoint has been around for how long now? 8 months? 9 months?

And throughout that entire time BIS has given us complete support and co-operation.

Regular patches and bug fixes, new units, documentation and help for editing etc.

I remember in the early days when one of the unit upgrades was late, there was pretty much the same reaction as now.

ie "BIS are lame! They promised our units! im going to boycott BIS!" etc

And then the next day when the units were released everyone would be pretty much kissing arse ie "Ooh lovely units, we love you BIS your the best please make more"

These guys most certainly did not have to continue support for this game and yet they have, and its a lot more than you can expect from some other games. We were already given an immensely powerful tool on release that people seem to be taking for granted already.

Yes, due to complications that NONE of us can claim to know about, oxygen could not be released when stated. But so what?

We will get it eventually, and in the meantime we have an absolutely stunning game to play.

All of this speculation about "BIS want to make a mint by claiming the rights to popular mods" is a load of crap.

There isnt anything remotely on the level of OFP on the market right now, and I think instead of cursing and damning BIS you should still be thanking them for a game that we are still playing months and months and months after released. Unlike those 1 week wonders like RTCW and Max Payne which I havent even glanced at for months.

Yes its dissapointing that BIS couldnt uphold their word and people have a right to be angry. But BIS have always delivered the goods in the past and and im sure they will continue to do so.

*rant mode off*

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here am miss cleo's amazing tarot reading for OFP!

1. oxygen will not be released until after ofp resistance am released.

2. russian editing progs or leaked version of oxygen will surface

3. next official patch will have bugs for both single player or multiplayer games so everyone will download:

4. patch 1.5 or whatever will have code disabling non-bis approved addons.

5. operation vietnam will get the oxygen tool

6. shortly thereafter bis will release something like this:

" due to the high quality and dedication of the team at operation vietnam, and the outstanding nature of there work bis has decided to partner with them officially"

7. thus OFP:V becomes a commercial mod

8. your boyfriend is cheating and so are you.

there am Miss Cleos predictions for the O2 affair. Miss Cleo would like to see OPFEC post the 3d object featured in romanB's thread so me can vent my anger by dumping my AK into a big box that say Bohemia Interactive.

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2 KingBeast

You know, I wasn surprised be reading your post... You are moderator of Official forum, you should tell us about how much BIS is good wink.gif

2 all

I'm just a client of BIS wink.gif You too if you've got a copy of OFP. We make the base of this game it keeps only on us. But I agree that it is impossible to give oxygen for all (may be later, but not right now). There is should be a STANDARD in OFP. Do you know what is the STANDARD? Try to think on it...

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Goodspeed i havent always been a mod, im just passionate about this game, I have no other game that I have played 8 months after release. I bought OFP as soon as it was out (european release) and I beleive it to be the wisest game purchase I ever made, and a lot of you on the forum think the same.

It just seems like there are far too many "shit stirrers" here ranting on and making wild speculations trying to work everyone up into an angry mob.

Miss Cleo why wouldnt Op Vietnam get the tools? They are a professional and skilled modding team, and there are plenty of those around. Im sure all of the good well organised mods will get the tools.

As for commercialisation, thats rubbish. Read Maruks post before you start predicting "free" mods are going to be made into commercial products..

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Hey Ran what's with the dickhead comment?

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> the result of a rumor launched by a dickhead on these forums<span id='postcolor'>

For your FYI I was mearly expressing what I thought was a possiblity of what could happen... It's called an opinion... ok?

I suppose your comeback would be, "Just like a**holes everyone has one."

...well all I can saw is "expressing opinions, thoughts and ideas" is EXACTLY what forum are ALL ABOUT...

Peace and please next time think twice before calling ppl names... funny thing about the internet... you never REALLY do know who you speaking too. This can be a good thing... or a very bad one:)

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pffff this is all so silly.. I think BIS gives the best support out there.

Been awhile at KlingonAcademy.com. Interplay doesnt give a wooden nickle about the community because all fans woulduv bought the game right away so theres no point in making addons and patches. But BIS is motivated and they not only love making money (because its a company ffs), they even love their own game and play with it like their baby!

What i really like to see in near future is some high quality addons rated and "bugfixed"/balanced out by BIS so they can put them in a new Ultimate Update. Wouldnt u luv to see addons with the overal flashpoint quality that look like they came with the game in both appearance AND name so not ADS Sniper or HGA Night Grenadier.

Hmmmmmmmm this game is getting better by the day

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Flugle , Most of they arguing here could be done in a private message . Then maybe it wouldnt be as silly . If BIS is going to release some new add-ons then lets get on it . We have people that are ready to go on with this and get this stuff out . Maruk gave a top 5 reasons as to why they wont release it . His fith reason is primaryly the top reson .

"We've started this initiative to make the tools available to some more people if they want to respect given condititions and (limitaions) of use the tools"

That means , Dont make something we are going to use and charge for in an up coming add-on . Now the more resonable side of me says ." Ok what ever its your toys , play how you want . "The other side says , "you own all the toys damn it . Let us get to play with our own" . For most of us thats what its really about . We are sick of being dependent on them for our fun . When there are alot of capible people out there . Hell , most of the rogue spear moders are here . So really it all comes to the issue of thier dollar not being made . If they had the balls to tell us out right and not treat us like a step child with the comments like a lawer ,

"The tools are intelectual property of Bohemia Interactive Studio and no users of Operation Flashpoint was granted any right to use it."

That attitude is uncalled for and is probly from a cock that has nothing to do with the game .

BTW BIS Here is a chance to bow out of it and say its out of your hands ."That attitude is uncalled for and is probly from a cock that has nothing to do with the game ." Now use this chance and run with it . pls say it , pls , pls , pls . Then we will shut up .

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Please read the following quote from Marek:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">) The tools are result of many years of our work and the tools have very high value<span id='postcolor'>

Oxygen and the other tools were written by BIS. If these tools can make a game like OFP, then it surely can make other games like OFP as well. Do you even realise the business risk they are taking with the release of their tools? Not only that, but they are releasing the tools for FREE!!! Now, excuse me, if I was a games programmer (which I might well be in a few years) and I wrote some programs that allowed me to assemble the most complete game ever, I would NEVER give them away for free!! BIS has my TOTAL respect for being so dedicated to this community by allowing it to use THEIR tools for which they have worked their arses off the last few years! Every one of you who called them names should be ashamed of yourself! You should feel very very LUCKY that they are willing to do what they are going to do! You can be sure that I would NEVER give such a genious program away for FREE, no matter what the community was like! You have no idea just how lucky we all are, and how good Marek and the whole of BIS are! They are still humans in a shark-industry! You little 15 yr old script kiddies that think the world owes you a living...I hope you will grow up one day and realise what it is like to struggle to make ends meet...and what acts of generiousity like BIS's actually mean in a world like this one today!

Everyone claims the OFP community is amazing...........well, after seeing the angry remarks after the Oxygen announcement...I feel ashamed of being in the OFP community. Have a little respect for some ppl's life work mad.gif

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I think this last post rounds this subject up "ends it". He makes a very truthfull comment . Others have tryed to say what he is saying now , but none say it as well as he has . Point made and taken .

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You Know what I hate to say it but Ronnin is right.

In alot of ways. Although I do not agree on all matters.

Personally I think oxygen should not be released at all.

But like someone else said. They would find another way.

Look yes we bitch and complain. But rember you said with out bis we would not have this game. With out the consumer. Which is us who have so grown to love the game. Bis would have no one to sell it too. It is a two way street.

Yes I am probably one of the biggest complainers of ofp.

Even though I love the game. I have owned the the game since it came out. Yes they put out a great game. With great potential. Also they are giving people in the community oppertunities too. These guys yes are takeing alot of risk microsoft and other companies would not take.

As for the vbs1. Don't be suprised when it is done. That this game will be totally reliant on the community to keep it afloat. Like falcon 4.0. So one the community should not bitch or complain that have not released certain things. Those things will come in time. One way or another.

But we should voice our opionions. We should not hassel bis.

This is a game that could be around for awhile. But only if the behavior of the community stays on good and equal footing with the company of the game and vice versa.

Other wise it is doom I tell ya DOOM.

oops sorry lost it there for a second.

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My opinion for what it is worth, well, they could release it to the general public, BUT, you will end up with 100000000000000000000000000000000000000 different versions of an M16 only to suit peeps tastes, so as far as MY opinion goes, good luck to the peeps that get Oxygen, lets just hope that they will bring in some addons that WE ALL want to see, ME i would love to see a FAST ATTACK VEHICLE F.A.V in this game for the spec-ops/spetsnaz, for me this would bring everything into the game. Please if you get this tool, DO NOT make some bloody stupid laser rifle or whatever, spend your time making something usefull for OFP thank you i've talked enough crap now and i'm leaving and goodnight..... OH and yes they are taking a very big risk releasing this tool, but hey best of luck to them for what in MY mind is THE most singular BEST game EVER made, i bought it about 3 days after it was released and i haven't played anything else since, because nothing else matches it plain and simple..................

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bah cant be fooked reading all these long posts ....

^^^^ read a few lines from the guy above...

dude we will be getting them it has nothing 2do with 10000000000000000000 diff m16's and other stuff....

if ya read the update ... why we didnt get it is cozz there is no tuts or documentation for the tool ... so no one would know WTF this or that button would do ... so to save themselfs the hassle of 100000000000000000 e-mails askin how i do this or that. they are releaseing to the selected few to use the tool with there support ....

and we will get the tool later on and with a few tuts made by the ppl that get elected and by themselfs .....

so it has nothing todo with money hunger or greedyness!

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