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CTF ??

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Do i need to say anymore? Where has ctf gone in this game. There are virtually no servers to join. Can someone point me to a cool server. thanks!

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I predict walker & co coming to this thread ranting about people voting with their feet and how hexen is good for only a mad half hour. Or maybe not because they don't want to fill my transparent prediction but maybe they will because I just said that.

The CTF scene up and left along with MCY map making, only a handful of servers and map makers remain. No server plays CTF actively.

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I predict walker & co coming to this thread ranting about people voting with their feet and how hexen is good for only a mad half hour. Or maybe not because they don't want to fill my transparent prediction but maybe they will because I just said that.

The CTF scene up and left along with MCY map making, only a handful of servers and map makers remain. No server plays CTF actively.

Agree with Celery.

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Some times i seen people play CTF on my server with around 40 players after berzerk games. Only got like 2 ctf maps on server tho.

Anyone know where i can download the MCY map pack?

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Some times i seen people play CTF on my server with around 40 players after berzerk games. Only got like 2 ctf maps on server tho.

Anyone know where i can download the MCY map pack?

of course

here the CTF mission packs

MCY mission pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1442

Gc mission pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=809

FPC mission pack: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2184

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I predict walker & co coming to this thread ranting about people voting with their feet and how hexen is good for only a mad half hour. Or maybe not because they don't want to fill my transparent prediction but maybe they will because I just said that.

The CTF scene up and left along with MCY map making, only a handful of servers and map makers remain. No server plays CTF actively.

Okay. Now that the people have voted (with their proverbial feet), what you gonna do, cry on the fkn forums for the rest of your days? confused_o.gif

The bitching is getting sillier than a mad half hour of Haxinkessel pistols.gif

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Okay. Now that the people have voted (with their proverbial feet), what you gonna do, cry on the fkn forums for the rest of your days? confused_o.gif

The bitching is getting sillier than a mad half hour of Haxinkessel pistols.gif

Thank you for your amazing contribution to this thread. notworthy.gif

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Okay. Now that the people have voted (with their proverbial feet), what you gonna do, cry on the fkn forums for the rest of your days? confused_o.gif

The bitching is getting sillier than a mad half hour of Haxinkessel pistols.gif

Thank you for your amazing contribution to this thread. notworthy.gif

Tbh Celery, he begins to have a point. As much as constant CTF bashing is getting old, same goes with the now constant whining crapping over Coop players and missions. Cause that's how the (legitimate) complaints on ArmA flaws have now turned out to be.

And it's also getting old.

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Thank you for your amazing contribution to this thread. notworthy.gif

No, thank you for all the constructive and inspiring whining posts and flame baits on the threads not about CTF. I mean, that's some serious contributing. People would be completely lost without your tireless efforts on bashing Evo, Coop and the people who dare to enjoy something else than CTF and DM.

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Thank you for your amazing contribution to this thread. notworthy.gif

No, thank you for all the constructive and inspiring whining posts and flame baits on the threads not about CTF. I mean, that's some serious contributing. People would be completely lost without your tireless efforts on bashing Evo, Coop and the people who dare to enjoy something else than CTF and DM.

Yet tireless efforts to bash PvP game modes as "twitch", "rambo", "cs" and "arcade" shooting for stupid kids goes unnoticed by your seemingly sensitive bias sensor. Maybe you should change the polarisation once in a while, my flamebaiting friend.

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I predict walker & co coming to this thread ranting about people voting with their feet and how hexen is good for only a mad half hour. Or maybe not because they don't want to fill my transparent prediction but maybe they will because I just said that.

The CTF scene up and left along with MCY map making, only a handful of servers and map makers remain. No server plays CTF actively.

Okay. Now that the people have voted (with their proverbial feet), what you gonna do, cry on the fkn forums for the rest of your days? confused_o.gif

The bitching is getting sillier than a mad half hour of Haxinkessel pistols.gif

its the same silly like the COOP dudes are talking bad about the PvP players.

And we are not crying, we are just saying our opinion to the questions asked.

Look at the threads and you will always see a guy bashing at PvP before someone says anything against COOP.

And most of the time its a thread about CTF.

By the way, I like every game-mode. wink_o.gif

back to topic:

The reason why there are so less CTF servers is clear...clumsy movements.

The only active CTF servers i see are: FPC and BANDA.

SBS went off to RB6 i guess...

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I believe clumsy animations could be corrected by a mod.

Now that performance issues are narrowed down in 1.09, shooting has been getting a bit better, and cheating is getting some dev time, it may be a good time to look into it.

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Yet tireless efforts to bash PvP game modes as "twitch", "rambo", "cs" and "arcade" shooting for stupid kids goes unnoticed by your seemingly sensitive bias sensor. Maybe you should change the polarisation once in a while, my flamebaiting friend.

As far as I remember, I've never said anything negative about CTF or DM without it being a response to some stupid jab at coop players or whatever by some bitter CTFer. And based on my observations, that seems to be the most common way the shit throwing starts. Then again, I don't usually even read the threads about CTF so my recollections on that subject might be biased.

For the record, I love me a good PvP mission, even more so than a coop, as long as it's not some shoebox CTF or DM with respawn.

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Yet tireless efforts to bash PvP game modes as "twitch", "rambo", "cs" and "arcade" shooting for stupid kids goes unnoticed by your seemingly sensitive bias sensor. Maybe you should change the polarisation once in a while, my flamebaiting friend.

As far as I remember, I've never said anything negative about CTF or DM without it being a response to some stupid jab at coop players or whatever by some bitter CTFer. And based on my observations, that seems to be the most common way the shit throwing starts. Then again, I don't usually even read the threads about CTF so my recollections on that subject might be biased.

For the record, I love me a good PvP mission, even more so than a coop, as long as it's not some shoebox CTF or DM with respawn.

That's the problem, you see and respond to text that was never written. I never said that you are bashing anything or even commented on your playing habits.

I've noticed that many people who deem themselves as tactical (and thus better-than-CTF) players tend to exaggerate their supposed opposition's writings, even to the point of adding straw man arguments to the conversation, such as thinking that the competitive scene wants the game to play like Quake or CoD and that's where the misunderstanding starts. You can dislike a game mode but it's still the same game you're playing and the bugs that negatively affect competitive PvP also affect every other game mode, although less critically because the action isn't quite as intense.

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The crying and yelling was about a year ago when there still was time to change the game, now there is really no point to cry nor yell since PvP has been domed on this platform since then.

No need to bash either, PvP, the clans & players are gone. So are the sales and BIS reputation as well. When I'm playing my coop games, which I almost enjoy, I find the above facts as sad as you must do.

Let us just hold hands, sing "We shall overcome" and hope for an ArmA2 which is as flexible as Ofp was regarding game styles.


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The crying and yelling was about a year ago when there still was time to change the game, now there is really no point to cry nor yell since PvP has been domed on this platform since then.

No need to bash either, PvP, the clans & players are gone. So are the sales and BIS reputation as well. When I'm playing my coop games, which I almost enjoy, I find the above facts as sad as you must do.

Let us just hold hands, sing "We shall overcome" and hope for an ArmA2 which is as flexible as Ofp was regarding game styles.


That's where I'm not THAT sure :P

Ofc, it's most probably dead.

In fact, if you ask me (but that's only me), there ARE better platform for DM/CTF than ArmA. A modded COD4 immediatly comes to my mind.

Now, I don't think the anims issues were the sole reason the population have dropped.

Performance, and lately cheating (the nail on the coffin) have impacted.

Both have been polished by BI lately.

So it may be possible to just re-build the anims in a more OFP-esque fashion to get something enjoyable.

This maybe worth the try, if only to prove that even an ArmA2 with the same issues as ArmA can still be a good choice for people seeking OFP DM scene.

Call that "preemptive corrective modding" wink_o.gif

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Yet tireless efforts to bash PvP game modes as "twitch", "rambo", "cs" and "arcade" shooting for stupid kids goes unnoticed by your seemingly sensitive bias sensor. Maybe you should change the polarisation once in a while, my flamebaiting friend.

As far as I remember, I've never said anything negative about CTF or DM without it being a response to some stupid jab at coop players or whatever by some bitter CTFer. And based on my observations, that seems to be the most common way the shit throwing starts. Then again, I don't usually even read the threads about CTF so my recollections on that subject might be biased.

For the record, I love me a good PvP mission, even more so than a coop, as long as it's not some shoebox CTF or DM with respawn.

That's the problem, you see and respond to text that was never written. I never said that you are bashing anything or even commented on your playing habits.

I've noticed that many people who deem themselves as tactical (and thus better-than-CTF) players tend to exaggerate their supposed opposition's writings, even to the point of adding straw man arguments to the conversation, such as thinking that the competitive scene wants the game to play like Quake or CoD and that's where the misunderstanding starts. You can dislike a game mode but it's still the same game you're playing and the bugs that negatively affect competitive PvP also affect every other game mode, although less critically because the action isn't quite as intense.

"you see and respond to text that was never written"

Such as your obvious flame bait in this thread? If you quote me, then I will respond with any details I see to have some relevance to the subject at hand, which, at that point, seemed to be my bias on the matter of BI forum flaming.

You only seem to notice the faults of other's and none of yours as well. Had you just refrained from taking yet another completely uncalled for jab at the "tactical players", you could've had some nice and constructive discussions about CTF instead of just another pointless CTF vs Coop argument.

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you could've had some nice and constructive discussions about CTF instead of just another pointless CTF vs Coop argument.

Nobody forced you to come to this thread with your pointless posts. If you haven't noticed, there already is constructive discussion about CTF and you were the one starting with the profanities and whining.

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you could've had some nice and constructive discussions about CTF instead of just another pointless CTF vs Coop argument.

Nobody forced you to come to this thread with your pointless posts. If you haven't noticed, there already is constructive discussion about CTF and you were the one starting with the profanities and whining.

Alright, Celery. I can accept a defeat. I apologise for the disturbance and hope we both learned something today. Carry on.

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Well if you ask me, I think the beta patch is becoming a bit long in the tooth. How longs it been in beta now? Maybe when this patch is officially released some players may have another look at the game, but its anyone guess when they intend to officially release it. Any inquiries here about the patch only brings sarcastic comments, so i don't bother asking. I just have to keep remembering to check back here every so often.

Was a shame about SBS clan giving up the game, but i have already seen all the other old Ofp clans give up on this game, so i'm not that surprised. I bet all they wanted when they rushed out and bought this game was the same as me. Somthing that played like Ofp, but with todays graphics. What they got was good graphics and a game that plays horrible Ctf.  goodnight.gif

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Well the FPC CTF server is still going strong at the moment and it gets a good full server most times ppl are playing on it.

There's a good selection of maps on it from the MCY,SBS. and various other clans and from the GC site as well so there should be CTF style map for most ppl to play allso (FPC) Charlie Chicken has made at least 15 maps and has started putting armor in them to mix up the game play so all are

welcome.gif to play on it if your a PvP or COOP player.

And SBS are playing RB6 Vegas up until RB6 Vegas 2 comes out so there goes another CTF clan sad_o.gif

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