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Pingu's claymores

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i do agree with jimbo a little over done for a 40mm launched grenade but for a 66mm rocket or a m136 perfect good crump sounds but i dont know if thats to do with the sound mod you are using or if you have embeded the sounds yourself

however the only changes with pingu's smoke effects is they need to linger longer is all there is enough smoke it just doesnt hang in the air long enough thats his only issue

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That looks pretty good DWMarkwick, with a little tweaking I think that could look about perfect. Is there a way to get that some a little more billowing? In your example it goes a bit high too fast.

I'm looking for something as close to this as possible:


The wind in that video is quite strong though, so it would probably linger in most arma winds a lot longer.

The one thing that seems quite unnatural about your explosions is the immediate smoke plume that's way above the rest of the smoke. I'd want it to billow up there eventually, not immediately.

If we can tweak that out, I'd love to use your effects. Can we get the smoke to linger for a while too?

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Quote[/b] ]i Pingu smile_o.gif with regard to the above statement by you, take a quick look at this. I'm thinking of expanding this effect for more explosions, as I think explosions in general look a little weedy smile_o.gif

Let me know if it's anything like what you were imagining.

And back in the real world, 40mm explosions look nothing like that. What is you opinion based on? Hollywood? That explosion looks more like an 84mm cart.

The effect is taken from LiveLeak footage I saw of grenade explosions, as close as I can make them. They're pretty damn close. I like to call it research.

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That looks pretty good DWMarkwick, with a little tweaking I think that could look about perfect. Is there a way to get that some a little more billowing? In your example it goes a bit high too fast.

I'm looking for something as close to this as possible:


The wind in that video is quite strong though, so it would probably linger in most arma winds a lot longer.

The one thing that seems quite unnatural about your explosions is the immediate smoke plume that's way above the rest of the smoke. I'd want it to billow up there eventually, not immediately.

If we can tweak that out, I'd love to use your effects. Can we get the smoke to linger for a while too?

Oh yeah tweaking would be required, it's just the starting point from a grenade setting is all.

Those little immediate smoke plumes are there quite deliberately due to observation from grenade footage, and they seem to happen about as often too. smile_o.gif They're scripted so they don't need to be there if the requirement/real life effect is not there. The smoke can linger just as long as you need it to smile_o.gif in my building collapse effects the building dust lingers for around 2 minutes I think.

The problem with using billowing effects from a center point is that it looks unnatural with the ArmA game engine constraints. Give the particles a fast velocity from an explosive center and they shoot away too fast, you cannot suddenly slow them down and then have them also drift about naturally. All the footage I've seen of explosives have two things in common:

There's no visual difference between the smoke suddenly appearing already in place and smoke booming out from the explosive center and suddenly stopping


the intuitive knowledge that smoke IS booming out from an explosive center makes you think that you must be able to see this happening. In reality you can't, so I made the decision to have the smoke particles suddenly appear fully in place as though exploding from a center, and your mind makes up the rest smile_o.gif

I think it works pretty well myself.

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The WGL 4.1 mod for OFP used a similar "instant cloud" effect for explosions. It was extremely frightening and powerful, especially with the sharp explosion sound effects.

I much prefer insta-clouds to slowly expanding clouds like most addons/mods use... you really cringe while waiting for a grenade to go off... wink_o.gif

Looking forward to playing with that effect, DMarkwick...

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The WGL 4.1 mod for OFP used a similar "instant cloud" effect for explosions. It was extremely frightening and powerful, especially with the sharp explosion sound effects.

I much prefer insta-clouds to slowly expanding clouds like most addons/mods use... you really cringe while waiting for a grenade to go off... wink_o.gif

Looking forward to playing with that effect, DMarkwick...

Actually it's in my addon right now. 4.3a link in my sig will get you the effect.

(Sorry for the shameless plug of my own addon there Pingu wink_o.gif)

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Quote[/b] ]The effect is taken from LiveLeak footage I saw of grenade explosions, as close as I can make them. They're pretty damn close. I like to call it research.

Put down the crack pipe and try again.......

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Quote[/b] ]The effect is taken from LiveLeak footage I saw of grenade explosions, as close as I can make them. They're pretty damn close. I like to call it research.

Put down the crack pipe and try again.......

kicked dust and smoke depends lot on terrain,dust and wind

tho DMs one are very good for 'non wet' weather in 'dusty area' with minimal wind ...



now this is great , blowing up leaking tanker with m203 smile_o.gif


building hits






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kicked dust and smoke depends lot on terrain,dust and wind

tho DMs one are very good for 'non wet' weather in 'dusty area' with minimal wind ...

Yes, alot of research is from middle eastern footage I believe. Doesnt fit the northern sahrani that good. It looks cool but not realistic in a wet forrest.

So please make this addon terrain-compatible with different effects for desert and woodland wink_o.gif

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As for the Video that you showed 40mm HEDP rounds landing into grassed soil, completely unrealistic. Where the round landed in the first video was a sand bowl, none of what you saw rising was smoke, purely sand. Don't gob off about things you have seen on youtube to people that uses the weapons.

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there is simple solution to that smile_o.gif

provide enough video documentation for 40mm HEDP on grass soil, mud, wet conditions and so on smile_o.gif

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As for the Video that you showed 40mm HEDP rounds landing into grassed soil, completely unrealistic. Where the round landed in the first video was a sand bowl, none of what you saw rising was smoke, purely sand. Don't gob off about things you have seen on youtube to people that uses the weapons.

Go to the relevant addon thread (which to save on brainache is here) and make your complaints there.

What you're saying is that a grenade on a sandy surface kicks up sand and is unrealistic? And you complain about the ArmA youtube footage where a grenade on a sandy surface kicks up sand? Take it to the correct addon thread please.

Apologies to Pingu for the unnecessary posts.

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Have to say I'm looking forward to this, but that tripwires IMO while perhaps not used by the Aussies and others would add greatly to the ArmA experience.

Sure, command Det is good for certain scenarios, but there are occasions when I'd like to leave a little present behind for any AI or players following me and my team.

Once my new pc arrives, I am looking at making a trip flare which I guess would use much the same scripting. (And yes, I know I can do that simply through the editor and triggers, but I want these for missions using players, and I like the fact that the eagle eyed might get a chance to avoid them!wink_o.gif

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K I installed 1.09 just to test this out, very nice little addon. It could do with some improved method of seeing where it's "aimed" though, would be my only comment. Very difficult to get the elevation setting right by eyeball on a 2D display.

I don't know what method this would be though. Probably something that is obviously not quite realistic, but something that would compensate for the "not really being there" nature of video games. Like say a very transparent cone of damage which is enabled when adjusting, and which goes away when not adjusting? Or even just a line of central aiming point, 4m long or something? And which has a LOD that you can only see really close up WHILE adjusting wink_o.gif

Something like that anyway.

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Hello.Those claymores are really great.Good job notworthy.gif

But i have a one question-what`s the classname,so i can put it

to equipment via init field in editor?I`m working on a mission,and i`d like to use them.Again-good job,thanks yay.gif

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Please,anybody,i really need those classnames for claymores.I want to use them in my MP mission notworthy.gif

I can`t find them anywhere sad_o.gif

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They're there in the config. There's 2 classes, ClaymorePrimary and ClaymoreSecondary. The ammobox class name is ClaymoreAmmoBox.

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Thank you wery much yay.gif I appreciate the help smile_o.gif

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If you're adding the claymores to equipment, be sure to add the box somewhere on the map or the scripts won't be initialized.

As for sighting, I've been thinking of simulating the peep sight on some models of the claymore, just a slit optic thing that points in the same direction as the claymore.

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