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Linker Split

Road placing tutorial

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<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:#FF0000'>-------LITTLE TUTORIAL ON HOW TO HAVE ROADS-------</span></span>

Create a new map, then go to Tools-->Roads to define your own road.

you'll get this window


Now you have to define your own road definition, click add...

Now in the Basic parameters of road, fill in the name with your custom one that you choose:


Then go to straight part, curves, special parts, terminators and add your roads.

Then click Ok to close the window, anc click OK again. Now definition has been done.

To add your own road in your map, click in the panel of objects the road networks field, you'll see your road definition:


Now with the road definition selected, click one time in your map, a window pops up:


I recommend you to first create the terminator of the road (the last piece of road) then add the various parts (either straights or curves) so click on Terminator of and go on, selecting the particular 3D Model you added in the road definition part. In the 3rd window of this process, you can choose to change the orientation of the terminator, and also its position (Z and X axis)

Click finish, you'll get the first road object in your map!

Now, to add new pieces linked to it, click two times on the terminator, this window will pop up:


here is where you start to build up your road, click on Modify dir A and you'll have acess to the modify road window:


Here you start adding pieces to your road, straight parts, curves, special parts, all defined first (at the beginning of this tutorial)

After you have finished, clik Apply, then Ok, your road as been built! The you can also choose to terminate your road, so instead of clicking Modify dir A, you click Gen. Terminator and select again your terminator piece.

here is what I got:


That's all folks

Linker Split smile_o.gif

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Nice tut thanks Linker Split, was playing with roads today.

BTW, whats the "set elevation" button for, I pressed it ... went away for 30 mins and came back and it said "not enough memory" !!

(btw, your second last picture has disappeared)

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Gnat @ Dec. 27 2007,08:07)]Nice tut thanks Linker Split, was playing with roads today.

BTW, whats the "set elevation" button for, I pressed it ... went away for 30 mins and came back and it said "not enough memory" !!

(btw, your second last picture has disappeared)

m8, I didnt try it... I will let you know smile_o.gif

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Another thing to note that might be of value: Removing tiles in the middle of a network and replacing them with shorter or longer tiles can sometimes leave the spacing between the two neighboring ones the same, this can make the road look warped. An easy fix for this can be exporting the net, then delete old one and re import. However this might not be always desired so if you've not laid out too many tiles ahead of the piece you'd like to replace for whatever reason, you'd be better off by undoing everything back to that tile, ie. Ctrl+Z.

Note: Sometimes Visitor can actually crash when using Ctrl+Z, so if you've haven't saved for a while and intend to undo some stuff it'd be recommended to save first.

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I followed this tutorial step by step, my road network was fine and I save my work (save as ... blabla.pew).

After I load again my project the roads was broken or missplaced in many parts !!

Any clue ?

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I followed this tutorial step by step, my road network was fine and I save my work (save as ... blabla.pew).

After I load again my project the roads was broken or missplaced in many parts !!

Any clue ?

Yeah, Visitor sucks.

If you want to fix it you'll either have to export all the nets as txt files, delete the old ones and import the road network.

Either that or start from scratch.

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how can I import road net from txt files ? I didn't found anything relative in visitor !!

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No problems placing my roads down, correctly visible in buldozer and ArmA. Problem is that they don't behave like roads. No speed increase, and AI drivers ignore them.

Any ideas? I'm using the non-binarized RC3 roads (ces6.p3d).

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You have defined your various road types in the Tools......Roads dialog, including crossroads in the crossroads tab of the same dialog?


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Ah ha.. Everything, except crossroads. Will try that. Thanks Planck.

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