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More displays?

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Hi guys..

Yesterday i had some discussion with my team mates about a second display..

Is it for example possible to make a program that can show the compass/gps/map or something like that on an external view? Like a pda? or monitor?

I have a windows mobile 6 pda and its always standing next to my monitor.. and it would be so great if i can popup the compass or something at my device biggrin_o.gif

I think its not possible to make this.. but i was just wondering

What do you guys think? smile_o.gif


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I think we see us again at ArmA II with the same question.

No, I don't think it's possible.

Arma supports single, dual and triple screen, but you can't use them to only show the map/etc as far as I know.

MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

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Arma supports single, dual and triple screen, but you can't use them to only show the map/etc as far as I know.

How you can use dual display in arma?

I had dual displays some time ago, but not now, so I can't test.

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This has crossed my mind too, and my conclusion was that it would require quite a lot of programming/hacking to get it done.

I was thinking, for example, there could be a Command Panel touch-screen which you would use to control your troops. Maybe you could drag soldiers/groups on a map by your finger "you go there".

But is this worth to implement by BIS, how can they justify it as a business decision, when we can make a good guess that most of the people who have ArmA and are quite certainly going to buy ArmA II, will never buy a touch-screen for a single computer game.

So it would have to be done by some user, like you smile_o.gif

Start hacking already smile_o.gif

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1) the only problem is getting information from the ingame compas. if there would be some API in ArmA to share the info about the current compas orientation / alt / fuel anyone could make a separate software to display this info

2) i have a dual monitor system ( 2x 1280x1024 ) connected to the 7900GS card.. ArmA is not using the second screen (((

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yeah, I have dual screen as well and I am not able to use the second screen for anything.

In fact, very very few games make proper use of the second screen. This is unfortunate, because getting a second screen, lets say a CRT is very cheap and it makes gaming much more user friendly, specially if you can display a map etc on the second screen.

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Have a look at this... http://www.kegetys.net/SoftTH/

Not exactly what we'd all like - ie a place to put the GPS and compass etc just like Flight Sim but impressive all the same.

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as ModeZt said,

we need to share ingame variables to some kind of external API ...

with such an API almost any kind of external equipment is theoretically possible ...

an USB driven horizont, other cockpit instruments, buttons/switches and yes .. why not a compass ...

this might be worth a brainstorming at BI's breakfast table....

and it can develop along with arma scripting/modding ...



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