ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 10, 2007 Well, being finished with my Napoleonic mod, i'm spending my spare time on making WW1 infantry units and a "No Man's Land" map. I'm planning : (1) Some basic infantry units for the main fighting countries (mainly 1 officer, 1 or 2 NCO's, 1 machingunner, 1 medic and 1 or 2 soldiers). French, British and German units are already done. US, Austrian and Russian units are planned. (2) One No man's Land map, with WRP made trenches and craters, destroyed villages etc. We all know that due to cell sizes (50 sqm), WRP trenches won't be satisfying (large trenches mainly, very large if not in diagonal from upper left to down right) but i'll enhance them with objects and they'll be player friendly which is always the most important, isn't it ? Units are based on very nice Invasion Of Europe models, King Tiger kindly allowed me to use them to save time. Â Weapons are from Vilas packs. Some pictures : first brits and scots : Then Frenchies : Finally some Germans : Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Snafu- 79 Posted December 10, 2007 Looking excellent so far. Will it be possible to have relatively big fights without lag? In addition I would suggest getting in contact with Shinkansen (he is on this forum). If I remember rightly he had a completed soldier pack, tanks, aircraft and some other things from the now dead Operation Somme mod. Edit: If it's anything like the Napoleonic mod I know this will be excellent. And I always love how you include Scots. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SeppSchrot 0 Posted December 10, 2007 Looks very promising. I'm looking forward to it, even when bunker&trench fights are not exactly a strength of my beloved OFP engine. PS: Where are the spiky helmets for the Krauts? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SengirVampireWW2EC 0 Posted December 10, 2007 hello, that looks excellent! I have always wanted some nice ww1 addons to play with, it´s good to see they are about being available after 6 years of OFP, hehe. By any chance, will you make the whole pack a standalone, please? I really don´t like addons that require another addons. Good luck with it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fab. 0 Posted December 10, 2007 cool project ! Just a few suggestions : would be sweet to see a map with brown earth, dead ofp trees, loads of craters, barbedwire fences (destroyable would be nice), fortifications etc... I reckon you should desaturate that french blue a little. uniforms would quickly get dusty/muddy and i reckon that would make the colour look less saturated. Also maybe you could make the LMGs more static. For example declare the LMG as a fake AT proxy (that cant be fired nor put in hands), so the soldier can still carry it around, and "deploy" it with an action --> that would spawn a static LMG version of it and put the soldier in it. Cause otherwise these guys will aim and try to fire their LMGs (which where pretty damn heavy back then) from standing, it wouldnt look so good... Or maybe keep it as is for now, release it, then see if you feel motivated to improve on these areas... I'm sure some people would be interested to help with improving it in some areas and adding more stuff. Like bayonets etc... And yep, OFP is far from dead good luck with the project, Fab. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeadParrot 0 Posted December 10, 2007 I am waiting for a kind of deploy script for LMG's. A 0.303 round is a full power round. Strange to see it fired standing up. And can somebody restrict the field of fired when deployed. Does weight of a weapon count in OFP? You can add mass in O2 but I don't know whether this really affects the fatigue of the soldier. When you look throught the sights of the Lewis machinegun what sights are you seeing in fact? Which gun? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Winters! 0 Posted December 11, 2007 excellent work m8 keep it up i will be a fan of this mod Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mickuzy 0 Posted December 11, 2007 dont forget about some of us commonwealth forces Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belgerot 33 Posted December 11, 2007 Indeed this is great news! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dave_sr25 0 Posted December 11, 2007 glad to see new stuff still for ofp keep it up looks amzing BTW like how you added some Scots troops most ppl forget about us lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sudayev 27 Posted December 11, 2007 What about some vehicles, cannons, machineguns and airplanes. Are you planning to add them to your mod ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bennie1983nl 0 Posted December 11, 2007 Holy Cow! looks great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emperor77 0 Posted December 11, 2007 Well finally a WWI mod for Flashpoint. I've been waiting for this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HxCxFxL 0 Posted December 11, 2007 OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH my god Prof T. what should I........:notworthy: I am sitting here in front of my PC and cry, no really........... You are the best I've waited, let me guess, you know The Great War mod (one of the first mods for ofp) it must be about 5-6 years ago ......... awesome ....... awesome like the Napoleonic Mod these pictures oh man And when you want I've got a good idea to get trenches in ofp, I would do it but I think I am too stupid with that progs the only thing I get ingame is a Gewehr 18 These pictures Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 11, 2007 Hoho, nice to see some enthusiasm left around here ! Well, first thank you for your support, some of it must go to King Tiger and IOE mod which allowed me to use their stuff, then, [b said: Quote[/b] ]If it's anything like the Napoleonic mod I know this will be excellent. And I always love how you include Scots. Thanks again, but it won't be as big nor as demanding for me, lonely Ofp worker, as it was for the Napoleonic mod. I'm just intending something (1) simple (2) quickly available (3) player friendly that's why : [b said: Quote[/b] ]What about some vehicles, cannons, machineguns and airplanes. Are you planning to add them to your mod ? I won't make any vehicles such as tanks or trucks, or planes. Not on my own. By the way, i did download (can't find the link anymore) some airplanes and a submarine from Shinkansen which are already nice. Maybe could he release them. I may make some artillery, static machineguns (maxim, hotchkiss, vickers and so on) do already exist amongst Vilas weapons. [b said: Quote[/b] ]By any chance, will you make the whole pack a standalone, please? I really don´t like addons that require another addons. I recently asked Vilas if i can repack his WW1 weapons in a separate pbo, giving them new tag, i'm waiting for his answer. [b said: Quote[/b] ]I reckon you should desaturate that french blue a little. uniforms would quickly get dusty/muddy and i reckon that would make the colour look less saturated. The contrast of Ofp captured picture is too strong - that's why they seem so blue -, but it's true that i could "age" that blue a little more. [b said: Quote[/b] ]I'm sure some people would be interested to help with improving it in some areas and adding more stuff. Like bayonets etc... Hope it'll be the case....I did work a lot on several - scripted / not scripted - bayoneting systems when working for CWmod and then for Napoleonic mod, and finally no one was satisfying. People using these mods know what i'm talking about. [b said: Quote[/b] ]would be sweet to see a map with brown earth, dead ofp trees, loads of craters, barbedwire fences (destroyable would be nice), fortifications etc... That's what's on the way : i already worked on trenches with sandbags and barbedwires as you can notice on the pictures, with specific texture for the trench ground, WRP craters (with mud texture around them) in the NoMans Land, dead trees, destroyed villages, reworked Ofp sandbags bunkers in the trenches...any other ideas are welcomed. Regards, ProfT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HxCxFxL 0 Posted December 12, 2007 How about gas, just an idea, that you can load a smokeshell in your Haubitze and shoot, and the smoke will hurt the soldiers, and as player you can put on a gas mask, like in the Falklands mod where you can put over the site menu your helmets on, I hope you know how I mean it (veeery bad english sry) Or how about digging your own dogout like the deadpic script in Napoleonic mod but also over the side menu ingame, that when you use it (like "built cover") and in front of you there will be a little "hill" of earth ( I don't know the word for it, but I hope you know what I ....) And a question, would it possible that you built with terragen or wilbur a terrain and in there, like a river or a hole or something but with no water (or you use water like in a real trench of WWI) and then you can put your trench addons in there with wrpedit (I've really tried it but what cames out was I really don't understand these progs) that the trenches are as high like the ground for good Sturmangriffe But please ProfTournesol don't blame me, you are the man, these are only some ideas. And ProfTournesol look at this the first WWI colored pictures but only the french army I think, awesome Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 12, 2007 [b said: Quote[/b] ]How about gas, just an idea, that you can load a smokeshell in your Haubitze and shoot, and the smoke will hurt the soldiers, and as player you can put on a gas mask, like in the Falklands mod where you can put over the site menu your helmets on, I hope you know how I mean it (veeery bad english sry) I must admit that's the kind of things i'd like to implement, but i duno if i will be able of doing a satisfying thing. The gas mask is not a problem, but the scripts may be quite laggy on a large scale...some help is welcome. [b said: Quote[/b] ]Or how about digging your own dogout like the deadpic script in Napoleonic mod but also over the side menu ingame, that when you use it (like "built cover") and in front of you there will be a little "hill" of earth (   I don't know the word for it, but I hope you know what I ....) I think i do understand you, and it's quite a nice idea, quite easy to implement, it may protect you while attacking in the No Man's Land. There'll be a lot a craters in the No Man's Land where one can hide anyway. [b said: Quote[/b] ]And a question, would it possible that you built with terragen or wilbur a terrain and in there, like a river or a hole or something but with no water (or you use water like in a real trench of WWI) and then you can put your trench addons in there with wrpedit (I've really tried it but what cames out was  I really don't understand these progs) that the trenches are as high like the ground for good Sturmangriffe There won't be any "trench addons" because they are not player's friendly. The map will be created with WRPedit (terragen or wilbur won't change anything in fact), as rivers as you said, but they'll be not so nice looking, because of some limitations ("cell size") these trench will be too wide. Anyway, i'll do my best to enhance them as much as possible with objects and textures. [b said: Quote[/b] ]But please ProfTournesol don't blame me, you are the man, these are only some ideas. I'm very pleased to get some ideas from anybody, as i'm working alone for the moment, so don't hesitate to criticize my choices or to give some new ideas, no problemo... And there will be some "Pickelhaube" helmets, of course (helmet with a "pike"). Regards, ProfT Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dannyllnl69 0 Posted December 13, 2007 wow nice addons ...keep up the good work !! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HxCxFxL 0 Posted December 14, 2007 YEEEESSS soldiers with a Pickelhaube very nice I've got another Idea but that would only be for ambience\atmosphere. How about putting some empty "bean can" on the barbedwires, but only when you do such an addon. And on this site there are pictures, the site is about the trainig of the first "sturmtruppen" (stormtroops? Am I right?) and on these pictures you con see some grenade traps if you are interestet ProfTournesol Another idea is to put some corpses, bones, trash of the artillery (shells) on the No Mans Land map you built, just for the atmosphere. But you know ProfTournesol, you are the genius, not me. Just some ideas.... Who is interestet in one of the best WWI information sites in the web and some special sides for battlefields (I was 5 times in Verdun, awesome) (The next link is for all the canadians on this board ) <= Respect and Honour for all the brave soldiers who fought in this war => Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anzac 0 Posted December 15, 2007 EXcellent i started` a ww1 mod awhile back.. over the top mod... never finished it though .. i released a Vickers HMG if youd like to add that to your pack .. need some Anzacs in there though,:-P dont mean to be pickey though the putee's on the brits look alil short but that maybe just the screenshot? they used to come up below the knee great job guys carnt wait for it i have a stack of unfinshed ww1 stuff u guys can have even a mk1 tank Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HxCxFxL 0 Posted December 15, 2007 [b said: Quote[/b] ]great job guys All the honour have to go to ProfTournesol But Anzac I know your addon of the Vickers HMG, I've played it with the vilas addons and on the site there where also some WWI soldiers but the link is dead, your vickers hmg anzac is really nice I like it very much. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ProfTournesol 956 Posted December 15, 2007 @ Anzac : a Vickers was exactly what i needed, as Vilas pack doesn't have any. If you've got unfinished things, i'll be pleased to look into them to see what i can do with them. Everything that can save time is welcome. About Anzac soldiers, i could make some of them, but i do not have a lot of uniform informations about them. Reyhard sent me some stuff too, particularly a very nice artillery barrage, with nice explosions creating craters. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
belgerot 33 Posted December 16, 2007 Awesome to hear about the possibility of an artillery barrage. I've always wanted a moment in game where the only thing to do is find cover, and wait and hope. Are there plans to make any artillery? Good job so far on these soldiers. I agree that the uniforms of the French could be dirtied, or dulled up just a little bit but everything else looks top notch. It's very good to see this chapter in OFP. Vilas had several good items available, so I hope some of them do find use again in your mod or at least help inspire you to create more. Again, awesome job on these. It's great to see interest in pre-modern militaries. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HxCxFxL 0 Posted December 16, 2007 [b said: Quote[/b] ]but i do not have a lot of uniform informations about them Hi ProfTournesol, I hope I understand you right, I've got some very good sites about uniforms from WWI (uniforms & equipment) (Red Cross Uniforms) (uniform with some details) (French) (Brit) (there you'll find everything about uniforms really everything) (early french soldier) (canadian jacket) (Many details) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emperor77 0 Posted December 16, 2007 (ProfTournesol @ Dec. 15 2007,20:48) said: @ Anzac : a Vickers was exactly what i needed, as Vilas pack doesn't have any. If you've got unfinished things, i'll be pleased to look into them to see what i can do with them. Everything that can save time is welcome. About Anzac soldiers, i could make some of them, but i do not have a lot of uniform informations about them.Reyhard sent me some stuff too, particularly a very nice artillery barrage, with nice explosions creating craters. If you are going to make ANZAC, i think you should also make Turkish soldiers, because ANZAC fought some of its greatest battles in Turkey. (or did ANZAC fight in europe too?) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites