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ArmA brightness / light system

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Again, thank you, I found the file and changed, and saved it.

But I have to be honest, it didn't seem to make any difference. I tried it on 16 and 32 from where it was originally, which was 8

although, 16 might have seemed to tone it down a little, I might go with that, unless I'm just imagining things. what do the different settings do anyway?

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The only time i had problems with hdr was with my older videocard.

with my 8800gt i dont seem to notice to much of all these bad things mentioned.

NV can be a bit crappy, i think the overall brightning effect could be a bit toned down.

But i LOVE the HDR color shading in arma.

I think you just need quite a strong pc and videocard to realy enjoy arma.

Its playable on lower but frustrating to me to on lower settings.

I think that is what this whole "problem" comes down to.

For me this is not a problem anymore because i need a good pc for my work smile_o.gif

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