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Change Log for 1.09?

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Hi there,

is there some kind of interim-changelog for 1.09?

The only thing i found is this (Source:BugTracker):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[Units/Vehicles] Spontaneous death while driving a motorcycle (Suma)

[AI] AI soldier can't fire when crouching behind the sandbags...[v1.02.5103 Polish]... [BIKIIMPORT] (Suma)

[General] CTD when resuming from a save in large and/or script intensive missions. (Suma)

Thing is, that i'm really waiting for a fix for the "Reassing/Restart"-Bug ... it's bugged since 1.00 and it's really annoying in MP-Gaming.

MfG Medicus

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Well seems like 1.09 will be the last patch for ArmA.

So what do you expect?

I think BIS gave up ArmA as they released it and they are not that really interested in spending time to fix a game, when the next one ( ArmA 2 ) will be released just two year later.

So all BIS power is forced on ArmA 2 ( I hope ) crazy_o.gif

There will be a 1.09 but don't think it will be the masterpiece ever made.

ArmA is dead since it was released.

Anyway i have some fun playing it. smile_o.gif

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Why don't you guys just check the BIS site for official info? icon_rolleyes.gif

The bugtracker never has the full changelog.

Look here for a longer changelog.

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They said they'd continue to support it, and they also explained the lack of activity from them on the bug tracker too (I know it's not mentioned here but it is in other threads).

I really don't understand how this community has just totally written ArmA off like it has. Compared to vanilla OFP it's far superior. The only let down is the campaign, which is probably more down to lack of time to fine tune for last minute engine changes.

Most people seem to be comparing it to OFP at the end of it's life with the final patch and masses of user made content several years after it's initial release. People go mad if others compare it to other game mods, why should it be so different if that "other game" is OFP?

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...and they also explained the lack of activity from them on the bug tracker too (I know it's not mentioned here but it is in other threads).

Link please? Don't remember seeing that.

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Quote[/b] ]ArmA is dead since it was released.

agreed ....  sad_o.gif

only the user made missions make this fun

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I don't even think they are comparing ArmA to OFP at the end. They are comparing it to some mythical memory of OFPthat is only in their mind. ArmA blows OFP away: it is what everyone asked to be in OFP. They only say that OFP is better so as not to seem, on the surface, that they are criticizing BIS, but in reality they are.

So what if it is the last patch? ArmA2 will be an upgrade to this game and all content will be compatible. This is a problem? EA puts out a new Madden game every year that is worse than the previous version, that sells millions and people here complain, ad nauseum, about one buggy release out of three, in six years, and for a game that still has no peer.

What a community!


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Arma isnt dead since release. In 1.00 version ai hardly knew that you shot down his friend standing 2 meters from him and then he needed 40 seconds to locate you.

There were multiple improvements that should be in 1.00

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