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OFPEC & Opf.info gone?

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I recently found my missing 256MB Flash Drive, which had been hidden in a cup on top of my computer desk for about 6 months. O.o

Anyways, I decided that I should get some new AddOns, just for the heck of it. So...heres where the scary part comes in, I tried to get on Ofp.info...

And it said..."Ofp.info cannot be found".

Astounded, I tried it twice more, no luck. Then, with a glimmer of hope, I tried to get on OFPEC...same thing.

"Ofpec.com cannot be found".

I was bewildered, I tried thrice more, before realizing the awful truth...OFP's AddOn community is dead, and ArmA has taken over. crazy_o.gif

So, did these sites really close, or is my internet just sucky?   huh.gif

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Try OFP2.info. wink_o.gif

btw. The OFP addons are still there, and the community has not completely moved over to ArmA.

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Yeah, I found OFPEC, just after I posted this..I was like "Oh..".

My internet was just being slow, but I can't find ofp.info crazy_o.gif

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I thought the OFP addons can still be found on OFP2.info, it seems i was wrong about that. sad_o.gif

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It's okay, I found my ArmA Serial Key and CD again wink_o.gif

So, I can ask some of the peeps on OFP2 to re-open OFP.info, cause some of us wub OFP wif all r hearts! xmas_o.gif

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Typing in "http://ofp.info" and pressing Enter works just fine for me...

You're more likely referring to old OFP.info file links that contain ofp.gamezone.cz, where as they should now be ofp.gamepark.cz.

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Nope, ofp.gamepark.cz doesn't work for me, I never used gamezone. confused_o.gif

OFP.info is just a forward address.

Old situation:

OFP.info --> ofp.gamezone.cz

New situation due to host quiting about a year ago:

OFP.info --> ofp.gamepark.cz

What country are you in? Are you on a university/corporate network? (maybe they are blocking the site).

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I've been having the same problem too, but week after week, day after day ofp.gamepark.cz does not want to load for me.

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I can easily load it but I had a similar problem with these forums and ofp.gamepark.cz not loading a short while ago.

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My god, you like archeology or what ? The last post is more than one year old :torture:

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Ofpr.info have 40% dead link,i report many time to Rellyyki.but no action taken.i try codeblue campaign and its addon half of them are dead.campaign download 4 and 5 page are linkless.

Need to take some action Rellyyki.

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This is not the place to complain about that. You can report broken links to the official OFPR.info e-mail. I will fix all the broken links which are reported to me, if possible, but you only have reported to me twice and both times I acknowledged, so I can't see what you're complaining about. Majority of the links seem to work all fine for me.

Since the original matter of this thread has been solved, this shall be closed now. As I said, use the official OFPR.info e-mail, found in the website, to contact about matters regarding the site.

Edited by Rellikki

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