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Irritating Mouse Lag

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Okay, I used to get this on my 7900GS as well (But I now have a X1950 Pro), but whenever I'm walking around or running, sometimes the movement on the screen lags behind the movement of the mouse. It also happens when I'm running, the guy doesn't stop running until a while after I release the key. Can really get me shot, say if I'm running forward a little, and I accidentally run from out of cover due to this error.

I tried a search, but could find nothing for ATi cards, so I was wondering - does anyone know  a way to fix this mouse lag?

It's really making Arma unplayable.

My mouse btw, is a Razer Copperhead.


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Try and see, if lowering the following settings together make it go away:

(What is your ingame resolution? Does it also happen one notch down?)

Viewdistance: 1200-1600m

Terrain detail: low or normal

Object detail: low or normal

Texture detail: normal

Shading detail: normal

Shadow detail: normal

Postprocessing: low

AA: disabled

AF: can be kept very high

Edit: Oh, an no, this has nothing to do with the 'mouselook-freeaim' slider setting.

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Thanks troop smile_o.gif

I've lowered those settings, and the issue is still there. sad_o.gif

EDIT: Will try lowering the resolution as well, it's currently at 1440x900 (Widescreen monitor.)

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Thx ofpforum smile_o.gif

I've tried everything, from changing the flip queue size and even turning V-Sync off, the problem still happens. sad_o.gif

It's irritating, seems like a game bug.

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Seeing as you also have keyboard 'lag' i think you have some IRQ conflicts or something, but you might want to check this topic, which suggest reformatting or checking for some kind of keylogger.

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Thanks smile_o.gif

No keyloggers found..so I'm guessing IRQ conflict then..?

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so I'm guessing IRQ conflict then..?

It is possible, but honestly i wouldnt know how to fix it or how to find out whats conflicting. confused_o.gif

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And of course you have scanned your computer for spyware?

Ran a virus check but most importatly "disable" your virus software while playing the game?

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whats Your USB polling frequency ?

and know tool named Ati Tray Tools ?

when You use it to create game profile then try define Flip Queue Size to 2 (default 3)

it equals to NVIDIA's render frame ahead

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This is infact a problem with the game tbh, i got this is well but im some what used to it now.

Let me quess that when you aim in ironsight mode aiming at a enemy target mostly goes to the side of the target slightly insted of stopping on the target itself. As for trying to reduce your settings etc dont work ive ran this game with like 80fps and the mouse lag is still there but not so bad. I think it comes down to the fact that there is a delay with the input in this game. Its almost as if theres like a 200ms delay which will increase as frame rate drops and gets less noticable as frame rate increases. Weither or not this is a side effect of something in the game design is unknown but it should be serously looked at to be fixed or removed.

Btw this happens on all of my 3 comps and i have tried everything to fix this issue but nothing has fixed it. confused_o.gif

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I was under the impression that what he is talking about is actually a feature, not a bug. I call it "over-run". It is more realistic, but can be annoying.

IRL it isn't possible to go from a full run, to crouched and firing instantly, you have to take a couple extra steps just to slow down and stop. I'm not saying I like the feature, but I do understand it.

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i get no delay you speak about ...

btw tried change to change floating zone value in game control?

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Under lower fps especially there is considerable control lag - most noticeable when in city, you move the stick back and about a second later the nose starts to pull up. Higher fps will improve this immensely so get a faster machine, fsb, ram and cpu, with a larger mem graphics card seems to do the trick in reducing the problem. It affects keyboard, mouse, joysticks et al. I think it's just the way the program runs round in a fast loop all the time in single thread and it gets around to checking the input buffers 'when it can'...

Sucks, but the only answer is reduce settings, especially view distance and texture quality to low, and upgrade your machine.

Hopefully ArmA 2 will make better use of multithreading and multiprocessing on the input stream.

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are you sure about no loggers?

Just for the fun of it, try run kaspersky antivirus on your machine. it CANT hurt!

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WarWolf @ Sep. 20 2007,13:03)]Under lower fps especially there is considerable control lag - most noticeable when in city, you move the stick back and about a second later the nose starts to pull up.  Higher fps will improve this immensely so get a faster machine, fsb, ram and cpu, with a larger mem graphics card seems to do the trick in reducing the problem.  It affects keyboard, mouse, joysticks et al.  I think it's just the way the program runs round in a fast loop all the time in single thread and it gets around to checking the input buffers 'when it can'...

Sucks, but the only answer is reduce settings, especially view distance and texture quality to low, and upgrade your machine.

Hopefully ArmA 2 will make better use of multithreading and multiprocessing on the input stream.

Thanks everyone smile_o.gif

I've ran AVG, and I've found nothing unusual on my machine.

It can't be a problem with it being too intensive on my machine, it even happens with the settings turned down low.

Maybe it just is, as people have said, an in game bug. My IRQ's seem fine as well.

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It also happens when I'm running, the guy doesn't stop running until a while after I release the key. Can really get me shot, say if I'm running forward a little, and I accidentally run from out of cover due to this error.

Please let me inform you that your question was answered mostly by "Pro Arma" members, also called fanboys.

Guys it's a shame that you refuse to give away informations reported since the release. At least stop ignoring them for a moment when someone is asking for troubleshooting!

Arma controls are sluggish like hell.

Many old OFP PvP players can't find a way to adapt to ArmA till now, what will be a main reason for the overwhelming amount of coop games online.

A kind of "mouse grid" which is too rough for small targets is present since OFP. Some players have reported that it's possible to overcome if your mouse supports hardware based dpi changes on the fly. But still you'll have to choose between precise/ultra slow and normal speed every time.

Especially the running-stop issue is a problem caused by the animation system used in ArmA.

By default all animations are influencing the responses of your player model and they are allowed to finish playing one by one.

So until it's bug fixed by now, reloading soldiers seem to be invincible when hit but die as soon as their previous reloading animation has finished.

The running animation is just too long to allow a controlled movement. When you release the control unfortunately at the first step of the looping running-animation your soldier puppet will always play the full animation consisting of three steps or whatever.


But of course, it's right that everything is worse when playing with low FPS, so all the hints above improving them are well-meant nevertheless.

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i've considered 'controller input lag' as being a feature ever since good old ofp. i learned to live with it and look at it as a simulation of inertia smile_o.gif

however, there's a related bug in the bugtracker if you want to place a vote...

btw, i have an X1950 Pro and i'm using ATITool v0.27 but i can't find that 'flip queue size' parameter anywhere... ?

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It also happens when I'm running, the guy doesn't stop running until a while after I release the key. Can really get me shot, say if I'm running forward a little, and I accidentally run from out of cover due to this error.

Please let me inform you that your question was answered mostly by "Pro Arma" members, also called fanboys.

Guys it's a shame that you refuse to give away informations reported since the release. At least stop ignoring them for a moment when someone is asking for troubleshooting!

Yeah ofcourse, we are just lying for no reason whatsoever.. icon_rolleyes.gif

Can i ask you, and everyone else who has serious input lag(>100ms), are you using USB mice and keyboards, or are you still using the old PS/2 ports to plug them in?

Because if something similiar like

Quote[/b] ]I think it's just the way the program runs round in a fast loop all the time in single thread and it gets around to checking the input buffers 'when it can'...

Is true, then using the PS/2 ports may positively affect the lag, even though the transfer speed of the PS/2 is lower, they have a higher priority in the BIOS which may help.

(What Opticalsnare said sounds quite logical as i am also affected when my FPS drops a bit below 20, but any higher and its gone)

EDIT: @Daikan: Its 'Ati Tray Tools', not Atitool;

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Can i ask you, and everyone else who has serious input lag(>100ms), are you using USB mice and keyboards, or are you still using the old PS/2 ports to plug them in?

ps/2 mouse here and i'm getting nice, long mouse lag smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]EDIT: @Daikan: Its 'Ati Tray Tools', not Atitool;

thx will try it out.

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with proper settings and good fps one can remove the mouse lag

like completely. at least the same level.

ArmA, just like OFP, isn't pixel exact on movements. Not good at

all, but just the same in OFP.

So again, the problem is related to hardware, fps and settings.

Once all things fit together, the issue is pretty much non existent /

same as in OFP.

Worked for all my clan members.


PS: Not saying that ArmA behaves good with different hardware.

ArmA is very very hardware, software, settings, fps sensitive. banghead.gif

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@Trapper, well thanks. I just shared the information that I'd noticed myself - and the fixes that I had to apply myself to improve the problem from my end of the equation. Animation lag (run-on after releasing key) was a separate issue from the control lag (which was all that I discussed as that is something that we CAN improve ourselves). As far as troubleshooting goes I don't see what you, I or the original questioner can do about the animations that hasn't already been posted about a zillion times already.

Interesting point about the USB though, my mouse is still PS2, however the keyboard I have used for the last few weeks is now USB, and the input lag in that seems slightly worse again - will try using that ps2 oldie I have again and see.

On a side note about the flip-queue size this will only be a noticeable improvement if your system is running on a low fps already - render-frames-ahead will be relative to the number of frames-per-second that you have.

I am seeing around 30-50 unless in city, therefore I have actually used the flip-queue size increasing from 0 (which was the default for some unknown reason) up to 3 - and as the fps is high enough there's been very little effect on mouse lag, however the texture-load stutters are now even better than before...

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None of us can fix this animation. But when the question had arised again it's a sign for me that a relatively new board member has seen not one of the zillion posts yet.

So don't forget to mention the downsides of the problem itself while encouraging him to put large efforts into optimizing his whole system for a not so optimized software.

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Yeah ofcourse, we are just lying for no reason whatsoever.. icon_rolleyes.gif

Funny- I remember when i said about the animations. You came up with this same cock and bull story that it was my pc. Fortunately i work with computers every day, so you didn't convince me it was just my pc. You know your not helping anyone here by telling them its there pc all the time. Your beginning to sound like a stuck record. Like Trapper said its the animations/transitions that suck.

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banghead.gif I have the same problem and nothing i try with Ati Tray Tools work! sad_o.gif Its almost impossable to aim quickly! It must be a bug or something coz i have changed pc's and both had the same problem and the pc's had different hardware. Can anyone please help??

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