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WIP-M1911 A1 v0.9

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Hi, with the help and the hard work of Martin BM, now i've my dear

M1911-A1 back into ArmA, it still have bugs, but they'll be corrected

with the time. Thanks to all those named in the readme for they're

respective work in each component of this gun.

-=WIP-M1911 A1 v0.96 Armaholic.com Mirror=-

-=WIP-M1911 A1 v0.96 Armedassault.info Mirror=-




Let's C ya

Edited by wipman

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Nice one, wipman thumbs-up.gif

Will give it a try as soon as i'm home again.

MfG Medicus pistols.gif

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Hi, thanks Medicus, but you should thank it better to those named

in the readme, i just putted the tag and took it for the OFP, others

were who did the hard job, now for the ArmA was Martin BM who did

the whole importing and model improvement.

I need to know how fix that thing with the spitted to the hiperspace

shells; im also thinking in low the damage; this is a .45 ACP, the BIS

B92FS do 0.7 while this one is 1 shot 1 kill, if we gonna shoot most

of the times vs OPFOR units with a vest, they should stand more

than one single shot. I think that 0.8 or 0.85 or even 0.87... will be

a more aceptable damage level for a .45 ACP letting higher values

there for .44's .357's or .50 & .50 Beowulf.

Let's C ya

P.S: Any mirror will be apreciated.

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Hi nice gun but I found a couple of bugs. For one the Shadow! It is totally messed up. 2 you should make an unit with it so that our fellow noobs can play with it too. 3 Make the fire sounds much louder as even the reload sounds more than the actual shot!

Thanks for you attention, Flat!!! wink_o.gif

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Hi, thanks for host the gun. Flat, sorry but im not a modeler and

i play without shadows, so i didn't noticed the shadow bug; as im

not a modeler... i doubt that the shadow bug will ever be fixed.

Im not a sounds editor and i never edited any sound file, so that

sound file will remain the same. But thanks for report the bugs, if

you find more things that we did wrong... don't stop to inform us.

We love to know how dumb we're (at least me). Let's C ya

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Very nice gun! I love the look the sound of the reload is wonderful but the fireing sound sounds like a shotgun more than a handgun imo but different addons different sounds biggrin_o.gif

anyways i also discovered this funky little effect that shows when you get close to house walls.


btw if anyone has problems with how to set it up ingame just throw in a car and in the cars init field type this in <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addWeaponCargo ["wip_m1911a1", 1]; this addMagazineCargo ["7rnd_45cal_wip", 10]; then you will be able to pick it up from the car, if for ammo crate then use clearweaponcargo this; clearmagazinecargo this; codes before entering the code to add the .45 wink_o.gif

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Beautiful! This should have been in the game fk the beretta they should have kept the 1911 in service! pistols.gif

checkin it out now, I absolutely love 1911s, they are personally the most beautifully crafted pistol to me. When you pick one up it just melts into you.

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Hi, when you hear the word: dumb or asshole... think in me.

Let's C ya

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Emm I unpboed your addon and found that it ain't the same config as you posted above confused_o.gif

This is what I found:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CfgPatches


class WIP_M1911A1




requiredVersion = 1.08;



class CfgSkeletons


class WIP_M1911A1





"trigger", "",

"trigger_bar", "",

"hammer", "",

"slide", "",

"loaded_indicator", "slide",

"slide_catch", "",

"magazine_release", "",

"magazine", "",

"follower", "magazine"




class CfgModels


class wip_m1911a1



class Animations


class trigger


type="rotation"; //The type of animation.

source="reload"; //The controller that provides input.

selection="trigger"; //The name of the skeleton bone used.



minValue=0; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue="1"; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.

angle0="0"; //The starting angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 0.

angle1="rad 45"; //The ending angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 1.


class trigger_bar


type="translation"; //The type of animation.

source="reload"; //The controller that provides input.

selection="trigger_bar"; //The name of the skeleton bone used.



minValue="0"; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue="1"; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.




class hammer


type="rotationZ"; //The type of animation.

source="reload"; //The controller that provides input.

selection="hammer"; //The name of the skeleton bone used.

axis="hammer_axis"; //The name of the axis in the model.

minValue=0; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue="63"; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.

angle0="0"; //The starting angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 0.

angle1="-63"; //The ending angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 1.


class slide


type="translation"; // The type of animation.

source="reload"; // The controller that provides input.

selection="slide"; // The name of the skeleton bone used.



minValue=0; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue="1"; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.




class slide_back:slide


source="isEmpty"; //The controller that provides input.


class slide_catch


type="rotationZ"; //The type of animation.

source="isEmpty"; //The controller that provides input.

selection="slide_catch"; //The name of the skeleton bone used.

axis="slide_catch_axis"; //The name of the axis in the model.

minValue=0; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue="1"; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.

angle0="0"; //The starting angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 0.

angle1="rad -9"; //The ending angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 1.


class loaded_indicator_empty


type="rotation"; //The type of animation.

source="isEmpty"; //The controller that provides input.

selection="loaded_indicator"; //The name of the skeleton bone used.



minValue=0; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue="1"; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.

angle0="0"; //The starting angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 0.

angle1="rad 3"; //The ending angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 1.


class magazine_follower


type="translation"; // The type of animation.

source="revolving"; // The controller that provides input.

selection="follower"; // The name of the skeleton bone used.



minValue="0"; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue="1"; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.




class magazine_release


type="translationZ"; // The type of animation.

source="reloadMagazine"; // The controller that provides input.

selection="magazine_release"; // The name of the skeleton bone used.

minValue=0; //The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue=".002"; //The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.

angle0="0"; //The starting angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 0.

angle1="-.002"; //The ending angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 1.


class reload_magazine_hide







class reload_magazine


type="rotationZ"; // The type of animation.

source="reloadMagazine"; // The controller that provides input.

selection="magazine"; // The name of the skeleton bone used.

axis="magazine_axis"; // The name of the axis in the model.

minValue="0.15"; // The minimum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 0.

maxValue="0.5"; // The maximum value of the motion range. i.e. The controller input when animation phase is 1.

angle0="0"; // The starting angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 0.

angle1="rad -1.5"; // The ending angle of this animation, where the animation phase is 1.







class cfgAmmo


class Default;

class B_9x19_SD;

class WIP_45ACP: B_9x19_SD


hit = 9;

cost = 5;


typicalSpeed = 320;



class cfgMagazines


class Default;

class 15Rnd_9x19_M9SD;

class 7Rnd_45cal_WIP: 15Rnd_9x19_M9SD


scope = 2;

displayName = "M1911A1 mag";

ammo = "WIP_45ACP";

count = 7;

model = "\wip_45\45_mag.p3d";

initSpeed = 320;

class Library {

libTextDesc = "Standard 7 rnd magazine for M1911A1 pistol";




class CfgWeapons


//HK MK23

class M9;

class WIP_M1911A1 : M9


scope = 2;



picture = "\wip_45\w_M1911.paa";




magazines[] = {"7Rnd_45cal_WIP"};

class Library {

libTextDesc = "The M1911 is a single-action, semiautomatic handgun chambered for the .45 ACP cartridge. It was designed by John M. Browning, and was the standard-issue side arm for the United States armed forces from 1911 to 1985. It was widely used in World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. Its formal designation as of 1940 was Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911 for the original Model of 1911 or Automatic Pistol, Caliber .45, M1911A1 for the M1911A1, adopted in 1924. The designation changed to Pistol, Caliber .45, Automatic, M1911A1 in the Vietnam era. In total, the United States procured around 2.7 million M1911 and M1911A1 pistols during its service life.";



class CfgVehicles


class All{};

class Thing: All {};

class ThingEffect: Thing {};

class 45_case: ThingEffect



displayName=".45 ACP";








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Hi, yeah man, im so asshole that i've pasted the OFP config of the

gun, that i still have opened in the same P:\ArmAWork folder or

virltual drive or partition or whatever, sorry. Let's C ya

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Hi, i've changed the damage value from 0.9 to 0.85 that seems to

me, a more aceptable .45 ACP damage value; letting the 0.8 for

the .40S&W or the .45 ACP SD, the 0.9 for the .44 Magnum, .357

or the .50 & the damage 1, for the .50 Beowulf.

I've try to fix myself the Shadow LOD without success, following

the instructions on another thread of this forum. I think that that

may be the bigger bug in the weapon rightnow, i'll keep looking for

help to fix it, and then release the v1.0 of the gun with the new

damage level and with the Shadow LOD fixed. I hope to fix it as soon

as possible. Let's C ya

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Hi, Martin BM has fixed the Shadow LOD bug, so now the gun only

have the same three minor bugs that had before; that will be fixed

some day, i hope... .

-=WIP-M1911 A1 v0.91=- (Temporary DL available during 7 days)

-=Armedassault.info Mirror=-

-=Armaholic.com File Mirror=-

-=Armed Assault Zone Mirror=-


*I forgot it... Damage value reduced from 0.9 to 0.85, this way you

must put two bullets into an OPFOR for kill him; in this way there's

"more room" for other calibers.

Download mirrors will be apreciated gain. Let's C ya

P.S: Thanks for the download mirrors, to Armaholic.com and it's

crew members and thanks to those that may come.

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Updated download mirrors; i hope that some more sites host too

this gun so it can reach out as many players as possible. It's good

to have a M1911. Let's C ya

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Hi, i've updated my M1911 A1, the config and the inventory pics.


wip_45.pbo v0.92:

1)Updated Inventory pics with the Inventory pics that BIS did for the ArmA2.

2)Damage values lowered; now 8 instead 9 (two shots to kill).

3)Required ArmA v1.08.

Added temporary Download Link to the 1St post. And i just want to

add two more things:




Enjoy it. Let's C ya

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Congratulations Wipman! I like the updates, thank you. I also like the second picture on your last post lol!

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Hi, thanks for host it, El nino Foxhound & Old Bear; 1St post mirrors

updated. Let's C ya

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Hi, i took the gun model and textures from King Hommer, back in the

OFP days; and he didn't told me the names of the men that did the

gun for the CS, i credited those men that i knew they're names. Let's C ya

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If you want sounds recorded by a sound editor for the M1911 PM me.

Great stuff.

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Hi, i took the gun model and textures from King Hommer, back in the

OFP days; and he didn't told me the names of the men that did the

gun for the CS, i credited those men that i knew they're names. Let's C ya

Remember me? I've contacted you TWICE about this very same gun during the last... 3 years? Yeah i think it's been that long.

By now you should damn well know who the real authors are... I'll say them here once again, mind you this is the third time now:

Model: Iono

Texture: Wannabe

Good luck trying to add those to all the mirrors plastered over the internet... You brought this upon yourself by being lazy with the credits again...

Or perhaps lazy is the wrong word... Maybe you just can't get over the fact that you have to take models from people you consider inferior(the CS modelling community) according to your own words...

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Hi, look man... i took the gun (asking first) from a OFP addons maker,

he don't told me the names of the CS men that did the gun in 1St

place; until that i seen two posts above this post... i never seen

the names of the men that did this gun for the CS (game that i

never touched) no one told me the names, you or any other; no-one.

And belive me, i don't remember you, i remember lots of people

bitching about the credits thing; i can't name someone that i don't

know his name; why...!? because no one told me his/they're name.

That's the reason for don't have said "hey, this men did this gun

for another game that i don't play and i took it once converted

from a fella of mine". What you don't get?, I NEVER HEARD OF THOSE MEN.

Now get lost. Let's C ya

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