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WGL server?

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If there was a public WGL server with organized gaming nights twice a week, akin to the awesome Zeus gaming nights in the past, would you still play?

I'm considering about renting a server or colocation for a server in Finland for at least three months but if there's not going to be any players on it then what's the point. At best, the server could be up and running in about a month.

Note that I'm in no way affiliated with the Zeusies but they are more than welcome to voice their opinions and especially play on the server if it happens.

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A WGL server would be great, I miss the gaming nights on zeus.

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Most certainly. Until something similar to WGL is developed for ArmA I will keep pining for the good ol' Zeus days.

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I would really love to see a public coop server with WGL running!

Since I discovered OFP itself rather late (in 2003 or even 2004 probably) and its various MP coop communities even later, I did not have the opportunity to enjoy the game in MP as long as I could have, had I disacovered this gem of a game earlier.

As a german, I got hands on ArmA quite early and belong to those players who find it rather disappointing in its current state. Although I am well aware that via community activities (after the tools are there, finally...) there is some space for improvement in ArmA, I think I want to stick to OFP for some time to come.

Of all the mods I enjoyed in Single Player or in my small LAN-Sessions with two to four buddies, WGL had to offer the best balance of realism elements, graphics beauty ( Ryan's Unit Replacement pack for WGL) and the number of available missions.

For an occasional gamer like me living in the Central European Time Zone, there's not much decent ping OFP coop available since lots of players, clans and coummunities did switch to ArmA.

I want that server. Feel highly encouraged from my side to get it running!

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Okay. There seems to be some interest, at least enough to get some coops going.

I'll be working for the next two weeks but after that I'll start to set up the server. Here's a list of missions I've gathered so far. If you're on a 56k you can start downloading the mod and addons now and you'll be only a little late: thumbs-up.gif





-WGL Island pack


-@zcommon addons


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Never played WGL, but I'm always up for some good co-op. Count me in.

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The Zeus server is (finally) back up, running Arma.

Teamspeak on teamspeak.zeus-community.net

Servers on arma.zeus-community.net, main port 2302 or just filter zeus in your browser.

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In case someone's wondering I've been awfully busy lately working here and there out of town and that complicates ordering the parts etc so it will take a little longer than I expected to get the server running. Thank you for your patience smile_o.gif

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In case someone's wondering I've been awfully busy lately working here and there out of town and that complicates ordering the parts etc so it will take a little longer than I expected to get the server running. Thank you for your patience smile_o.gif

I think it would be waste of time and money to put it on I had 5 days up my own WGL server (quite good 100 mbit, ec6600) and almost no1 played there ok I didnt inform to anybody else it present but anyway.

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That's because you didn't put any effort on it, such as advertise it on the forums, invite friends, and schedule a certain gaming night to get the maximum amount of players playing at the same time thus creating more interest for new people to check it out and so on. I'm quite certain Zeus didn't just happen spontaneously either, they put a ton of work to get to the point where they could have well organized 20-30 player coops and a&ds without some asses ruining it for everyone by going rambo or spawning general Gubas armed with gau-8s and shit.

And I'm sure I can persuade at least a couple of guys I know to play a game every now and then so it won't go to waste even if no new players will ever show up smile_o.gif

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Thanks for this update Pulverizer, I feared this WGL server thing went to Nirvana but you're still working on it thumbs-up.gif

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It should be managed and passworded simler to the CiA server, but without idiotic admins and leaders.

That was random people not running WGL wont come in (WGL doesn't kick people out if the server is running it but clients arn't).

I'd definatly be in.

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Thank you for your interest Nepumuk. I've just been too busy to get anything done really, I have 9 days free time now but I'm not sure if I can get the parts, set the server up and send it to the colo before I leave again.

Blazin, if you weren't banned you'd know that I'm a member of CiA nowadays biggrin_o.gif Don't worry though, you are welcome to play WGL on my server. Personally, I don't like passwording a public server as any unneccessary hoops might put off some potential participants.

The problem you're describing is not in WGL itself but some missions that aren't converted to WGL by hand but with a program that just blindly replaces stuff like "SoldierWB" with "WGL_SoldierWB" etc but doesn't add the needed addon to the addons array in the beginning of the mission.sqm. This is easily fixed by placing wgl_men or whatever to the array.

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I've just been too busy to get anything done really, I have 9 days free time now but I'm not sure if I can get the parts, set the server up and send it to the colo before I leave again.

Not blaming anyone because he is busy, I am relatively busy myself nowadays...

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I've ordered the parts yay.gif

<span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>-UNC-410S-B CHIEFTEC 19" 4U UNC-410S-B 350W-ATX, KAB

-ADH3800DEBOX AMD ATHLON 64 3800+ AM2 (45W) BOX




-HD161HJ SMG S166 160GB SATA2 7200RPM 8MB</span>

A compromise of cheap-ass yet fast enough stuff out of what was ready in stores whistle.gif

Update: testing the server at home (i'll be away for the next week)

server addy: wgl.kicks-ass.net

webpage: http://wgl.kicks-ass.net/


The server is online @ GameFrame (Helsinki, Finland) since Saturday September 29th 2007, 13:00 EEST (gmt+3).

The name is EWE WGL Server. You can use the url wgl.kicks-ass.net or ip to connect (port 2302).

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Closed on Pulverizer's request.

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