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Fastroping - Finished by RAVEN - Clan RAV

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Here it is people!



The sit-guy anim is the best anim that he found, we are waiting for the tools o for a good soul which can give us a good anim.

Also, in the video, the anim for the rope desending and disengaging are not there, they are going to appear in the set when RAVEN (from clan RAV) realese all the next Sunday.

For now enjoy the video.

Later i will ask him if he wants to join with other people to create a better one (with chopper, another rope, animations, etc.) and if the people can edit his own work.

EDIT: I know that the most impressive is the fastroping but the pack also includes:

- Infantry transfer to anywhere

- EVAC anywhere

- Paradrop

- Fastroping (with the rope's addon)

- Fast insersion at kow altitude (like We Where Soldiers)

He also tried to do a way to carry vehicles but he drop out the idea when he saw the XAM 1.3

Remember, the genius brain behind all this is RAVEN, i don't want any mistakes, please, he is, not me, i'm only the manager wink_o.gif


First realease:

GHelicopter.sqs (Beta-1)


Tired of searching and making (evac, cargo transport, insertion, extraction, and their different modality), I decided to add all (or at least some of them) the operations with helicopters in only one script.


The invocation it isn’t hard, but it’s a little tweky. You have to pay attention to the parametres:


Quote[/b] ]The name of the unit with the asigned task.

(Example: Helo1)


Quote[/b] ]Array with the unit's groups names who are going to be transported.

(Example: [GrpW1, GrpW2,.....GrpW99])


Quote[/b] ]Array of the 3 elements which defines the behaviour in the sub-task of the platoon:

(Example1: [Helipad1, 30, false])

(Example2: [Camion, 0, true])

Parameter-3-1: Unit where the helicopter is going to go to extract the platoon.

Something normal to use is a invisible helipad but you can use a mobil unit,

The heli will move to it, even if it's moving.

Parameter-3-2: Number of seconds that the helicopter wait until the assigned unit come abord.

If it's zero, will wait indefinitely. If time has expired and the leader of the group

Is at least 100 meters, will maintain that position until address the group or

It is killed by the enemy.

Parametro-3-3: If it is true, the helicopter eject cans of smoke to cover the

Abord of the group.


Quote[/b] ]Array of the 3 elements which defines the behaviour in the sub-task of the platoon:

(Example1: [Helipad1, 30, false])

(Example2: [Camion, 0, true])

Parameter-4-1: idem to the parameter 3-1

Parameter-4-2: idem to the parameter 3-3 but at the moment of deploying the group (usually

LZ a "hot").


Quote[/b] ]Tipe of deployment of the transported group: (Values are: 0, 1 or 2)

0-Deployment in normal mode (altitude 0)

1-Deployment by rope (Rapel). (Will be shortly including in the addon-rope)

The helicopter arrives at the designated area, and deploys the group by ropes on the helicopter from

Stationary flight. Depending on the type of helicopter, it will use 1 or 2 cords.

2-Deployment by parachute

The helicopter arrives at a distance from the point of release (drop-zone) and acquires necessary altitude

To ensure the integrity of the group launched (> 150m). Then incorporates height and abandoned area.

3-Fast insertion

The helicopter slow down and flies at 3 meters while the troops goes down, the the heli flies away.


Quote[/b] ]Name of the script that will run as soon as the insertion

of the group finish. (Combat, safe, etc).


Quote[/b] ]Array containing the names of the objects (usually logical units) used as benchmarks

to determine the approximate route of the helicopter on his way to the area of insertion(WPs).

Example: [uL1, UL2,....UL99]


This is an advanced Beta.

In the future, the script is going to add the fast-rope modality (Rapel) and portering in external slings (Armor, artillery, light vehicles).


Quote[/b] ]

; ********************************************************************************

; ** Operation Flashpoint Script File

; ********************************************************************************

; ** Sintaxis

; ** [heliW2,[grpW1],[helipad1,0, true], [helipad2,true], 2,"accion.sqs", [pos1, pos2]] exec "Ghelicopter.sqs"

; ********************************************************************************

; ** Elemento Nº 1 de cuarto parametro es:

; ** nill: Para que el heli recoja en la posicion del grupo

; ** nombre_objeto: Para que el heli recoja en la posicion del objeto

; ********************************************************************************

;//--- Vehiculo transportador

_heli = _this select 0

;//--- Vector de grupo a transportar

_grps = _this select 1

;//--- Objeto/referencia coordenedas de recogida y tiempo de espera (0: ilimitado)

_intro = _this select 2

;//--- Objeto/referencia coordenedas de insercion de grupos

_out = _this select 3

;//--- Modalidad de insercion (0: desembarcar, 1:Rapel, 2: Paracaidas)

_modo = _this select 4

;//--- Script de accion/grupo insertado

_acc = _this select 5

;//--- Secuencia de posiciones intermedias para ruta de aproximación

_ruta = _this select 6

;//--- Datos para posicionar cuerda/rapel

_ang = -90.00

_ang2= 90.00

_distR = 1.20

_lngSoporte = 0.00

_abajo = 1.5


? not(local server): goto "salida"

_primera = true

_altdrop = 100

_in = _intro select 0

_wait = _intro select 1

_cover = false

? count _intro == 3: _cover = _intro select 2

_cover2 = _out select 1

_out = _out select 0

? _in distance _out < 100: goto "salida"


;--- Determinar engine


_simulador = nill

_OFP = "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef"

_ArmA = "scalar bool array string 0xe0ffffef"

_param = _ArmA

? format["%1",_simulador] == _OFP : _param = _OFP

? format["%1",_simulador] == _ArmA : _param = _ArmA

_orden = 0

_trip = count(crew _heli)

_posfin = [getpos _heli select 0, getpos _heli select 1, 0]

_dest = "HeliHempty" createvehicle _posfin

_alt = 30


_grp = _grps select _orden

? _primera and ((getpos _heli) select 2) > 10: goto "cargado"

? _heli distance (leader _grp) > 100: goto "recoge"


{_x assignascargo _heli} foreach units _grp

{_x moveincargo _heli} foreach units _grp

goto "a_destino"



? not alive(_heli): goto "salida"


? format["%1",_in] == _param :_dest setpos getpos (leader _grp); goto "recoge_1"

_dest setpos getpos _in


_heli domove getpos _dest

? _heli distance _dest < 100: _heli flyinheight 0

? _heli distance _dest > 100: goto "recoge"

_heli setspeedmode "LIMITED"

_heli land "get in"


? not alive(_heli): goto "salida"

? ((getpos _heli) select 2) < 10: goto "carga"


_heli flyinheight ((getpos _heli) select 2) - 0.5

goto "desciende1"



_heli flyinheight -1

{_x assignascargo _heli} foreach units _grp

@(getpos _heli select 2) <= 0.5

(units _grp) ordergetin true

_tiempo = _wait

_salto = "carga_01"

? _cover : goto "descarga_0"


? not alive(_heli): goto "salida"

? count(crew _heli) == (count(units _grp) + _trip): goto "a_destino"


_viv = 0

{if (alive(_x)) then {_viv = _viv + 1}} forEach units _grp

? _viv == 0 : goto "retoma_1"

? _wait == 0: goto "carga_01"

_tiempo = _tiempo - 1

? (_tiempo > 0): goto "carga_01"

? (count(crew _heli) > _trip): goto "carga_01"

? _heli distance (leader _grp) < 100: goto "carga_01"

;_heli flyinheight _alt

{UnassignVehicle _x} foreach units _grp

goto "retoma_1"



_heli flyinheight _alt

_heli setspeedmode "NORMAL"

_wpmax = count _ruta

_wpact = 0


? _wpmax > 0: _heli domove getpos (_ruta select _wpact)


? not alive(_heli): goto "salida"


? _wpmax == 0: _heli domove getpos _out; goto "a_destino_2"

? (_heli distance (_ruta select _wpact)) > 150: goto "a_destino_1"

_wpact = _wpact + 1

? _wpact < _wpmax: goto "a_destino_0"

_wpmax = 0

_heli domove getpos _out


? (_modo in [0,3]) and (_heli distance _out) < 150: goto "despliega"

? (_modo == 1) and (_heli distance _out) < 150: goto "rapel"

? (_modo == 2) and (_heli distance _out) < 400: goto "paraca"

goto "a_destino_1"



_alt = ((getpos _heli) select 2)


? not alive(_heli): goto "salida"

_heli flyinheight _altdrop


? ((getpos _heli) select 2) < _altdrop: goto "paraca_1"


_max = (count units _grp) - 1



_quien = ((units _grp) select _max)

_quien action ["eject", _heli]

_quien setvelocity velocity(_heli)

unassignvehicle _quien

_max = _max - 1

? _max >= 0: goto "salto"


_heli flyinheight _alt

goto "retoma"



_heli setspeedmode "LIMITED"

_heli flyinheight 15


? not alive(_heli): goto "salida"

_heli domove getpos _out


? _heli distance _out > 100: goto "rapel_ini"

? getpos _heli select 2 > 15 and (speed _heli < 3): goto "rapel_ini"


_vec = units _grp

_can = count _vec

_pos = 0

_InitCuerda = false



_man = _vec select _pos

_donde = getpos _heli

_dx = _donde select 0

_dy = _donde select 1

_alt = _donde select 2

? not(_InitCuerda): _cuerda = "FSM_FastRope" createvehicle [0,0,0]

_InitCuerda = true


_dir = direction _heli

_donde = getpos _heli

_dx = _donde select 0

_dy = _donde select 1

_dz = _donde select 2


_ang = 300.00

_ang2= 90.00

_distR = 1.50

_lngSoporte = 0.00

_abajo = -2.50


_dif = 1

? _ang < 0 : _dif = -1

_dirC2= (_dir + _ang2)

_dirC = (_dir + _ang)

_pxC = _dx + (_distR * sin(_dirC))

_pyC = _dy + (_distR * cos(_dirC))

_cuerda setpos [_pxC, _pyC, _dz + _abajo]

_cuerda setdir _dirC2


unassignvehicle _man

_man setdir random(360)

_man setpos [ _dx, _dy, _alt]

_man switchmove "AidlPercMstpSnonWnonDnon04"


_heli setvelocity [0,0,0]

_dir = direction _heli

_donde = getpos _heli

_dx = _donde select 0

_dy = _donde select 1

_dz = _donde select 2

_dirC = (_dir + _ang)

_pxC = _dx + (_distR * sin(_dirC))

_pyC = _dy + (_distR * cos(_dirC))

_cuerda setdir _dirC

_cuerda setpos [_pxC, _pyC, _dz + 2]

_height = (getpos _man select 2)

_height = _height - 0.080

_dirC = (_dir + _ang)

_Ndir = ((getdir _man) + (_height * 0.2))

_pxM = _dx + ((_distR + _lngSoporte) * sin(_dirC))

_pyM = _dy + ((_distR + _lngSoporte) * cos(_dirC))

_man setdir _Ndir

_man setpos [ _pxM, _pyM, _height]

_cuerda2 setpos [_pxM, _pyM, _height]

_cuerda2 setdir _Ndir

_man setvelocity [0,0,0.25]


? not(alive _man) : _man switchmove ""; goto "rapel_99"

? _height > 1.7 : goto "rapel_4"

_nx = getpos _man select 0

_ny = getpos _man select 1

_man switchMove "AcrgPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_getOutHigh"

_man setpos [_pxM, _pyM, 0]

_man domove [_nx+1+random(20)-10, _ny+1+random(20)-10, 0]


_can = _can - 1

_pos = _pos + 1

? _can > 0: goto "rapel_2"



;####################################### Suelta cuerdas


_cuerda setpos [_pxC, _pyC, _dz - 0.2]

_vec = vectorUP _cuerda

_dz = (position _cuerda) select 2


? _dz > 0 : goto "rapel_99_2"

deletevehicle _cuerda

deletevehicle _cuerda2

;####################################### Avance momentaneo

_heli flyinheight 30

_avX = _dx + (500 * sin(getdir _heli))

_avY = _dy + (500 * cos(getdir _heli))

_heli domove [_avX, _avY, 0]

@unitready _heli

goto "retoma"



_heli setspeedmode "LIMITED"

? _modo == 0 : _heli land "get out"

_salto = "descarga_2"


? not alive(_heli): goto "salida"

if (_modo == 0) then {_heli flyinheight ((getpos _heli) select 2) - 0.5} else {_heli flyinheight 3}

? _modo == 0 : _heli flyinheight ((getpos _heli) select 2) - 0.5

? _modo == 0 and ((position _heli) select 2) <= 1 : goto "descarga"

? _modo == 3 and ((position _heli) select 2) <= 3 : goto "descarga"


goto "desciende2"


if (_modo == 0) then {_heli flyinheight 0} else {_heli flyinheight 2}

? not _cover2 or _modo == 3 : goto "descarga_2"


_heli flyinheight 0

_cansmoke = 2


_sep = 15

? daytime < 5.5 or daytime > 18.00: goto "descarga_2"

_px = getpos _heli select 0

_py = getpos _heli select 1

_pz = getpos _heli select 2

_dir = random(360)

_px = _px + (_sep * sin(_dir))

_py = _py + (_sep * cos(_dir))

_humo = "smokeshell" createvehicle [_px, _py, _pz]

_cansmoke = _cansmoke - 1

? _cansmoke > 0: goto "descarga_1"

goto _salto


_pos = 0

_can = count(units _grp)

? _modo == 0 : _heli domove position _heli; goto "descarga_3"

_desX = (position _heli select 0) + (150 * sin(direction _heli))

_desY = (position _heli select 1) + (150 * cos(direction _heli))

_lado = -1


? _modo == 0 : goto "descarga_31"

? speed _heli <= 20 : goto "descarga_31"

_vx = ((velocity _heli) select 0) * 0.9

_vy = ((velocity _heli) select 1) * 0.9

_vz = (velocity _heli) select 2

_heli setvelocity [_vx, _vy, _vz]

_heli flyinheight 3

goto "descarga_32"


_lado = _lado * (-1)

if (_modo == 0) then {_heli flyinheight 0} else {_heli move [_desX, _desY]}

_xdir = (direction _heli) + 50

? _lado < 0 : _xdir = (direction _heli) - 50

_Lx = (position _heli select 0) + (2 * sin(_xdir))

_Ly = (position _heli select 1) + (2 * cos(_xdir))

_Lz = (position _heli select 2) - 0.5

_man = (units _grp) select _pos

_man action ["EJECT", _heli]

unassignvehicle _man

_man setunitpos "middle"

_man setpos [_Lx, _Ly, _Lz]

_man setdir _xdir

_pos = _pos + 1

_can = _can - 1



? _can >= 0: goto "descarga_3"

_desX = (position _heli select 0) + (150 * sin(direction _heli))

_desY = (position _heli select 1) + (150 * cos(direction _heli))

_heli move [_desX, _desY]

_heli flyinheight _alt



? _acc != "": [_grp] exec _acc


_heli flyinheight _alt

_heli setspeedmode "NORMAL"

_primera = false

_orden = _orden + 1

? _orden < (count _grps): goto "ciclo"



? not alive(_heli): goto "salida"

_dest setpos _posfin

_heli domove getpos _dest


? _heli distance _dest > 100: goto "retorna"

_heli land "land"



deletevehicle _dest


Beta (This is for helicopters movement and diferents ways of insertions)

EDIT (12/07/2007):

Edited the script with the new features.

Demo mission:


New insertion style:

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That looks amazing! Can't wait for it to be released!!

Well done all notworthy.gif

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It looks so GREAT!!!!!!!! notworthy.gif But something that can be improved is how long it should be if that is not already and the speed at which it hides... But hey, This is so god damn cool!

BTW is there any release date and will this have to be "built in" the custom reskins?

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This Sunday he will realese it in the RAV forum, but don't worry guys, i'm going to put this here too.

I don't understood the second part of the question.

Anyway, look that this is only the script and the way to do it. If you can improve it, go head! (but notify me please, and put the name of his maker)

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Ok I will clarify myself. If I reskin lets say a UH-60 and make a new addon out of it will it then work on my addon or do I have to add anything to my addon?

Is this going to be in a .PBO or in .sqf because you daid it's a script.

I won't modify it just yet as I am still kinda new to editing etc.

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Ok I will clarify myself. If I reskin lets say a UH-60 and make a new addon out of it will it then work on my addon or do I have to add anything to my addon?

Is this going to be in a .PBO or in .sqf because you daid it's a script.

I won't modify it just yet as I am still kinda new to editing etc.


He didn't explain much, but i think you will be able to do it, because he said something about put this in Mi-17.

Yeah, i think you can, but as i said i THINK.

I will ask him later.

EDIT: Of course the rope will be a .pbo, but i don't know if the "fastroping-script" will be too.

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Here you are:

You can click in the big video to be transefer to the normal youtube page.

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Ok does it work like, say you are flying in multiplayer and your buddy says lets fastrope there, does it work like that or is it something that has to be done at a specific location. And does it also work if you started on the ground. Got tired of running around dieing on your mission, then you and a few decide to get in the uh-60, and rappel at lets say the hotel. Does it work like that.

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Good looking work smile_o.gif

Can't wait to try it out.

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Tack-Up @ Aug. 07 2007,23:28)]Ok does it work like, say you are flying in multiplayer and your buddy says lets fastrope there, does it work like that or is it something that has to be done at a specific location. And does it also work if you started on the ground. Got tired of running around dieing on your mission, then you and a few decide to get in the uh-60, and rappel at lets say the hotel. Does it work like that.

I don't know if the terrain has to be like this or that, but i think you will be able to fastroping everywhere (i don't know if you can do it the hotel, i will check).

Remember! I'm only guessing!

He is working now, all you question will be answer later and i will post them as a "official" answer :P

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I understand we are limitted with what can be done atm but I got to say this is definatly some really great news.

Cant wait for the release wink_o.gif

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Looking good , well done.

Could you ask if the chopper has to be at a certain height everytime and if you hover over a building , does the chopper have to be again at a certain height above the roof or the unit goes through roof if rope is through roof ?

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First of all, great script, I love it.

I cannot wait to use it.

Though is there a way the guys can go down the rope a tad faster? If that helo were making a hot insertion, the guys would be flyin down the rope. The number one thing I hear about fastroping is that you gotta get moving once you hit the ground, cause you will get clobbered by the guy behind you.

just a humble request, but hell, id be way happy with whats already been completed welcome.gif

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Remember, remember, the fifth... wrong dialogue :P

Remember that this it's only the first one and i'm taking all your suggestion.

Later, when he answer me i will post the new version or, at last, his answers.

And we have to see if this works well (well, this works well, but if we are able to improve it).

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Some answers:

1- I can use my own helicopters? (O sea, addons y otras yerbas)

If you config the rope's support parametres you can use it in every heli (use my "object movement" tutorial).

Note: I'll look after that tutorial.

2- It's going to be a .pbo or a .sqf?

Mi first idea was realese as a independant script with the addon, but the final product will be an addon with -as well as the rope and it's support-, all the scripts for the aerotrasport operations: personal transport, EVAC, CAS, RAPEL, PARACHUTING, transport of equipment by external sling, etc.

3- Can i "fastrope" myself everywhere? Height? Over buildings too?

I'm testing that right now. In theory it will be possible to be landed in buildings but I do not guarantee it in the final pruduct due unexpected behaviors of engine.

4- Does this work in MP?


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its looks more like normal "careful" roping for me, the speed is OK but should have been a bit faster and allow more soldier on one rope at once otherwise it look impressive

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When do you think you can release this sweet addon/script?

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As said they will be released this Sunday. Plz read the other posts before posting again...

Anyeays real sweet... notworthy.gif

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Excellent addon/script. My one question that I think I haven't seen asked is, will people have to have this mod to be able to play on a mission with you and your team? Or will they just not be able to go down the rope?

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please release what you guys have done for us to use in the missions smile_o.gif

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Excellent addon/script. My one question that I think I haven't seen asked is, will people have to have this mod to be able to play on a mission with you and your team? Or will they just not be able to go down the rope?

If the script needs the addon (only for fastroping and vehicle carring) no, you won't.

Everyone needs the addon, besides there are a few Kbs only.

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