[frl]myke 15 Posted August 1, 2007 Well, some might know the Dynamic Group Creator 0.92. I've completely reworked the whole thing and now it's time to release the: Dynamic Group Creator reloaded! This new version is in no way compatible to the prevoius DGC. Main features: - Supports Blufor, Opfor, RACS and Civilians - Each DGC zone can create enemies and friendlies at once - Each side can very easy defined as friendly or enemy to the player - All land vehicles supported - Easy "out-of-the-box" use with default settings for the most common use. - Powerful customizing possibilities - Built-in lag eliminator (body remover) - Almost every aspect is randomized thus maximizing the replayability - Easy implementing of 3rd party addons For a complete "how-to" and a full overview of it's features, read the included dgc_readme.txt which also contains a "Quick start" chapter for immediate start. Download here the DGC reloaded Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmitri 0 Posted August 1, 2007 Appears to be a typo in the link. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted August 1, 2007 yep, there was...thx dmitri...is fixed and should now work...sorry for this, always forget to test the links Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted August 1, 2007 Interesting Will defo look at it. lol i have many ways to spawn ai lol This DAC AImanager AiSpawn Plus some more things Great for mission building ill give some feedback later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted August 1, 2007 Interesting Will defo look at it.lol i have many ways to spawn ai lol This DAC AImanager AiSpawn Plus some more things Great for mission building ill give some feedback later. Where you getting DAC from? I only got the OFP version, if there's an ArmA version I'd like to see that Oh, and I am looking into this addon as well any random AI creator gets interest from me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted August 1, 2007 DAC was converted sickboy but im not allowed to add it into any released missions yet as there is still bugs with like the activated and deactivating of zones apart from that all seems well. but still. rules are rules. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted August 1, 2007 DAC was converted sickboy but im not allowed to add it into any released missions yet as there is still bugs with like the activated and deactivating of zones apart from that all seems well. but still. rules are rules. Indeed I'll contact SB myself Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted August 1, 2007 Well, to be honest, this work is strongly inspired by the DAC but it isn't such powerful like the DAC. But i think that is a point which can make it interesting for some users as it is probably easier to handle, not overhelming someone with tons of settings. My credo was: as easy as possible, as customizable as possible. Another reason for me to write this thing was...the DAC wasn't available for ArmA and all i knew, a release for ArmA would probably take a while. Therefor i wrote the first version of the DGC (which was 0.92) but in fact i was never happy with this because it wasn't really able to handle RACS or Civilians and also it was too much set to predefined things instead of randomness. Thats why i completely rewrote the whole thing to what it is now. It isn't meant as replacement for the DAC but something like "DAC extra light" if you get the point...something between the editor set units and the DAC. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted August 2, 2007 Yeah this is awesome in its own terms as its complete and working, im adding it into my Combind Arms mission. it does work in MP right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted August 2, 2007 I used the example out of your readme and the zone is set to 1000 and it still says there isnt enough room for waypoints for infantry make it bigger so i made it 1500 and it still says the same? edit nevermind i hadnt named the zones correctly in the trigger. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted August 2, 2007 hehe...naming the zones correctly might help And, indeed, it is designed for MP as it runs completely on the server. Not a single script is run on clients Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted August 2, 2007 Does it perform group reduction over distance? I'm guessing that as a "lite" group creator that it will not. However it's still a good job, and useful for me to test random battlefield settings for my smoke effects Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickboy 14 Posted August 2, 2007 Nice going mate! Ease-of-use, that's something my missionscript projects are usually lacking, but yours seems great! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted August 2, 2007 @DMarkwick sadly i'm not as good as scripter that i could implement a reduction...but i'm not giving up Thx sickboy, always glad to hear my scripts do please in somw way ;-) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted August 2, 2007 Just used these in my latest mission AWESOME work they are. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
456820 0 Posted September 6, 2007 Very usefull set of scripts, nice work. One problem I have, I seem to find some random enpty vehicles during a mission which I didnt place there in the editor so it must be these scripts? <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[WEST,[EAST, RESISTANCE],[CIVILIAN],["REMOVE", 150]] exec "dgc_reloaded\dgc_init.sqs" Is how I initialise the scripts, that is called in a game logic named server. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[trigspawn5, 4000, 4, [[east,[0,5],[0,2],[0,4],[],[1,6],[], ["SAFE", "LIMITED", "RED", "WEDGE", "", ""]]]] exec "dgc_reloaded\dgc_zone.sqs" Thats what is in the trigger, the name is correct cause I also see the enemy that was created. Just I also see empty vehicles dotted randomly all over the place. When I placed my self basically in the town to make sure it is working there was millions and millions of vehicles being created which were all empty? Not edited any of the scripts at my end. Any idea? Cheers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
armanewb 0 Posted September 6, 2007 AWESOME! very good script mate and the documentation is second to none. gonna use this in my mission. chrz Edit - just a Q i put this in the init line of gamelogic: [WEST,[EAST], [civilian], ["Remove", 10]] exec "dgc_reloaded\dgc_init.sqs" So it will remove bodies after 10 seconds, but it didn't work. I am using it on single player btw. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted September 6, 2007 @armanewb Yep, the bug is known, if you don't mind to wait as tomorrow i'll release the ArmA Coop Essential Pack which contains the DGC:r and also a improved removal system. Myke out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
armanewb 0 Posted September 7, 2007 Edit: Sweet, got the new version. chrz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted September 7, 2007 Here it is: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=2010 Comments welcome Myke out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fantastic MR Fox 0 Posted September 10, 2007 Excellent evolution of your DGC:r framework Myke. I'm so glad you have included such well presented and extensive documentation too! I was getting errors when implementing this into my mission. I am following your very nicely done .pdf but I assume the problem is at my end as the example mission does not show these errors. However, for me the example mission seems to run fine, nothing reported, but no enemies actually spawn. edit: Strange, when I moved your code as is from the example mission it all ran perfectly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted September 10, 2007 @Fantastic MR Fox Can you provide me some more informations about the error you've got? was it with DGC:r or the new A-CEP? One note: there's a error in the readme at the init scriptcall example: i wrote exec instead of execVM which is the correct. If you can provide me some infos about the situation and your settings, i might be able to reproduce the rror and, if it's caused by the scripts, to fix it. thx in advance. Myke out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
armanewb 0 Posted September 16, 2007 Hello i am getting errors when i run this, it still creates the units however i think it is messing up which side i am on. I get an "error missing }" and something to do with "CEP playerside - expected playerside" i copied your examples in the readme exactly, and changed the exec to execvm on the init call but still i get the errors. I am Civi, i get east side to join me, i recognise enimies(west) on radio but they won't shoot at me. Cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[frl]myke 15 Posted September 17, 2007 @armanewb Can you give some more informations like the exact error code (screenshot maybe?). And please post the scriptcall for the cep_init.sqf aswell. Myke out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VanhA 10 Posted October 2, 2007 Is it possible to create a unit with a specified name placed in random area? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites