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Server Power

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How strong of a computer is needed to run ArmA as a server?

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Depends on mission/nr. of players.

In general, it is way lower than the requierments of an ArmA game machine.

Personally, I wouldn't go for anything below XP 3000+, 1GiG Ram and 40GB hd space, but I know people who successfully run ArmA server on machines with less.

EDIT: According to the somewhat official wiki, 2Ghz @ 512MB suffice, but I wouldn't count on it.

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So Guess my old Dell is out of the question ?

Windows 2000

Dual Intel PIII 500MHz Processors (500/512/100)

Total RAM: 512MB (2x256)

Qty: 1 9.1GB Hard Drives 10000RPM

Qty: 1 CD Rom Drive

Qty: 1 Floppy Drive

Qty: 1 Ethernet 10/100 Card

Qty: 3 Power Supplies

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If you want to run missions with 1 enemy AI and slots for.....1 human player......then it might work.

The server I use (intel dual core 1.7Ghz, 2Gb RAM, 160Gb HDD) has trouble running some of the bigger missions without some lag.

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I've tested on a dedicated server - PIII 850mhz w/1gig of ram / WinXP and loaded up Evolution on it and it was totally unplayable.

I was able to connect but every couple seconds it would lag so bad it was like playing a slideshow.

Allberry, you can get a decent computer that could host arma dedicated nowadays for under $400. Heh, the cost of a good videocard!

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Thanks everyone, now I just have to tell the wife I need a new computer banghead.gifsmile_o.gif

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The missions also drive the system to the ground. Also dual core at the moment is not worth it if you dont need it. Get the fastest cpu you can single or dual but it needs a quick core to run on as it will not use more than one. The entire game really seems to run in a single thread so that is why. If it was running the scripts on one thread and the ai/detection on another we might be able to force it on another cpu somehow.

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for a dedi server i think dual core is worth it, even if u don't intend on running more than one server, u can lock it too CPU1 leaving CPU0 free for OS etc etc.

and whats would be the point of buying hardware that is allready out of date?huh.gif?

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I used to have a single 2.8 now i have dual core and I think it runs better when i run a small server.

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