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Chernobyl Mod 1.0

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Downloaded this mod from OFP.info and found that alot of time and work must have went into it. Some areas of the map are incredibly similiare to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R levels. Searched for it on here and saw that no topic existed so thought ide tell u all about it. Apoligies if a topic does exist since it was released a few months ago.

Some of the weapons need updated but alot of fun biggrin_o.gif

Now all we need are some mutants ^^


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Guest Ti0n3r

Does it come with a campaign or any missions?

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nah unfortunitly not which is a pitty. Comes with new pain sounds , leaning ,beafed up nades, stalker soldiers etc so theres plenty of oportunity for missions if you add some zombies or horror creatures smile_o.gif

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so, i'm having problems with this mod. when i have installed the mod by cherModInstall.exe, all goes fine, it says that the mod has been succesfully installed. But, when i use the chernobyl mod shortcut, ofp crashes and i get the screen where it says that "operation flashpoint has caused an error and the product has to be closed" I am not sure if the screen says that in english becayse my computer language is in finnish, but you should know the screen.

Any help please.

Acetalker out

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I have no idea whats wrong. Try just adding -mod=ChernMOD on a normal shortcut insted.

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is there missions/campaigns?


just downloaded the mod..love the addons but the only thing i would change is bis heads to facetex2.

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I had CTDs when lowering the resolution =S

But it's a great mod

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Hi all,

I've a little problem with this mod.... when starting OFP there appears the message that "chernobyl_Zone needs AddOn chernobyl_BIG_Pack". But in the mod there is no "chernobyl_BIG_pack" and the island is empty. There are only some trees and bushes but no buildings.

Any ideas?


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I guess there is an .pbo missing.

I have those 4 files, and it works without problems.




3D_Files.pbo (but this one has only 600kb)

hope it helps. smile_o.gif

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I have the following files in the addons folder from ChernMod:












Have downloaded it again, but nothing changes. I have still the message and an empty island.

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well, sorry I have no idea, maybe you need to unpbo the Chernobyl_zone.pbo and then just repbo it again.


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Have done this, without any changes. The island is still empty. Another try was to put the pbo's in the Res\Addons folder. But without any changes too.

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I'm stupid or something else.... very easy solution: There was the old chernobyl_pack.pbo in the DTA folder because of some island works very long time ago.

Now I can walk throug this island. Very good work, it's near to the real zone.

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Downloaded this mod from OFP.info and found that alot of time and work must have went into it. Some areas of the map are incredibly similiare to the S.T.A.L.K.E.R levels. Searched for it on here and saw that no topic existed so thought ide tell u all about it. Apoligies if a topic does exist since it was released a few months ago.

Some of the weapons need updated but alot of fun biggrin_o.gif

Now all we need are some mutants ^^


makers site






dont miss out !

hi I have a question about the chernobyl mod in the first link when I've downloaded it and will install it is a virus message :butbut: and elsewhere, there is the no-longer to download, perhaps you can somehow make the download virus-free? :confused:

please thank you

please write me an e-mail with the answer to this address: [email protected]

Edited by OFP_gamer

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The mod itself is pretty nice, it was very well made, I prefer common head models witha few new faces and that should do the job... Also its great to know somebody saw this mod...

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There is one mission for this great mod by hiddenevil: http://www.flashpoint.ru/threads/chernobyl-mod-v1-0-release.35682/page-11#post-1797734 . Plus I've released my build of Chernobyl Zone in alpha version called "Pripyat Mod". It is made on the basis of this modification and wouldn't be completed by me at least in the near future, but will be liked by people, which are interested in Chernobyl theme: http://my.opera.com/yuri825/albums/show.dml?id=15073772

Edited by Shadow.

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I've released my build of Chernobyl Zone in alpha version called "Pripyat Mod". It is made on the basis of this modification and wouldn't be completed by me at least in the near future, but will be liked by people, which are interested in Chernobyl theme: http://my.opera.com/yuri825/albums/show.dml?id=15073772

Thanks, you should upload to: operationflashpoint.filefront.com and ofp.gamepark.cz, get your mod out there and maybe someone will finish it or at least get it to Beta :D

Chernobyl Mod 1.0--- so pretty




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Thanks, you should upload to: operationflashpoint.filefront.com and ofp.gamepark.cz, get your mod out there and maybe someone will finish it or at least get it to Beta :D

I think it's too much for a modest alpha version of recycled mod.

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