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AT soldiers....

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Am I the only one annoyed by the fact that AT soldiers (AI) don't go prone but kneel down after receiveing a go prone order? They get shot very quickly because of this - they should mostly be lying on the ground and get up only for shooting.

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1.08 has made it so that the AI don't do a lot of things when told to it seems. I still have some issues once in a while making them cross a bridge...

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You can get them to go prone, tell the AT soldiers to hold fire. Now they will go prone and stay prone. If you don't tell them to hold fire, they will get up and start sighting targets with their AT weapon. In a heavy firefight, this is not a bad thing. It can help turn the tide.

I have been playing SP a lot since Dynawar and EVO SP missions have been out. I made 2 tweaks to the AI under then general Options, Difficulty settings. In the Cadet section, I set Enemy skill to 0.43 & Friendly skill to 1.0. The Expert section does not have a skill setting for the Enemy. You may be be able to change it in the ARMA.cfg file. One could do that with one of the demos.

Now, with the changes, I'm more likely to get into a much more extended fire fight with Opfor and the friendlies are much more responsive. With the stock missions & campaign, this has helped the AI to work much better. With the 2 missions mentioned, I believe that those missions may have their own AI settings that change as you progress with the mission.

The other thing that has heped sort out squad command is the use of a voice activated command system software. Do a search of the forum, there was a short discussion on it.

Compared to other games squad command AI, ARMA's aren't that bad. However, it takes a bit to learn to control them.

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I seem to not like playing the group leader in ArmA rather in OFP I did like it.

I don't know somethings different, but I cant seem to put my finger on just exactly what...

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Its probelly the way AI works in arma, afther what like 3 or 5 years of ofp you knew how the AI tought so you could command them better.

I have the same ting Btw I dont like commanding ai either, adding the fact the bushes make me lagg big time I cant give accurate orders.

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And the stupid AI`s refuses to hold fire when they spot you in a vehicle with the Offiser one have to arrest in Evolution 3.0

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You can get them to go prone, tell the AT soldiers to hold fire. Now they will go prone and stay prone. If you don't tell them to hold fire, they will get up and start sighting targets with their AT weapon. In a heavy firefight, this is not a bad thing. It can help turn the tide.

Hmm, that might work, I haven't tried that. The problem with it is that it kind of makes AT soldiers useless - now I have to give them explicit orders to target & fire. It'd be a lot better if they simply preferred to use their rifles and not ready the M136 when not actually fighting armor. This way they could go prone like others in the team.

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Quote[/b] ]It'd be a lot better if they simply preferred to use their rifles and not ready the M136 when not actually fighting armor.

Yes, it is pretty irritating to see them take out one OPFOR soldier with a rocket, rather than with a rifle. If there are going to be tanks around, I usually wait for one AT'er to get killed, take his AT weapon.

It would be very nice if one could force a weapon selection on the AI. That would be very useful.

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