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DirectX 10

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I guys I want to buy vista but I'm not sure about it

I don't know if ARMA work with directX10 or not I know it work with vista and directX9...

but the think is, I get NVIDIA 88OOGTS 640mb

so I'm suppose to use drtX10

If someone know.... thank's

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my advice would be to hold off on buying the 8800 for now - its first generation of a new tech, and its suffering in many circumstances, not just ArmA - same with Vista.

wait for the 2nd generation dx10 video cards from both ATI and Nvidia. They should be far more stable and better and you'll probably find the prices will also come down as they try and compete for sales

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Vista has DX10 built in per default.

So ArmA works with DX10 and DX9 hardware and will work with DX10 hardware.

ArmA will not use DX10 features, as it`s programmed for DX9.

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Lol I all ready bought it

I share ur idea but couldn't wait

So wath do u recommand vista or not?

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Dont use vista, not for a long time.


It eats up more memory.

It slows down your gaming by 5-10 FPS (or more in some cases)

Shitty drivers

A lot of security flaws

The only plus point is its shiny :P Luckily i have windows media centre xp so its shiny! biggrin_o.gif

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Ok ok... no more vista yet... goodnight.gif

cheers. I continue to work on AMRA with xp

ps : 8800gts 640mb with xp and drtX9c stay awsum on ARMA

actualy the card is not very expencive (in uk) if u can


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Theres plenty of talk of people integrating DX10 into earlier versions, I wouldnt be so quick to jump on the vista bandwagon yet. Though MS has rather sneakily made Halo 2 Vista only.... crazy_o.gif

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oh OH NO ! u forgot LOST PLANET yay.gif

if u like to be midjet with illimited ammo in a middle of insects

and robots... lol

seriously is not our kind of game now availble on Vista now,

I'm just interessted by drtX10, anyway I wait...

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If your interested in the dx10 games coming out in a few months(like Crysis, Bioshock, World in Conflict, Alan Wake, etc) I would get vista. But if you are only gonna be playing ArmA mainly, I wouldn't get it imo.

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...Though MS has rather sneakily made Halo 2 Vista only.... crazy_o.gif


If you look around (try Google), you should be able to find a simple hack to run it on XP.

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i will wait till sp1 or 2 came out b4 getting vista, an my XP will stay on my machine after that, thank god for multi boot biggrin_o.gif

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You got no damn idea what effort it needs to re-launch DX8 title which was modded into DX9 title into DX10 title ...

i mean w/o external help it's nearly impossible task ... (meaning some usable timeframe like this year)

for Company of Heroes there were 2 NVIDIA staff members working nearly 5 months in row on writing NVIDIA related code changes ...

similar with Call of Juarez

similar wtih World in Conflict

similar with Lost Planet

similar with Crysis

companies which develops above mentioned titles got HUGE support/help from NVIDIA and also AMD.ATI for DX10 support

and also advanced help for all DX9/DX10 perf scaling ...

You know that CoH was run on NVIDIA internal QA test cluster which got hundreds of PCs with ALL theirs cards

just to get results of performance and then apply 'tweaks' to match each card type/generation ?

there simply are titles who get huge support from NVIDIA TWIMTBP program and AMD.ATI GIG program while others get just some tools and some cards ...

not to mention size of theirs team, size of budget and game sales are X times bigger than ArmA ...

simply don't demand impossible things ...

why not just demand something worth

like 'perfectly optimized DX9' with way more effective tree shaders, less overdraw hickups etc ....

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I have to wonder how many of these comments about Vista's "flaws" come second hand and how many from any kind of real experience, because they certainly don't match my own.

For me, Vista has been more stable and has run more efficiently and 'snappier' than XP on the same hardware. I had some short-lived issues with gaming under Vista when ATI's first 7.2's were released. The issue was resolved with 7.3 and things have improved steadily with every release thereafter.

The one thing I would point out is that, like any other new operating system a modicum of research is a wise investment before you run out, buy, and install. Make sure your hardware is supported and that drivers are available before you start, like I did, and chances are good that you'll have a positive experience.

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I agree with Spectre-63.

Most of my issues are 100% nVidia's fault. They have been trying since Febuary to get the proper drivers produced. Seems they can only fix 1 lil bug at a time monthly..sheesh!

Oddly...OFP needs no tweaking to run on my pc.

ArmA needs stuff like the -maxmem=512 added, and SLI doesn't last long with ArmA. (temp disabled sli in it's profile for now). It really is a clean, crisp running game on Vista, imho.

I debated on which to install, 32 or 64bit...and went ahead w/64...and glad I did.

I will point out though... older pc's will have big issues.

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Funnily enough I remember all the "noooo don't upgrade to XP, it's rubbish, stay on Win95/98/2000/ME forever!!!!" of a few years ago!

I'm sure in a few months as teething troubles pass Vista will lose some of the bad rep that currently gets thrown at it. There are plenty of people out there who will slag it off loudly on no more evidence than that it's the new thing from the hated MS ;o)

Having said that I'm certainly not rushing to upgrade to it yet! When I next upgrade PC it will be with a DX10 gfx card, and at that point Vista will actually start to have some point for me.

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Funnily enough I remember all the "noooo don't upgrade to XP, it's rubbish, stay on Win95/98/2000/ME forever!!!!" of a few years ago!

I'm sure in a few months as teething troubles pass Vista will lose some of the bad rep that currently gets thrown at it.

Yeah, after a service pack (or 2), like everyone did (/should have done) with XP. tounge2.gif

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Funnily enough I remember all the "noooo don't upgrade to XP, it's rubbish, stay on Win95/98/2000/ME forever!!!!" of a few years ago!

I'm sure in a few months as teething troubles pass Vista will lose some of the bad rep that currently gets thrown at it.

Yeah, after a service pack (or 2), like everyone did (/should have done) with XP. tounge2.gif

I'll get VISTA when its ready, and trouble free, just like im (still) waiting for proper dual core support for games, untill i got 1.

actually any tech improvment is perfect for me, cuz the price of older stuff falls along with it yay.gifyay.gif

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Funnily enough I remember all the "noooo don't upgrade to XP, it's rubbish, stay on Win95/98/2000/ME forever!!!!" of a few years ago!

I'm sure in a few months as teething troubles pass Vista will lose some of the bad rep that currently gets thrown at it. There are plenty of people out there who will slag it off loudly on no more evidence than that it's the new thing from the hated MS ;o)

Quoted for Truth! Every major OS upgrade (DOS -> 95; 98SE -> Win2K; Win2K -> WinXP; WinXP -> Vista) I've ever done has had a few bumps in the road - this piece of software or that piece of hardware that didn't want to play 'nicey-nice' with the new OS...until they released a patch/updated drivers. You can minimize the impact of these bumps by doing your research in advance and being aware of the possible impact of your upgrade.

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If your interested in the dx10 games coming out in a few months(like Crysis, Bioshock, World in Conflict, Alan Wake, etc) I would get vista. But if you are only gonna be playing ArmA mainly, I wouldn't get it imo.

Hey folks, don't forget, you can partition a hard drive, or buy a cheap second hard drive, and dual boot your computer to have both Vista and XP. You just have to remember when you are installing stuff. Or you could even have two drives and swap them, aka meaning you could buy a hard drive down the road and have both XP and Vista without much problem (assuming you are ok with spending a little more money).

PS: Don't forget Vista has been out for over a year. The support for it by all companies all-around is terrible. While it may be gaining in momentum (thanks to the push from MS and forceable disco' of XP) I still don't see the need to use it. No DX10 games (only one, pssh!wink_o.gif and all the glitches with drivers etc...equals stay away from it. If you insist on running it, for your own sanity, dual boot your system haha

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Out for over a year eh?

"Development was completed on November 8, 2006; over the following three months it was released in stages to computer hardware and software manufacturers, business customers, and retail channels. On January 30, 2007, it was released worldwide to the general public"

Maybe you are referring to beta versions?

And as for the number of DX10 games, I think there's more than one! Company of Heroes for example got a DX10 patch recently. Apparently it adds a lot of detail and effects to the gfx, although since I don't have either Vista or a DX10 card I cannot actually confirm that myself.

Anyway, IMO the big persuader for me is likely to be Crysis, as and when that finally arrives.

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Out for over a year eh?

Maybe you are referring to beta versions?

Yep. Beta versions count. Their driver support should have been more or less mainstream "before" it was forced upon the public. Game support as well.

Software drives the hardware->hardware drives the software>Software drives the hardware....

One loop that apparently left out DX10 games for the most part.

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Dont use vista, not for a long time.


It eats up more memory.

It slows down your gaming by 5-10 FPS (or more in some cases)

Shitty drivers

A lot of security flaws

The only plus point is its shiny :P Luckily i have windows media centre xp so its shiny! biggrin_o.gif

Yes it eats more memory. (but more features)

Yes games run slower.

Yes it has bad driver support. (although this is quickly getting better)


It is allot more secure than Windows XP. Allot less security flaws than XP SP2. That's a fact.

Don't comment on OS's you don't use or have good knowledge of wink_o.gif

FYI, I work in the industry, use Vista at the moment, but am about to un-install and go back to XP for the extra FPS in ArmA wink_o.gif

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Two reasons not to go to Vista though:



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Two reasons not to go to Vista though:




Kernel Patch Protection (patchguard) is not exclusive to Vista. It has been used in Windows 2003 & Windows XP x64.

And it is a good thing not a bad thing. (unless you like malware on your system?)

DRM (HDCP) is not even Microsoft technology, it was developed by Intel, and is REQUIRED to be in Vista if Microsoft want Vista to have the capability to play HD-DVD, Blue-ray, and other HD formats (above 480i)

Apple's next OS/Version will include DRM (HDCP) technology, as will every other OS that wants to have the ability to play HD Video. All new TV's include HDCP technology, and most new PC monitors do too.

Microsoft NOT including DRM (HDCP) would have been a huge kick in the nuts, as we would not have been able to play HD-Video at all.

This only negatively affects people trying to watch pirated (ripped) movies at over 480i. (480i / 480p is DVD quality). They can still watch them, but only at 480i.

If you plan to buy the movies you watch, this wouldn't affect you at all.

HDCP is an industry standard, NOT a Microsoft thing, as most of the rumor sites will tell you.

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