the unknown 0 Posted June 22, 2007 I am trying to create a base with some ai in dismissed mode. As probally most of you know the ai will move to the other end of the island when in dismissed mode. Does anyone have a idea on how to keep them in a set area? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr.peanut 1 Posted June 22, 2007 _unit disableAI "Move"? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the unknown 0 Posted June 22, 2007 wouldnt that like stop them doing the dismissed ting completely? Since as far as I know that stops all AI movement I am simpley trying to restrict it to a area. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
00dc15 0 Posted June 22, 2007 One way would be to create an FSM script for them if you search for 'FSM editing' (currently on page 3 of this forum) you will see a post from Crashdome about have you read my tutorial, download it & one of the FSM editors. In the tutorial you will find a mission with his FSM script which makes a group act like the dismissed wpt. but you can edit the FSM file so they dont move as far away, the tutorial explains all you need to know, the other way would be to run a standard script that gives them random moveto wpts. in a certain radius but I would advise the FSM way as there is far more to them. Hope this helps you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
misinformed 0 Posted June 22, 2007 You could give them a move order back to where you want them to be after your origional waypoint and then a cycle waypoint next to that dismissed waypoint. Then sync the dismissed waypoint with a trigger with a 300 sec countdown or so. So they wait 300 sec before going to the move waypoint and repeat the whole affair over and over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the unknown 0 Posted June 23, 2007 @00dc15 Ill give it a try I always tought FSM was just for addons and stuff not to be put in missions. Gues you learn someting everyday. @misinformed I tryed that already was my first tought but it wont work every waypoint afther the dismissed waypoint isnt followed up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ManDay 0 Posted June 23, 2007 Cool. I never used another waypoint than "Move". "Dismissed" sounds cool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the unknown 0 Posted June 23, 2007 @manday There are loads of waypoint types they all do diffrent tings you sould really look into the wiki about them, The big problem with dismissed is the fact they wander off so far. @00dc15 You talked about a fsm file that made them act like dismissed but I only found one that made them move around randomly do you mean that? And another ting is it posibel to use a triggers name in the FSM cause my arma crashed when i wanted to test it out, but it could be someting els causeing it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osmo 0 Posted January 1, 2008 Has anyone found a way/script to restrict the area of dismissed units? A script that makes players to move randomly within certain area doesn't really help as it doesn't include cool stuff like sitting down etc. Dismissed waypoint would be very useful in creating realistic atmosphere in a base, if the movement could be limited to a certain area. The way it is now is quite useless as dismissed units can move into danger areas. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scars09 9 Posted January 2, 2008 question is what does dismissed in regards of groups. if the group stays intact, every member just act silly, then do it with a area trigger synchronized to waypoint, not in area cycle to a move wp inside the base. no clue what to do if the units build there own group after dimissed. maybe a guarded point has a positive influence on the dismissed area aswell, but thats just a speculation. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
osmo 0 Posted January 2, 2008 Wiki says: Quote[/b] ]Dismissed - This waypoint type can be used to simulate casual off-duty behaviour. The group will move to the waypoint, then be dismissed. The group will automatically split itself into small teams of one to four units, who will move to random locations, sit down, etc. Given enough time some of the group may wander kilometers from the waypoint...A dismissed waypoint is considered complete if the group comes into contact with any enemy units. The main group is divided into smaller ones. I'm not sure if the smaller ones regroup back into one bigger group when dismissed is complete. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sprite 0 Posted January 2, 2008 could you do it by making a trigger that senses if they have left the area and makes them return by completing the waypoint then sending them to another dismissed waypoint in the area again? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CarlGustaffa 4 Posted January 4, 2008 The teams and singles will re-join to a complete squad once they spot an enemy. Unfortunately, they <b>need</b> to spot an enemy afaik I've tried various means of cancelling or completing the dismissed waypoint, or switching to another one -- nothing seems to help. Not quite happy with how this one is implemented really. As far as I see it, the only means to cancel it is to create an ememy near their location (and in their field of view). The other real usage I see for this wp is to wait until proper time/events has elapsed before making them go into dismissed mode. I.e. a switch trigger synched to the move wp just prior to the dismissed wp. Not sure, gave up on dismissed long time ago. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites