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ATI x1950XTX Stuttering

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Hello guys, can anyone help?

My specs

Core2Duo E6600

ConRoeXFire-eSATA2 Mobo




Sound Blaster X-FI

Windows XP Pro. Service pack 2

My problem

The game will 'stutter' for upto 1/2 a second while the FPS drop into single figures, and then 'jumps' back to normal, this happens every 10-20 seconds. It is almost as if some sort of buffer gets full, the game stutters while the buffer is emptied, before the game continues smoothly.

Solutions tried

All drivers updated

Ingame settings and screen resolution lowered

Total defrag

Tried older Catalyst drivers

Disabled Pagefile

X-FI running in game mode

Tried running ArmA on one core

All settings in Catalyst Controller set to performance

Uninstalled ArmA and reinstalled

I just can't get rid of it and it's making the game almost unplayable.

Any other suggestions??

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I got the stuttering allso, and I reinstalled windows, made a separate partition for arma, and pagefile. Most of the suttering is gone now and i got a nice fps boost. Especially if u havent formated in a long time (6months) I would suggest that u do that.

Allso I've heard from ppl that CCC decrases ur system performance,

ATM i use just the drivers and tray tools.

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Ok, did a full format last night, I now have a dual boot system, one for ArmA and one for general windows stuff.

I will post back my results when I have installed the drivers.

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Just a couple of quick questions,

Has anyone else got a dual boot syatem with 2 copies of xp?

I see that you can access the secondary hard drive from the primary OS and vice versa, while doing this, if you download anything which OS does it go to?

ie. while in one OS can you access the other to do update downloads and installations or would you need to reboot into the other OS to carry this this?

Thanks for any help guys.


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I have the same issue with stuttering... the fix is this:

Remove the hotfix drivers that ATI said were provided to fix the leak... its the leak thats causing the stuttering - their driver sets made it a whole lot worse, mainly due to the fact they can't code drivers if they were in the business of providing them. I had exactly the same problem - all gone with the latest official catalysts driver but not the hotifx ones.

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I can second that. I had the hotfix drivers to fix the leak and although I didn't notice stuttering so badly in ArmA it made playing other games like Lord of the Rings Online almost unplayable. Back to the straight 7.5 drivers and everything is back to normal.

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I'll try that. so is 7.5 the best driver for arma?? I've heard that 6.7 works well..

currently using hotfix, and FPS goes up and down all the time.

BTW what kinda FPS u get in-game with ATI cards???

I have res @ 1024x786

all on normal high

expect; post pros low

Shadows low, terrain low, AA low.

get 20-33 fps at north. when playing big battles, but FPS constantly jumps from 11 to 29 and back

in desert I can go up to 55...

and sorry for brief hijack smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

BTW2: have u tried running without CCC??

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Ok my finding are as follows....

Definite FPS boost, everything seems to be more responsive.

The stutter is still there, but not as bad.

I would suggest that the cause has got to be with the ATI drivers or to be more precise an incompatibility between the ATI drivers and ArmA.

My settings

Screen Resolution 1280x1024 4:3

Terrain Detail Low

Post processing Low

All others High

View Distance 3000km

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what drivers are u using?? I bet the sutter has gone because of fresh windows install.

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I was using the 6.7 drivers with my ATI 1850pro without any problems. I have since installed a new HD 2900XT. Much better frame rates and resolution, but with the hotfix drivers, LOTS of stuttering sad_o.gif

With the 2900XT I need to use the 7.5 drivers, so I've installed the non hotfix 7.5 drivers and the stuttering has disappeared smile_o.gif The handle leak is there (was up to 300000 after a couple of hours) but after three hours of playing last night it does not seem to be affecting the game.

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hehe i'm also an ati user, came here to post about this exact problem, ic i'm not the only one.. i also got the hotfix i will try without it, running everything on high runs great except for the shuttering every 10 seconds...i'm off to uninstall/reinstall drivers.. hope when they do make the official driver fix it wont cause any shuttering.

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ok reinstalled the drivers without the hotfix.. smooth as silk biggrin_o.gif

but what worries me is if shuttering returns once they make new official drivers crazy_o.gif

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Has anyone managed to get the Catalyst 6.7 to work on a X1950 card?

If so how did you do it?

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i use X1950XTX uber-limeted edition. with 7.5 and hot fix, have no problems, probably couse i have different dirvers, its special drivers for limited edition.

my settings:

AA x 2

Adaptive AA "on, preformance"

AF x 16 (additionaly i use High Qualaty AF)

Waite for vertical refresh "on"

triple buffering "on"

resolution 1280x1024 avegage FPS 29-32

all settings on highest as posible, range 2500

GFX clock speed:

700/1100 (2200)


P.S. had x1950Pro b4, and run on 6.11 drivers was working ok, but not sure if leak was present.

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my settings:

AA x 2

Adaptive AA "on, preformance"

AF x 16 (additionaly i use High Qualaty AF)

all settings on highest as posible, range 2500

All settings on highest - does that mean you also have AA and AF set up via the options menu? I'm just asking because forcing it in the driver and then enabling it in the game is kinda counterproductive, you know.

@topic: the hotfix also gave me stuttering, sometimes quite severe, so I'm back on 7.5 and even though my handles get quite ouf of hand (I've seen them up to ~120.000) the game seems to suffer no adverse effects for it and is fully playable for hours and hours.

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i use X1950XTX uber-limeted edition. with 7.5 and hot fix, have no problems, probably couse i have different dirvers, its special drivers for limited edition.

my settings:

AA x 2

Adaptive AA "on, preformance"

AF x 16 (additionaly i use High Qualaty AF)

Waite for vertical refresh "on"

triple buffering "on"

resolution 1280x1024 avegage FPS 29-32

all settings on highest as posible, range 2500

GFX clock speed:

700/1100 (2200)


P.S. had x1950Pro b4, and run on 6.11 drivers was working ok, but not sure if leak was present.

there is no AA from the CCC that works in Arma. Set your AA and AF in the CCC to app pref.

There isnt a DX tribuff setting in ATI drivers. Its only for OGL.

And there isnt any different driver for the "uber" edition. The uber edition has a different bios, its OCed.

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i use X1950XTX uber-limeted edition. with 7.5 and hot fix, have no problems, probably couse i have different dirvers, its special drivers for limited edition.

my settings:

AA x 2

Adaptive AA "on, preformance"

AF x 16 (additionaly i use High Qualaty AF)

Waite for vertical refresh "on"

triple buffering "on"

resolution 1280x1024 avegage FPS 29-32

all settings on highest as posible, range 2500

GFX clock speed:

700/1100 (2200)


P.S. had x1950Pro b4, and run on 6.11 drivers was working ok, but not sure if leak was present.

there is no AA from the CCC that works in Arma. Set your AA and AF in the CCC to app pref.

 There isnt a DX tribuff setting in ATI drivers. Its only for OGL.

And there isnt any different driver for the "uber" edition. The uber edition has a different bios, its OCed.

realy? so why do i re-install my drivers evety bloody time, when ATI relise new CCC? couse its can proparly detect my video card. and u tell me there not different drivers? do u have this cards? and bout AA if u set them for app. pref. u will have slite reduce of FPS, compere if u set them for AAx2, thx for advice, i allready bin try that.

P.S. and if u do have this uber editions video, go to Adapter/settings/drivers and try update ur drivers, and see wich drivers ur system will prefer supliyed with CCC or origenal from CD.

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My settings

Screen Resolution 1280x1024 4:3

Terrain Detail Low

Post processing Low

All others High

View Distance 3000km

for this settings you need minimal 512MB graphic card

how much does your card have? (Sorry if you wroter somewhere, I could not find it)

Key Dutch has a 512 card.


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