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Version 2 - Skaven's RACS

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Quote[/b] ]Oh, Skaven, this is a small request. Currently you have the G3 with the green furniture, but how about a nice wood (walnut) one? I really like the look of the wood furniture G3's... Very classy.

Sorry mate, beta testing is at 50% so no more changes for this release, maybe next one wink_o.gif

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The M60 and the M249 were coded very distinctly from the other weapons, they are ment to fire first and to give cover, that's why the HK-23e seems to fire a little bit later and not as far as the two mentioned previously.

The HK23e was a contender for the US Army's 5.56mm squad automatic weapon. The FN Minimi (m249 SAW) eventually won the contract, but in performance and purpose both weapons are more or less the same. So the HK23e should fire just like the M249 in my opinium; medium range suppresive fire. While the M60/M240 type of machine guns are for accurate medium and long range suppressive fire wink_o.gif

Right now you coded the HK23e more like the you would have coded a light squad support weapon like a M16 LSW or the L86A1 LSW which are meant to operate at more or less the same range as the rifles in the company, but offer the advantage of a sustained fire role (although severely limited by the low magazine capacity when used with normal 30rnd mags). Please take this into consideration smile_o.gif

@Sand Flea

The wood-coloured furniture was only used on early versions of the G3 with a slim round handguard as also pictured on your site. But later on this was also changed to green plastic furniture. Locally produced copies of the early G3 in the middle-east sometimes still feature the wood-coloured furniture, though. But these are all the eraly type slim handguard. The version in this pack is the G3A3, which features the triangular shaped green plastic handguard. No wood-coloured furniture was ever produced for this version


Awesome picture

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Quote[/b] ]Right now you coded the HK23e more like the you would have coded a light squad support weapon like a M16 LSW or the L86A1 LSW which are meant to operate at more or less the same range as the rifles in the company, but offer the advantage of a sustained fire role (although severely limited by the low magazine capacity when used with normal 30rnd mags). Please take this into consideration

Done wink_o.gif

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Can't wait for the release!  notworthy.gif

It's close, beta testing is going very well with 65% done, readme file is finnished and one of the presentation pictures is done (we just need one more) I think I can say with some security that Friday/Saturday will be the day of the release.

Thank you all for your help  wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Mate, the wepons are in a seperate pbo file already together with Jam which has the magazines so you can add it to any soldier you want to, in the readme you have all weapons and magazine classes exactely for that.

Oops, my request was not quite clear. I asked for the weapons pack as a separate addon which should have less MB than the complete addon with units. This would be great to fit other addons with the appropriate weapons and people would need to download less MB for a mission using addons.

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I could do it but it might bring problems because people may forget to download the soldiers or vice versa. Besides, I don't think I ever saw anyone doing that mate biggrin_o.gif And, the soldiers pbo file zipped is like 9 Mbytes long so it's not a big difference wink_o.gif

However if it makes difference to you I don't mind sending you by pm (after the release) a link for you to download just the weapons wink_o.gif

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Well, it's not a difference to me, I like addons very much. It's just that I am a casual mission maker and people are reluctant to download missions with addons so we have the old OFP paradoxon of literally thousands of excellent addons that are rarely featured in a mission. Therefore I strive to keep the addons download volume as small as possible.

Anyway, sooner or later there will be G3s and FALs as seperate weapons I guess. biggrin_o.gif

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Oi Skaven, just one thing I noticed:

- The trigger animations don't seem to be working.

I managed to get it working for your FAL, but I had to steal a SWM MP5 to donate a trigger. I think the models are missing a trigger_axis point in the memory LOD, but even when I added it the animation screwed up (the trigger fell vertically back into the weapon from a great height with each shot).

You might want to look into it before the release. It's nothing pressing, just something I noticed.

EDIT - I also managed to get the cocking handle to move during firing, and once during reload. I'm not sure if this is realistic (if it ain't I'll probably get rid of it), but it looks nice. Just something else you might consider (if it's realistic).


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I managed to get it working for your FAL, but I had to steal a SWM MP5 to donate a trigger. I think the models are missing a trigger_axis point in the memory LOD, but even when I added it the animation screwed up (the trigger fell vertically back into the weapon from a great height with each shot).


EDIT - I also managed to get the cocking handle to move during firing, and once during reload. I'm not sure if this is realistic (if it ain't I'll probably get rid of it), but it looks nice. Just something else you might consider (if it's realistic).

You either have the axis on the wrong position or you have the rotation angle set to the wrong value. I have  experience with animations that I did for models in OPF and I'm not completely sure if it's the same for ARMA, but I guess it can't be too much different. I might be able to help a bit if required. Do you still use O2? And does it still require OPF to be installed or can it also be used with ArmA? I'm kind of interested in doing some small modeling work for ArmA.

As for the cocking handle: it does not move during firing. As with the M16 it is not attached  to the bolt carrier, but simply a seperate part that will move the bolt (or boltcarrier) backwards when pulled.

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Good to know, thanks mate. Since it's pulled when chambering a round, I'll make it move once when reloading a mag (since tac reloads don't seem to exist in ArmA).

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But I've not understood if in this incoming ver3 there is the M249 PARA too or only the M249 MKII...

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Quote[/b] ]I managed to get it working for your FAL, but I had to steal a SWM MP5 to donate a trigger. I think the models are missing a trigger_axis point in the memory LOD, but even when I added it the animation screwed up (the trigger fell vertically back into the weapon from a great height with each shot).

That's why I don't use the trigger axis biggrin_o.gif But the animations have all been reviewed wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]But I've not understood if in this incoming ver3 there is the M249 PARA too or only the M249 MKII...

There is only the M249 MKII for now (they spent all their money to buy that weapon now they need to play missions to get funds) wink_o.gif

Release day = tomorrow biggrin_o.gif

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Neat but dont forget the little thingy you wanted to send to me Skavy wink_o.gif

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Oh man, I hope it's early in the morning biggrin_o.gif

This is going to be a good weekend biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Except for all the repair cost I have to pay to fix my car (wheelbearing and shockdampers), but has notrhing to do with ArmA except that my driving style in real-life is as rough as I drive in Arma LOL tounge2.gif

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Next step: russians? OPFOR units?

There are very few addons for this side at the moment.

Can't wait for your future release...

Mmmh is more correct say that I cant wait for all your releases! rofl.gif


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For trigger axis (and all rotation anims): you need to add a namedproperty to your Lod to make all axes work correctly:

name: autocenter

value: 0

otherwise axes get shifted.

Or chack the demo model I've sent you, it has namedproperties set correctly.

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Quote[/b] ]Neat but dont forget the little thingy you wanted to send to me Skavy wink_o.gif

Done wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Except for all the repair cost I have to pay to fix my car (wheelbearing and shockdampers), but has notrhing to do with ArmA except that my driving style in real-life is as rough as I drive in Arma LOL

I'm 32 and ... Well... when I go out at night with my girlfriend guess who drives ? I'm as bad as you are for sure (We just change places like 1 minute from the destination and that's if the parking is easy) biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Next step: russians? OPFOR units?

Maybe... biggrin_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]For trigger axis (and all rotation anims): you need to add a namedproperty to your Lod to make all axes work correctly:

The way it works now is ok I think, btw... on a future version 4 I would like to implement the animations you guys are doing on the Machine Guns, I dreamed about doing it but I never even thought it would be possible to make, that's absolutely impressive work Panda[PL], congratulations wink_o.gif

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The way it works now is ok I think, btw... on a future version 4 I would like to implement the animations you guys are doing on the Machine Guns


Will we see a Steyr Aug too? inlove.gif

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Can't wait for the release.

Will this be the last version of the RACS stuff to come out (assuming no catastrophic bugs exist, of course)? I just like it when I can amalgamate the weapons into my own private pack and know they won't be updated within the next few days.

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Quote[/b] ]Will we see a Steyr Aug too? inlove.gif

We'll see wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Will this be the last version of the RACS stuff to come out (assuming no catastrophic bugs exist, of course)? I just like it when I can amalgamate the weapons into my own private pack and know they won't be updated within the next few days.

Assuming no catastrophic bugs exist (pray for me) biggrin_o.gif for the next months yes biggrin_o.gif

The future Version 4 will be the extension of HD to all vehicles and also the introduction of the first Racs's Vehicles between other things I will be learning and changing in the middle.

After Version 3 (Saturday) I will be working on a different project with an addon maker I worked many years ago that I've admired his work ever since, later you'll know about this project wink_o.gif

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