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What is the story with "fire"

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Is there any sort of system or logic behind the fire - command. I mean - i found some examples but is there any kind of straight rule from which i can tell how to use it with a certain weapon?

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You should use the

"Weapon Classname", "Muzzle Classname(s)", "Magazine Classname(s)"-format




soldier fire ["MP5SD","MP5SD","30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD"]

Watch out for the universal weapons such as mines and grenades where you will have to use "put" or "throw" instead.

I guess there should be a "mode" to put in there if you want them to fire semi,burst or full-auto.

I have yet to figure out the different modes if they work and etc.

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in ArmA the syntax for placing satchel is not:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname Fire ["put", "pipebomb"];

The right syntax is

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unitname Fire ["pipebombmuzzle", "pipebombmuzzle", "pipebomb"];


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huh.gif What my question was? What kind of stupid question is this? We are in a forum - just take a look 10 lines above your post and you can read it?! crazy_o.gif

My actual question is which general rule applies to the Fire-command

e: Well - at least you edited it. Think this is enough of redefinition done nener.gif

e2: uhm - your hint was wrong - wasnt it? As you were able to see this is not a general rule.

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huh.gif What my question was? What kind of stupid question is this? We are in a forum - just take a look 10 lines above your post and you can read it?! crazy_o.gif

My actual question is which general rule applies to the Fire-command

Well, and I gave you a hint?

I missed the whole "put" thing. sad_o.gif

As I said, please redefine your question as I obviously misread it...


Out of sync here...

The general rule which I apply is teh thing with "Weapon Classname Muzzle Classname(s) Magazine Classname(s)" which I mentioned.

[edit /again]

Well, for most of the cases it works. for some it doesn't and then we have to rely on the ppl who update the wiki.

But its still a "general" rule me thinks.

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Ok. fuck off those edits now crazy_o.gif :

I - personally me - I dont accept "exceptions" in a programming syntax. Where is it going to end if a syntax allows "exceptions"? In a complete mess. So: Your 'rule' is not a real nor a general rule.

it's like you saw two green cars and you conclude that now you can postulate all cars were green.

no, they arent. there are some red and yellow cars as well... your rule is just not correct band.gif

but thx for the try. wink_o.gif

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Hmm...The Tarus is only trying to help. He clearly shows the edits he made and in what order, so it's not like he is doing anything underhanded?

I'm afraid you won't be happy with the general rule. But here goes smile_o.gif

The general rule is.....it fires a weapon. That is the one condition that can be said to be true, for all weapon and vehicle types.

Arma is a complex beast, representing all sorts of weapons ranging from IR missiles to grenade launchers. Regardless of whether you accept it or not, each one has it's own idiosyncrasies. In some cases it just won't work the way you would want it to.

Please state the intention behind the question. For example, is it to update the wiki with all the possible methods? Or write a generic script that will fire weapons for any unit\vehicle e.t.c

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Please state the intention behind the question. For example, is it to update the wiki with all the possible methods? Or write a generic script that will fire weapons for any unit\vehicle e.t.c

As far as I can tell, the intention behind his question is flaming and trolling.

Calling people stupid and telling them to f*ck off aren't exactly the most polite repsonses to someone who is just trying to help.

Especially since Taurus was 100% correct.

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Judging by how hostile things have become it seems like some isn't getting results. Try this as an alternative if you want.

Use the "commandFire" command. As long as you have line of sight (surface to air & air to surface is spotty) your unit will fire on the given target immediately %99 of the time. Tanks, soldiers, civilians, invisible targets...it does em all.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Ur_Unit_Name commandFire the_targeted_unit

You can execute this by trigger or waypoint. You may even be able to use it on groups, if you adjust the trigger to include a group. I don't know how to do that yet, so good luck.

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Please state the intention behind the question. For example, is it to update the wiki with all the possible methods? Or write a generic script that will fire weapons for any unit\vehicle e.t.c

As far as I can tell, the intention behind his question is flaming and trolling.

Calling people stupid and telling them to f*ck off aren't exactly the most polite repsonses to someone who is just trying to help.

Especially since Taurus was 100% correct.

Great too have you here. Beside the fact you are the only one who is flaming and trolling, I never called anybody stupid or yet to fuck off. Your imputation is insolent!

Especially since Taurus wrote me a PM where he told me he agrees with me.

I intent ... just to know it. I think there has to be some rule. As I said before: This is programming not some kind of strange guessing & trying.

I think there will be some definitions in the bin/cpp files where each weapon has a certain string which it is associated with. So if you knew WHERE EXACTLY those strings are - that would be great. help.gif

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try the BI wiki Weapons reference list.

btw, this link was given in the first reply.

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Please state the intention behind the question. For example, is it to update the wiki with all the possible methods? Or write a generic script that will fire weapons for any unit\vehicle e.t.c

As far as I can tell, the intention behind his question is flaming and trolling.

Calling people stupid and telling them to f*ck off aren't exactly the most polite repsonses to someone who is just trying to help.

Especially since Taurus was 100% correct.

Great too have you here. Beside the fact you are the only one who is flaming and trolling, I never called anybody stupid or yet to fuck off. Your imputation is insolent!

Especially since Taurus wrote me a PM where he told me he agrees with me.

I intent ... just to know it. I think there has to be some rule. As I said before: This is programming not some kind of strange guessing & trying.

I think there will be some definitions in the bin/cpp files where each weapon has a certain string which it is associated with. So if you knew WHERE EXACTLY those strings are - that would be great.  help.gif

Sent you a PM.

That aside, the ArmA scripting language is not a real programming language. A lot of the syntax is completely made up from scratch and totally unique, so you can't expect everything to work as you are used to.

I'm a programmer in the real world, and it took me a while to get accustomed to ArmA's syntax, but it works after a while.

fasads link will probably help you most. thumbs-up.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I think there will be some definitions in the bin/cpp files where each weapon has a certain string which it is associated with. So if you knew WHERE EXACTLY those strings are - that would be great.

Yes, you can glean enough information from the configs with the configFile file commands, to decide how and when you can use the fire command. I will give you a rough idea of what you need to look for:

Is the unit a soldier or vehicle. Soldiers need a target to fire correctly. Using the fire command without one will just make the AI fire into the air (at least that was the case in OFP).

If it is a soldier you also need to check for different muzzle definitions i.e grenade launchers and pipe bombs.

If it's a vehicle then you don't have to worry about a target, unless the weapon requires a target lock.

If it does then the fire command will not work for guiding IR missiles e.t.c It will still fire them, only they will not be guided onto the target.

Also with vehicles you will now have to check for multiple turrets.

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ManDay +1WL and 48hr PR

I am not quite sure who you think you are, but when you ask a question and get polite replies, even when not quite what you hoped for. Replying to the responder in the manner you have is quite simply unacceptable.

You have asked for help, The_Taurus was trying to help answer your question and ask for clarification of your question.

**edit** In light of a PM from The Tarus, the 48hr PR will be lifted but the warning level will remain.

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I don't know who you think you are, but I don't think you have the right to be calling anyone insolent.

I was referring to:

Quote[/b] ]What my question was? What kind of stupid question is this? We are in a forum

He said "redefine your question", not restate your question, and your wording can be interpreted as calling him stupid.


Quote[/b] ]Ok. fuck off those edits now :

I admit, I misread that as "fuck off with those edits now", so I'm guessing you really weren't telling him to fuck off.

Still I would ask you to keep your tone civilized, because some people such as myself find the term "fuck off" to be quite unappropriate in a forum.



I cant believe it. First you impute I was insulting Taurus - which I was obviously not: I am cool with him. I did neither say that he was stupid (I only said that his question was stupid - and it actually was cos the ORIGINAL question (not the edited one) sounded "What was your question again?") nor that he has to "fuck off" (As MadDog already recognized). And THEN! - after I showed you that you were completly wrong! - inputing things to me which I have never done and saying my only intent was "flaming and trolling" (which in my eyes is just insolent) - you give me a warning?

Excuse me - but what kind of incredible reaction is this? banghead.gif


I almost forgot the original topic about this incredibility - thanks UNN. I will browse the cpps soon


naturally i demand my "warning level" to be reset. because the only person who was doing something wrong here and became offense was you, maddog.

dont get me wrong: i dont have the kind of problem with you you in turn seem to have with me - but fact is fact in this case. and: yes - i will try to keep my lang civilised in the future. as well i hope you understand that you were wrong here

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As you correctly recognized, it's the tone of your replies which leads to the WL (and PR).

I know english is not your first language but while other forums may let you get away with this aggresive tone, we're different here.

If you want to continue the discussion about your punishment, please contact Rhodite by PM.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit fire [muzzle, mode, magazine]

That's it. If it doesn't work, then you're using the wrong classnames.

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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit fire [muzzle, mode, magazine]

That's it. If it doesn't work, then you're using the wrong classnames.

_obj_shooter fire[ "M16A2","M16A2","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag" ];

Does not work (the bot definitly has the 30Rndx45 without SD) but

_obj_shooter fire "M16A2"


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Quote[/b] ]unit fire [muzzle, mode, magazine]

That's it. If it doesn't work, then you're using the wrong classnames.

_obj_shooter fire[ "M16A2","M16A2","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"];

Does not work (the bot definitly has the 30Rndx45 without SD) but

_obj_shooter fire "M16A2"


As I said, wrong classnames.

Quote[/b] ]unit fire [muzzle, mode, magazine]

This should work: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

unit fire [ "M16A2","Single","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag"];

That way you can specify what firemode you want to be used.

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aw - cool. is there any documenation on those firemodes or can they just be found in the weapon'S CFG?

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aw - cool. is there any documenation on those firemodes or can they just be found in the weapon'S CFG?

I just opened up the config.bin in weapons.pbo with Laza, which you can get here.

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