ThePredator 0 Posted May 27, 2007 Please use this thread (it should be on this section, though) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canis lupus 20 Posted May 27, 2007 I'm a little confused here, the readme sais the mod removes the tracers. but this: {[_x, 5,1,0,2] exec "\cent_tracer\cent_tracer.sqs"} ForEach thislist was supposed to give them tracers right, I can't get it to work if I write this in: [this,5] exec "\cent_tracer\cent_tracer.sqs"; it works perfect but its really anoying having to do it by every single unit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kenbow 0 Posted May 27, 2007 The... {d=[_x, 5,0,1,2] execVM "\cent_tracer\cent_tracer.sqf"} ForEach thislist command line goes into a TRIGGER that is placed via the mission editor. Â The above exec line goes into the "On ACt." field of the trigger. Â Also, make sure the trigger a,b range extends over all the units, and have the activation option set to "anybody." The mod removes the vanilla tracers and replaces them with centipede's orb tracers (assuming the mission you play has the above mentioned trigger in it). <edited: There are new ways to implement the tracers also; read Sickboy's post below> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bonko the sane 2 Posted May 27, 2007 (Kenbow @ May 27 2007,22:20) said: The...{[_x, 5,1,0,2] exec "\cent_tracer\cent_tracer.sqs"} ForEach thislist command line goes into a TRIGGER that is placed via the mission editor. Â The above exec line goes into the "On ACt." field of the trigger. Â Also, make sure the trigger X,Y range extends over all the units, and have the activation option set to "anybody." The mod removes the vanilla tracers and replaces them with centipede's orb tracers (assuming the mission you play has the above mentioned trigger in it). lol, i was about to quote you Kenbow, from the other tracers thread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canis lupus 20 Posted May 27, 2007 I did put it in a trigger but no tracers... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kenbow 0 Posted May 27, 2007 Additional Info about Centipede Realism Tracers (NEW)... In the "[_x,5,0,1,2]" part of the command line, here are what the # values mean.... 1st # value (set as "5" above)[set as 1 thru 10]= this will determine which round is the tracer round inbetween regular rounds. Â For example, the value above it set to "5", so every 5th round will be a tracer round. 2nd # value (set as "0" above)[***ALWAYS SET AT 0]= Â ***Edited***- this vaule is for ricochet ON/OFF effects in an older version. Â For this current version, you should ALWAYS have this set to "0". Â And, the ricochet effects will still work. 3rd # value (set as "1" above)[either set as 1 or 0]= 1- means all weapons (rifes and machineguns) will fire the tracers; 0- means only machineguns fire tracers (infantry MGs and vehicle MGs), but rifles (i.e. M-4, M-16, M107) will NOT fire the tracer rounds. 4th # value (set as "2" above)[set as 1,2,3,4,5]= This is the actual size of the tracer orb. Â Size "1" seems to be the most realistic, but you may change it to fit your preference (1=smallest, 5=largest) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canis lupus 20 Posted May 27, 2007 It wasn't me... its some kind of bug, the tracers are only visible when fired up in the air, if fired to close to the ground they disapear... okay got it now, if I turn the ricochet effect off I can see them on the ground and the funny thing is the ricochet effect still works... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wolfbite 8 Posted May 27, 2007 Is it possible to have a vid of the tracers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canis lupus 20 Posted May 27, 2007 yes everything works perfect now... it almost gives you a whole new game, not having green and red lines flying arround Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThePredator 0 Posted May 27, 2007 We need to update the scripts, the GAU-8 30 mm cannon is not included And I opt for a change in the script, so the tracer will start at the muzzle. If possible gradually increase the brightness to 100% for the first 100 m. Which is the actual behaviour of a tracer. They are ignited with the muzzleflash. I am unable to record a video, the tracers dissapear the moment I want to record, due to fps loss I assume. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThePredator 0 Posted May 27, 2007 Yeah, I know those guns are bugged, but the GAU-8 was not included (script is based on 1.05). The blinding muzzleflash is a major problem with night vision goggles. I like it for the naked eye, if the muzzle flash was no 2D texture Anyway, if someone could figure out how to record tracers (I don't want to mess with the settings for that matter)... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted May 27, 2007 (ThePredator @ May 28 2007,00:42) said: And I opt for a change in the script, so the tracer will start at the muzzle. If possible gradually increase the brightness to 100% for the first 100 m.Which is the actual behaviour of a tracer. They are ignited with the muzzleflash. That would be very nice! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kenbow 0 Posted May 27, 2007 <edited> feature added Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ThePredator 0 Posted May 27, 2007 I can add the weapon and ammo, but I don't know nothing about scripting. For a easy way of communicating, Kenbow, do you have an instant messanger like AIM, ICQ or MSN? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colligpip 0 Posted May 28, 2007 for some reason i cant get this to work (i have followed everything), could somebody post an example misson perhpas thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_centipede 31 Posted May 28, 2007 hi... i have been lazing around lately... been working on the tracer, then decided to get a long vacation. seems u modified my tracer... no worry, i gave u permission to redesign and redistribute. anything good comes out of it, all the better for arma community Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_centipede 31 Posted May 28, 2007 about 1.13 and 1.14, this still holds true. i prefer 1.13 over 1.14, without ricochet effect. i'll look into the gau problem later on, but i suspect it has something to do with rico effect on... before i went MIA, i was working on 1.13a, to remove the option ricochet effect on/off. but gave up ultimately. the difference between using rico effect on and off is that when rico is on, u actually call the getPos script every few miliseconds(maybe) and drop the particle effect every few miliseconds with time to live very short. when using rico off, u only call getPos script once and drop the particle effect once with time to live around 4 seconds, so not so much script lag... and that's why u dont see the tracer when firing thru/near bush or trees or grass. still, even rico is off, the tracer will ricochet if u fired it very near to u. anyway, good job on disabling bis tracer. top notch Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr_centipede 31 Posted May 28, 2007 dont hold ur breath... it's just the same as 1.13, and thats where i stop before, if u need to understand the script i'll be glad to help. improving the script... i'm just worn out. hehehe. maybe later Share this post Link to post Share on other sites