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Police Units needs a good config

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*ISSUE RESOLVED, THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP WITH THE CONFIG* I am currently looking for help, so if you have experience please let me know Thank you.


<<<<<BIGGER IMAGE>>>>>

Above is a current screenshot of what the Dallas Police Units are looking like. My final goal will be to remake over the entire uniform and all equipment. (JUN 6th 2007)

- Ack

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Thanks Clavicula,

I am a huge newbler, I had the damn Hed Editor on case sensative so I was missing the pathing every time I looked for it to replace. I just got everything working, now I just need to build the config. Thanks for your help and to "Deanosbeano".

- Ack

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They look really good.

All we need is some shotty guns. pistols.gif

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Many teams are going over to the M4 / AR-15 now. The MP-5 has a high CDI factor, but it only doses out pistol rounds. A good .223 /5.56 JHP does more damage than a 9mm, has longer range and is actually less likely to pass through four houses and hit a civilian.

Shotguns are mostly just for breaching and less lethal (beanbag) rounds now.

I'd also like to see SWAT units NOT go prone. You don't fight CQB on your tummy. Their armor is made to protect them while standing.

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About the prone thing, there is a very simple fix for this. You can just "setpos up" in the editor. None of them will ever go prone that way.

- Ack

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heres an example config for two new units:

class CfgPatches




units[] = {"RandomUnitName","RandomUnitName2"


weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 0.100000;

requiredAddons[] = {"CAData","CACharacters","CAWeapons"};



class CfgVehicleClasses




displayName = "Category Name In Editor";



class CfgVehicles


/*extern*/ class SoldierWB;

class RandomUnitName: SoldierWB


displayName = "Name You See When You Point At Him";

model = "\your_addon_folder\units_model_name";

weapons[] = {"AK74","Throw", "Put"};

magazines[] = {"30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell", "HandGrenadeTimed", "HandGrenadeTimed"};

vehicleClass = "RANDOM_CLASS";


/*extern*/ class SoldierWB;

class RandomUnitName2: SoldierWB


displayName = "Name You See When You Point At Him";

model = "\your_addon_folder\units_model_name";

weapons[] = {"AK74","Throw", "Put"};

magazines[] = {"30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShell", "HandGrenadeTimed", "HandGrenadeTimed"};

vehicleClass = "RANDOM_CLASS";



You can use that example easily for more units.

SoldierWB = West Rifleman (base for your unit)

more classes like SoldierWB, SoldierMedic etc you can find from the BIKI --> CfgVehicles

in the model line, if you have a model such as swat.p3d

you should write the line as: model = "\your_addon_folder\swat";


If you cant manage the config.cpp for your units, I'll be glad to help you and do it for you ^^

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Good to hear I was helpful. The result looks great, keep up the great work, hope to see some released stuff soon! smile_o.gif

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Does Dallas SWAT wear a flag on their shoulder? If so, wouldn't it be "flying" the other way?

Also, the badge is always worn above the heart on the left side. (Unless you're watching The Shield)

Otherwise it's looking good.

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Is this Police K-9 on the back? You know that K-9 is the dog squad? Seems pretty uncool without dogs icon_rolleyes.gif

But nice work anyway smile_o.gif

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Is this Police K-9 on the back? You know that K-9 is the dog squad? Seems pretty uncool without dogs icon_rolleyes.gif

But nice work anyway smile_o.gif

Some SWAT teams have dogs attached to them for tracking purposes. I know my county sheriff's office SRT (Special Response Team) does.

Oh and I like the 1 guy with the 2 chevrons of Senior Corporal on his sleeves, nice touch. BTW: howcome they have Snr Corporal but not plain regular Corporal in the Dallas PD?

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@ SWAT - "You know that K-9 is the dog squad? Seems pretty uncool without dogs". I had a choice to make units that say EOD or K-9. I thought K-9 sounded and looked cooler from all the dog patches that I had. At a later time I will release an animal pack where players can play as the dogs. I would also like to make deer for my hunters. This depends on what kind of progress the "Jurassic Park Mod Team" has with thier Dino's. If they produce something great I will most likely ask them for permission to look at their stuff. Right now we are trying to focus on finishing up the Delta Hawks' Interceptors, after that the main focus will be the helicopter. By then the tools should be out and we will focus on making the uniforms more accurate.

@Wardude1987 - I didn't think that this unit would be played very much, I really just created it to have another like unit. If there is a demand I will create more Uniformed Officers. This is dependant upon the tools coming out. You see I have a nice template layed out in psd format so I can recreate new uniforms of any time in minutes. From there you just need to grab the patches, add an outter glow of black and then import them into game. If I have time maybe I'll do a whole pack of Officers.

- Ack

P.S. - I have 1 full time almost 2 LEO's help me by looking over this for accuracy, trust me they tell me "Everything"; what is real and what is not. Some things I leave in for variety.

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Actually at this point I've created so many new units that I have not been able to write configs for everything. Writing the configs is the easy part, the problem I'm having is I can't get the wound textures to work correctly.

If I can get time I will pick apart ebuds config and rewrite everything.

- Ack

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btw any chance for a swat van? that would be very much needed and also police choppers would be cool too. I remember that there came out a few nice ones for ofp at least the choppers. smile_o.gif

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btw any chance for a swat van? that would be very much needed and also police choppers would be cool too. I remember that there came out a few nice ones for ofp at least the choppers.  smile_o.gif

ooh, a swat van will be a real nice touch..

Although the option of having a retextured ural for SWAT lol..

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