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ArmA, VBS2 and tracers

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I know some of you may disagree with me and say it's such a small thing and that there are some other much larger issues BIS has to deal with. And yet BIS prides itself on being the sole developer of the most realistic infantry milsim. This is the premise we are being sold on.

The tracers topic somehow gets forgotten. We are playing supposedly the most realistic milsim game out there and yet sniper rifles fire tracers. Even BF2 hasn't made that mistake with all their intensions to cater to the larger gimmick-thirsty crowd. OK, sure some ppl like to see laser beams in ArmA. But there is an option in the settings that should let you toggle the tracers off - AND IT DOESN'T WORK, 3 patches later!!! We already have three patches released and BIS somehow again forgets about it.

Don't give me the same crap that it might be difficult to implement the true tracer effects or the community will somehow fix it. BIS already has it implemented very nicely in VBS2 which is based on the same engine as ArmA. How hard is it to included it into ArmA? Or ArmA retail prices doesn't cover such expensive technological feature as tracers -reserved solely for VBS2? If it won't be done properly at least fix the Settings toggle option. C'mon even BF2 done it right!

Here is VBS2 video


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Getting angry & yelling accomplishes nothing. If you want to disable the tracers there are plenty of options available, either using addons or editing the BIS weapons, or simply wait for the next patch since tracer settings are (according to the BTS) already being worked on by BIS.

And just for your information, the VBS tracer textures aren't part of the engine. BIA (who is responsable for developing VBS and is a completely different team than the one working on ArmA) added those tracers as part of the game data for VBS, BIS had no part in it. BIS develops the engine and ArmA using that engine, then they send the engine to BIA. Any changes made or content added in VBS is done by BIA, thousands of miles away, for a different product.

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Wow thats the first time ive seen that vid of VBS 2, it looks like it will be a brilliant virtual system...

I'm sure almost all of that could be re-created by the community though... Ive even seen a demo vid of someone doing real time/on the fly editor in ArmA...

I mean i think its illegal to copy it.. but if its produced by a member of the community by their own work.. then surely its fine?

But yes, i wish these tracers had been implemented into ArmA...

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Posting about VBS2 in here is a lost cause to begin with, and getting angry that the VBS2 tracers aren't in ArmA is just silly. You're not going to change any important people's minds with posts like this.

My advice is to simply deal with it for now. The future may hold changes, but the present situation is very clear and I doubt anything is going to happen anytime soon with regards to official tracer changes.

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Nobody's getting angry. I'm just hiliting the part of post I want to be noticed. I'm really hoping BIS is workign on it. On the other hand it seems like only yelling will get BIS to notice some obvious omissions.

Any changes made or content added in VBS is done by BIA, thousands of miles away, for a different product.

I thought we live in the 21st century. What does miles have to do with all this. I just think BIS has just spent to much time workign on such useless thing as flowers and grass and forgot completely about the core features of any military game - accurate representation of balistics, projectiles ets. If BIA did it how hard is it to do for BIS. In VBS2 it seems like they also have tracers every 3-5 rounds. 5 years after the release of OFP and we are still firing lasers. BIS hasn't even listed tracers fix as part of the 1.07 patch!

If anyone a has any idea how to change tracers or add new textures and frequency of tracer rounds please point me to it. Is there a tool to edit the weapons config.bin? - I tried to open the it in Word and I get lots of garbage in it

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man, the tracers in VBS2 look awesome.  wow_o.gif

one thing i am VERY glad they have fixed though, is the nightvision - it was pretty crap before, with the oval shape and bad static, its a lot better now

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Any changes made or content added in VBS is done by BIA, thousands of miles away, for a different product.

I thought we live in the 21st century. What does miles have to do with all this. I just think BIS has just spent to much time workign on such useless thing as flowers and grass and forgot completely about the core features of any military game - accurate representation of balistics, projectiles ets. If BIA did it how hard is it to do for BIS. In VBS2 it seems like they also have tracers every 3-5 rounds. 5 years after the release of OFP and we are still firing lasers. BIS hasn't even listed tracers fix as part of the 1.07 patch!

I was trying to make a point that the two teams are seperate. BIA does not work on ArmA, BIS does, and any changes in the tracers in ArmA would have to be a decision on BIS's part, and the decision about tracers in VBS was made by BIA, not BIS. The point is that they have different agendas. You're going to have to come up with an arguement that does not refer to VBS2's tracers, because they have nothing to do with the tracers in ArmA. What you need to do instead is convince BIS that 1. there is popular demand for new tracers 2. it is something worth adding to ArmA (the game, not the training tool), and 3. your proposal is accurate and well supported. Prove to BIS that the tracers should be like this instead of that, that it is a practical change, and that there is a strong consensus within the community, and I'm sure BIS would try to find time to do it.

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Those VBS2 tracers look so realistic, especially evident in the AAR portion of the video, that I almost feel sick to my stomach.

These are the tracers that OFP should have had LONG AGO. I refuse to buy VBS2 for something that OFP should have had.

And no Chinook I've ever heard sounded like that. Sounds like the tail rotor of an OH-58 is mixed in.

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Closing topic the same as the last topic on the subject of VBS tracers. If you want the option to disable tracers fixed then express them in the BTS system.

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